

  • Oh my goodness...thank you all so much! I had no idea that this could happen! I was hoping it wasn't anything too is good to know I'm not the only one! And I will definitely check out the website! Thanks again!
  • I've done some of Leslie Sansone's videos before, and I have always liked them too! I actually lost weight with them a few years back (before I really needed to lose the weight, if you know what I mean). Definitely check out what Netflix has, they might have some of hers that you can send for in the mail. Glad that I could…
  • I know this wasn't directed to me, but I am so thrilled with some of the resources I have found that I am going to put my 2 cents in! I get bored very easily with exercising, so I am always looking to change it. I use the 30 day shred on days that I am really motivated, but on other days I just want exercise that is fun.…
  • My September challenge: * Keep my carbs under 20 a day * Eat at least 4 servings of low-carb veggies per day * Cut down on Diet Coke & replace with water * Try to fit exercise in around my crazy schedule * Have only one piece of cake for my birthday LOL * Lose another 8 lbs by my son's birthday on the 30th I have alot of…
  • Count me in! I am so excited already by what I have already lost and I feel FANTASTIC! We can all do this...and just think how good we will feel when those pounds are off!
  • Always looking for more buddies! Add me!:happy:
  • Thank you guys! The net carb thing definitely helped, and so did the one about the tomatoes...probably wise to think about making my garden tomatoes into salsa or something to save for later!
  • Thanks Resalyn...that made enough of a difference for me!
  • Ok LLC folks, I have a question. I have been very encouraged today because it has been super easy to stay below my calorie intake (I still have 537 available and that is including my dinner!). My issue is that, although I haven't eaten ANY sugar or any starchy carbs, my carb count is a little higher than I would like it. I…
  • Hello everyone! This is my 2nd time workign on low-carb eating, and I am hoping to have great success! I never had weight problems until I gained 65 lbs when pregnant with my son. Since I never had to worry about losing weight before, I am struggling with doing it now. When my son was about 1, I lost 20 lbs on the South…
  • Thanks, Resalyn...will do!
  • I, too, have had success in the past with low-carb, and now I am at it again. I do not have an Atkins book, but I do have the South Beach Diet book, and I think the Atkins is similar to the first phase of Atkins. What I love about the low carb thing is that it is super easy to remember what you can eat because it really…