Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

I hope I am in the right spot....is there anybody out there currently using Jillian Michaels 90 Day transformation. I just ordered it and I was looking for fellow users to keep motivation going with my new adventure.


  • mesalem
    mesalem Posts: 10
    Hi. I just got it, but I was going out of town next week so I was going to start next Wednesday (3/21). I think we should be starting at about the same time so we could give each other support.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I just ordered it over the weekend. I hope it comes next week because I am excited to try it:bigsmile: .
  • siriusgirl
    siriusgirl Posts: 44 Member
    Please update and share your experience after you've tried it out because it looks great and is very tempting......but expensive! I'd like real opinions prior to purchasing it. Thanks and good luck!!
  • lkell13
    lkell13 Posts: 6 Member
    I started mine on Monday and am following her Kickstart program for the first week. Doing workout 1 for the first time kicked my but, but after doing it a second time I was able to keep up with her. I LOVE the workouts, and cant wait to do the next one ( which is rare because I usually do not enjoy working out). Feel free to add me and Good luck.
  • mesalem
    mesalem Posts: 10
    It's a relief knowing the workouts are enjoyable. For me, it takes a lot of willpower to power through workouts, so it helps if I'm enjoying myself.
  • lmelgar
    lmelgar Posts: 18
    Im loving her body revolution!!!! time goes by fast in all her videos. within the first few days I have lost 5 pounds. Its worth the money!
  • jamckinnon2010
    I ordered mine on 03/15, so I probably won't start until Monday, 03/26. Even though I've already ordered it, I keep watching the informercials and can't wait to get started!
  • salgalruns
    salgalruns Posts: 83 Member
    I am restarting week 5 on Monday, as I've been down sick a few too many days this week. All I can say is WOW. I had no idea I was getting as strong as I was with it. I've lost about 14 lbs in 4 weeks - nothing like what others are doing, but it's slow and steady, which I'll take ANY DAY. I also do cardio in addition to the 30 minute daily DVDs, so I'm a bit over the top. I don't burn nearly what they're predicting, but I like doing the resistance (even though I'm cursing at Jillian in my head), because I know that my body needs it, and it's strengthening muscles I didn't even know existed.

    I do love the diet portion as well - I'm finding that I'm cooking more, and then have leftovers for work! (Helps that it's just me at home most days) I'm trying things I would have never tried before, too! Healthy me!

    Friend me as well, peeps... I will try to check in here but generally just access from my phone or iPad during the day to log things.