Group LLC September Challenge!



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    you wouldn't like our weather it is raining cAts and dogs. We need it so can't complain.

    For some reason i am peeing up a storm today. I hope it is some of my fat. I been really doing great on my low carbs

    Sounds like you are all doing great

    My goal for September is to lose 5 lbs. I have already lost 3 so 2 more to go.
    To eat low carbs,
    You all ar a great bunch. enjoy coming here. see you later
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Glad you are getting the much needed rain Marie! :smile:

    If you have recently added in more veggies they might be contributing to your peeing more than normal; they contain a lot of water! :laugh:

    Keep at it Marie!! You're doing great!! :bigsmile:

    And to answer your question about the surge in energy...from my personal experience, I had about 3-5 days of feeling yucky-really tired, cranky, just generally blah and then after that I was a new person! But I'm fairly certain that Atkins mentions that you should be through with that feeling and experiencing the new found energy within 2 weeks! :smile:
  • jenuwine
    ok how did I go with my goals on day 1?
    My goals for September:
    :love: Drink 8 glasses of water each day - YUP I drank at least 8 glasses, probably more like 12. filled my 750ml water bottle 5 times.
    :angry: Eat LOW carb diet everyday - not so good, mainly cause I havent doen grocery shop since back from vacation so had to eat out for all my meals of the day. Although dinner I made taco and paid spcial effort to making that low carb.
    :angry: Excercise minimum 3 days per week - havent done it yet, had parent teacher interview last night so didnt manage to find the time :-( looking very fwd to a good solid run tonight though!

    weather where I am is unpredictable, sunny and warm for 5 minutes then bucketing down in rain the next 5 mins. Thus the reason I do my work outs indoors. Really looking fwd to summer comming so I cna run outside with my dog, and on the beach. Sunshine makes me so much more happier.
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Savery - boy, you'd kill for the weather we are having in Iowa - it's been in the 70s every day - this morning it was a chilly 42 degrees! Just last week we were in the 90s - it's like we went straight from summer to winter almost - at least it feels that way! Time to get the sweaters out!

    I'm back on track with my goals, but need to re-read them to reinforce them in my brain... I'll be back later!

    That is what happened in Michigan too....didn't get any higher than 60 today. Supposed to warm up over the next couple of least to mid 70's.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hi Everyone,
    This has been a wild week for me and unfortunately I haven't exercised but one day this week. I have to get re-focused - in a hurry. I have a goal I would like to attain before November 5. I know I will be disappointed with myself if I don't come close to it. So I must work harder at my daily routine of keeping my net carbs below 25 and exercise everyday!!!:bigsmile:
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453

    So how did everyone's first day of the month go??

    My first day was okay. I haven't planned meals yet, but I did get my veggies in today and stayed under 20 net carbs.

    WTG, VJ150? Have you decided how often you are going to weigh yourself? I am a scale addict, so I try to hold myself to one official weigh in a week - but I must admit I sometimes peak at the scale to see how things are going....

    I tell myself often to ignore the scale because it is NOT MY FRIEND!!! However, I too peak throughout the week to make sure I haven't gained any. Officially, I weigh on Sunday mornings. The scale isn't moving much, but I know I am loosing inches. Yesterday, I was able to WEAR a pair of pants that I haven't been able to get into in YEARS!!! At one point I couldn't get them over my hips. But yesterday, I was STRUTTING!!! I didn't tell anyone about my accomplishment but I was extremely happy all day. It was like I had a little secret all to myself. :wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    What a evening and night we had here in texas.Tornados everywhere. our town did not get hit. but oh those sirens and the newscasters kept us wondeing. But all is well this morning. I have an doctor appt. this morning so will keep this short.

    I had a good day yesteday food wise. Hope to do enen better today.Keep my calories to 20. I don't count my salad vegegies.
    T think they even out.
    Goog day to you all and be Happy. Marie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Thursday LLCers! :flowerforyou:

    Glad to hear your town didn't get hit Marie!!! That's so scary! I couldn't imagine living where tornadoes hit! Great job staying on plan! :heart:

    We all have those weeks VJ150! That was me last week-didn't exercise at all! You can do it! And strut your stuff woman!! :bigsmile: GREAT job getting back into those pants!

    I finally got some exercise in last night-did 37 minutes on my exercise bike; got in 9 miles. I really think, no, actually I know, that my lack of exercise for a week and a half, is the reason I've been so sore and stiff feeling throughout my body. I definitely feel a bit better today which means I'll want to exercise again tonight. I just need to figure out what I want to do! I have lots of DVDs I really enjoy but I HATE doing them when my hubby is home because he teases me SO much!! He just thinks they're cheesy etc etc but I just get so embarrassed! Anyone else have this problem?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Got back in the saddle again yesterday after my extended labor day weekend...

    Tuesday: 35 minute walk with Dog
    Wednesday: 91 minutes CrossFit & walking the dog

    Today my personal trainer had to cancel, so taking a leisurely morning, but going to do 4 x 400 m sprints/40-30-20-10 sit ups/practice handstands, walk the dog and do a full cleaning of my mansion :laugh:

    As for hubby - ask him if he would like it better if your *kitten* spreads - and to go make himself useful and clean up the garage or something. I used to get embarrassed until I asked him to try it out with me and learned I could do twice as many push ups, and crush him in sit ups.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    As for hubby - ask him if he would like it better if your *kitten* spreads - and to go make himself useful and clean up the garage or something. I used to get embarrassed until I asked him to try it out with me and learned I could do twice as many push ups, and crush him in sit ups.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    LOVE IT! He won't do the DVDs with me for sure but I can con him into walking with me outside when I do that. Otherwise I give him a nasty look and tell him I'm putting in his favorite DVD and he better either put in his headphones or go work on the back porch!

    GREAT job with your workouts!!!!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    I am new to Sparkpeople, but I was reading some of the posts and saw where you like Leslie Sansones tapes. I love them as well. I walk at a park near my home on good weather days, but when it is raining or in the winter time, I do the Walk away the pounds dvds. They are great. I bought the advanced dvd which has the option of doing 3 to 5 miles and is supposed to be equivalent to doing a 4.0 mile an hour mile which is pretty brisk.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    I definitely feel a bit better today which means I'll want to exercise again tonight. I just need to figure out what I want to do! I have lots of DVDs I really enjoy but I HATE doing them when my hubby is home because he teases me SO much!! He just thinks they're cheesy etc etc but I just get so embarrassed! Anyone else have this problem?

    Saverys_gal I truly understand about being embarrassed!! I didn't not like exercising in front of other people, including family. But now I it doesn't bother me. I'll tell anyone to join me because I would love an exercise partner to help keep me motivated and accountable.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Glad you guys understand!! But what's funny is that I was embarrassed 70 pounds ago and am embarrassed still 70 pounds lighter and lighter and fitter even then some of the gals in my DVDs! :blushing: I think it's just because he teases me so much and I lose my focus that it makes me not want to do the DVDs with him around-whereas I'm fine hopping on my bike or going outside walking with him around.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Looks like i will have to dropped out for I went to my Kidney doctor this morning and my kidney count has jump back up and going to really have to lower my protein. I don't know what kind of diet I should be follering. Do anybody has a clue,. a good diet to follow. I will be surfing the web to see what i can find out. Marie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member

    Did you talk to your kidney doctor about any particular diets that you could follow? How low do you need to keep your protein? Any low carb plan will probably be out since it does require a much higher protein intake.

    Even if you do have to go off of low carb eating I hope you'll stick around as I know we all love having you here!! :flowerforyou:

    If your doctor hasn't advised you on how to eat...what about just sensible eating? You already know that veggies and fruits are your friends! Instead of eating white breads, pastas and rice substitute them for wheat versions and brown rice, instead of a potato, eat a sweet potato. Cut out any processed junk that you may eat. Remember to exercise portion control. Keep utilizing MFP and log what you eat. MOVE! Exercise is a big part to losing weight.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Saverys_gal. Thanks as us udally you always have a kind word to say. I went to the Kidney foundation web site. and they recomend to called the doctor and get a ferral to a dietican trained in kidney problem. So that is what I will do tomorrow. Will keep you informed.
  • jenuwine
    Thats exsactly why I havent bought any DVD workouts, I too would feel embarrased doing them with hubby home. I've got the treadmil set up in the other room and everyone knows to stay away when Im in there. Its my me time. I also am going to give Bikram yoga a shot tomorrow and am very excited. Has anyone tried it before? I'd love to hear what you thought.

    ok how did I go with my goals on day 2?
    My goals for September:
    :love: Drink 8 glasses of water each day - YUP well and truely did this one again. I had about 3ltrs
    :wink: Eat LOW carb diet everyday - not 100%, still hadnt done the grocery shop since back from vacation but I did make an effort, stayed within my calorie limits and did the shopping so am stocked up today! also had a delicious taco salad for dinner using left overs YUM!!!
    :love: Excercise minimum 3 days per week -got on the treadmil and did 4kms/30mins and a bunch of various crunches. Felt great!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Oh Marie, sorry to hear this...
    I'm not familiar with any particular diet, but I do know limiting protein to 40g to 50g per day is recommended. The protein should high quality lean meat, fish, poultry, and eggs are good sources of high quality protein. A multiple vitamin with folic acid is also recommended.
    It is important when following this type of diet you get calories from carbohydrates and fats. This keeps the body from using protein calories for energy. Of course, sodium, including table salt will be restricted. Viable replacements for salt is, garlic, herbs, vinegar, onions. Salt substitutes should not be used because they contain potassium, which in kidney affected people can harm the heart.

    I do hope you will keep up with us!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Thats exsactly why I havent bought any DVD workouts, I too would feel embarrased doing them with hubby home. I've got the treadmil set up in the other room and everyone knows to stay away when Im in there. Its my me time. I also am going to give Bikram yoga a shot tomorrow and am very excited. Has anyone tried it before? I'd love to hear what you thought.

    ok how did I go with my goals on day 2?
    My goals for September:
    :love: Drink 8 glasses of water each day - YUP well and truely did this one again. I had about 3ltrs
    :wink: Eat LOW carb diet everyday - not 100%, still hadnt done the grocery shop since back from vacation but I did make an effort, stayed within my calorie limits and did the shopping so am stocked up today! also had a delicious taco salad for dinner using left overs YUM!!!
    :love: Excercise minimum 3 days per week -got on the treadmil and did 4kms/30mins and a bunch of various crunches. Felt great!

    I did Bikram.. umm... all it achieved for me was severe dehydration, headaches & nausea, and unless you are planning to do this type of activity more than 3 times weekly, you will not see any real results to your body composition - it is great for flexibility and overall, yoga is great for improving one's core strength. Now before anyone pipes up that gymnasts or their yoga instructor looks phenomenal, remember these individuals are doing this for 3-5 hours a day, not the 2-3 hours of exercise A WEEK you may be able to devote...
    If you are prepared to go forth with Bikram... HYDRATE.. 1.5 liters at least 45 minutes prior to class, hydrate during class (at my studio they told you when to drink, between asana's) and after class make sure you get potassium... so coconut water is very high in potassium and is usually sold at the studio - cantaloupe is also very high in potassium, bring some to eat after - be sure you get something in you as you cool down. I would get the shakes and then the bends if I didn't eat/hydrate sufficiently. Oh, and alcohol the night before is not recommended.

    I suppose if you were willing to spend 5-6 hours a day on physical activity, then yes, exclusively doing yoga could get you ripped.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Oh my! mojogurl-I've done some yoga in my life...but is Bikram yoga basically "hot" yoga- yoga practiced in a hot room? I've always stuck with the more "traditional" yoga and enjoyed the heck out of it. Even if I can only devote an hour a week to it, it gives you so much more flexibility!
    Well, I did one of my DVDs today and got about halfway through it before my hubby came home-I said hello to him through my sweat and kicks and knee lifts and just kept sweating away! I really didn't want to ruin my good workout!!

    @ Marie: I'm glad you found some help via the kidney foundation website. Going to a dietitian that specializes in particular problems should help you out immensely! I hope you get it all sorted out soon and come back to us so we know what's going on!

    @mojo: WTG sticking with those goals!!! :bigsmile:

    Me? I did 48 minutes tonight-38 of my DVD and 10 on the exercise bike and I ate an apple and yogurt today. Yum! I truly wish I had more time to devote to exercise...but getting in what I did this evening was a miracle! I guess so long as I move at all, that's the most important thing!