Group LLC September Challenge!

Welcome old and new LLC members! :flowerforyou:

Here's where we're going to be keeping track of our goals for this month. Now remember, the goal for this month is one you have decided on for yourself! So log in daily to help keep everyone accountable!

As a reminder, this is to be a fun and supportive thread; any bashing or negativity will not be tolerated!

For those new to LLC, please learn more here:

Let's start the new month out with a bang tomorrow everyone!! :smile:


  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hey Everyone,

    I actually have two goals for September. The first is to exercise at least 60 minutes everyday. I have been struggling lately and it is showing or not showing on the scale. The second goal is to plan my meals. I think I am doing something wrong, eventhough I make certain to stay within my carb limit or at least close to it. Something's gotta give!!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome VJ150! :flowerforyou:

    I'm so glad you've decided to join us on the challenge! I think you've set some great goals for yourself this month! Why not let us know what your exercise plan and meals are for the day to try and keep yourself accountable?

    You can do this! :drinker:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi there, ladies! and Welcome VJ150!

    My personal goal for September is to lose 5 pounds - as I said on another thread, doesn't sound like much, but I"m losing slow and I have a week-long seminar/vacation the last week of September in Orlando - so that week will be a challenge just staying on plan! But having a goal makes it easier....

    Let's ROCK this!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    :heart: exercise 5 days week/60 minutes
    :heart: be more consistent with staying alcohol free
    :heart: stick to my high protein, high fat low carb plan....

    hopefully that will yield a 3 pound loss for the month!
  • profjan6
    Happy September All! My plan for the month is:
    keep the carbs as low as I can
    exercise at least 5 days a week
    find some new foods/recipes to satisfy low carbs and my needs and tastes
  • cyteck2000
    Hey Guys, Newbie here. Happy to be aboard.

    My Goals:
    Under 10 carbs a day
    Kick up the cardio and wieght training to 4 to 5 times a week.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello all! My challenge for September will be to:

    Stay w/in my allotted carbs for the day
    Get my junk food cravings under control
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome cyteck2000 and Chocolickkyss! :flowerforyou: And to both of you, since you're new to our challenge and both follow LC plans, you may want to check out our LLC group as well!

    Hello to all the oldies as well! :wink:

    I see some great goals in here but now I want to see some plans of attack! Remember, we're here to help keep one another accountable and to give SUPPORT!
  • asking131
    my goals are:

    To be able to jog for at least 5 minutes straight by the end of the month ( I have never been able to jog)
    To go from working out 3 days a week to 4 days a week.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bumping this to get it on my topics I will be back. Heading to grocer store now Good start folks.
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member
    Goals for September

    1. Low carb high protein all month
    2. Exercise at least five day a week 45 minutes per day
    3. At least eight glasses of water per day

    I try not to set goals for weight loss as their are to many variables. Good luck to everyone:wink:
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member
    Does anyone know of a low carb wrap that isn't loaded with sodium. I've noticed if the carbs are low the sodium goes thru the roof. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Does anyone know of a low carb wrap that isn't loaded with sodium. I've noticed if the carbs are low the sodium goes thru the roof. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Great goals Poot! :smile:

    As for the low carb wraps...look and see if you can find one called Tumaro Gourmet Tortilla. They make a whole grain, salsa and a few other flavors-the fiber and carb counts are great, they taste great and the sodium in the salsa wrap is only 125mg. :smile:
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member

    Thank you so much for the info. I just looked them up online and they have at least 200 mg less sodium than the ones i'm using now. I can't get them in my area but I can order them online. Thanks again.

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    You're welcome Debbie! I guess I'm lucky-my grocery store carries a wide variety of the Tumaro tortillas and they are considerably lower in sodium than most. I'm using the new Mission Carb Balance tortillas right now for a change of pace-the sodium is higher but since the rest of my my food is low sodium, it balances out. Where are you ordering from? I ask because I've had great luck with Great prices and quick shipping!

  • Hockey_Mom
    My September challenge:

    * Keep my carbs under 20 a day
    * Eat at least 4 servings of low-carb veggies per day
    * Cut down on Diet Coke & replace with water
    * Try to fit exercise in around my crazy schedule
    * Have only one piece of cake for my birthday LOL
    * Lose another 8 lbs by my son's birthday on the 30th

    I have alot of other goals that aren't specifically related to my diet, but are more related to general health!

    Here's to everyone having success with their September challenge!
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member
    I can order them off the Tumaro website. I have used netrition in the past also with great results.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome Hockey_Mom! :flowerforyou:

    What a great list of goals! :smile:

    Debbie-great to know that you can order straight off the Tumaro website! I'll have to keep that in mind! :smile:
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Happy September!!!!

    My September goals are to:

    Eat 20 net carbs a day
    Exercise with my DVD's at least 3 days a week
    Drink more water
    Stay away from diet pop and artificial sweeteners
