

  • I think anyone who's struggled with their weight at some point has fallen into that mentality of "well, the day's blown anyway, so what the heck?". One of the advisors in my weight loss group made an analogy that I thought was insightful and put things in perspective: "If you spend a lot of your money (or all of it)…
  • It's a relief knowing the workouts are enjoyable. For me, it takes a lot of willpower to power through workouts, so it helps if I'm enjoying myself.
  • Same here!! However, I didn't think I was unusual. Has no one seen the Biggest Loser? Many contestants have it. I've never been skinny ever, but I used to be much smaller than I am now, and until my early 20s, I had a flat stomach. However, when I gained all this extra weight, it grew into the dreaded B. Actually sometimes…
  • Hi. I just got it, but I was going out of town next week so I was going to start next Wednesday (3/21). I think we should be starting at about the same time so we could give each other support.
  • I have the Polar FT7 and yeah, it's totally comfortable. For me, I don't even feel it during my workout or have to adjust it. The only uncomfortable moment for me is when I have to wet the electrodes in the strap and then wear it, but that's just for a moment. I say go for it!
  • First off, I second the opinion that a HRM would be extremely beneficial. MFP overestimates calories burned. And you don't have to just use it until you lose the 10 lb, it provides good guidance for when you work out at any weight. After all, you want to keep the weight off :) Second, about the calories, it's a matter of…
  • The hrm is much more accurate. Sorry!!
  • I actually do subtract and I don't think it's obsessive at all. I think that being more conservative regarding your calories burned is safer. It depends on how accurate you want to be about your calorie deficit.
    in Polar FT4 Comment by mesalem March 2012
  • Salamoaleikom all. I'm Marwa, Egyptian, married with two beautiful girls (8.5 and 6 yrs). I'm currently living in NC, USA since I'm getting my PhD in Economics. BTW, I have tremendous respect for anyone who's converted to Islam, mashaAllah. I was born muslim, AHL, and I think it must have taken a lot of faith and…
  • Been there, done that!! What I find sometimes helps me is logging the foods I want to eat BEFORE eating them. That way I see all those calories on there and it helps make me aware of the amount of damage I might make. Plus, you've done an AWESOME job of losing weight, try to remember what it was like before starting your…