Group LLC September Challenge!



  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    My weekend Goal :

    1.) Double my water intake i want to get in over 60 oz in daily

    2.) Get out with my kids to a park and play some Ball

    3.) Eat Lc all weekend and not give up

    *** I will post my weekly goal on Monday! I hope everyone has a great weekend :smile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Saverys_gal. Thanks as us udally you always have a kind word to say. I went to the Kidney foundation web site. and they recomend to called the doctor and get a ferral to a dietican trained in kidney problem. So that is what I will do tomorrow. Will keep you informed.

    Marie, that's a real bummer - the dietician should have great info for you - don't stop posting here just cuz you gotta eat a different way than we do! We would miss you terribly! Keep us posted how it goes.....
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I have one goal and one goal only - I may be going to a baby shower - and the food is going to be a pasta bar! So I'll definitely eat beforehand and stay away from the pasta.

    My goal:

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: <<<<this is you tammietifanie! LOL. I chug water all day long...right now I'm working on cup #13 so I'm already over 100ozs. and it's only 2:30. Keep drinking girl!!

    PASTA!!! :devil: You can do it resalyn!!!!!! When is the shower?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Resalyn. You all are so upbeat. And I love all of your great friendship/ I talk to my doctor nurse and they told me to follow along on the Kidney foundations web site till I come in again in 2 months And see how things look then. But ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh does it has a lot of carbs. I know the bacon and cheese was way too much for me..Sodium wise. I really have to watch my sodium. intake.
    I am off for a short walk.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sorry I posted this on the wrong thread. Trying to post on the Senior thread.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hi Marie!

    I just took a peek at the Kidney Foundation website and yes, it does appear you need more carbs!!! That's OK! I'll do some digging later but I didn't see anything telling you to eat WHITE carbs. So unless you are advised to do so or you find that you should be eating those white, starchy advice would be to go ahead and start eating the carbs as recommended but instead chose whole wheats and grains as they are digested slower by the body. Just remember to always pick your good carbs and not cream and chips! :laugh: We are all here for you!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Thanks. I know I am going to gain a ton.Till I get this diet stablizeBeleive it or not my blood sugar is not doing too bad.But I am spacing my food out. I will keep reading and eatingSee you later
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    Over 100 oz your going to float away lol... Do you have a big water bottle that you carry around? I need to get one i have one now that holds about 6 cups, I just need to remember to fill it a few times a day! Im going to push myself hard today to get all my water in plus some.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and finishing their goals
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I have a 25oz. aluminum bottle at work that I make sure I get up and refill several times during the day. And yes, I do float away! :drinker:

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    My goals this week are to:

    Eat low carb
    Drink lots of water....:drinker:
    And exercise with my hula hoop I just bought :happy:

    Hugs all,
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    The hula hoop sounds like fun!! Did you get one of the new types that are weighted?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Cclette Plans sound great.,Have fun on that hoola hoop I never learn how to do that. I feel like I need to , to losnding my baclk.

    My goals for today 9/12/2010 , is to increase my carbs ( per kidney diet. )

    Breakfast: Went to Dennys 1 pancake with syrup a pat of butter Bpwl of fruit/

    Snack 1 thick sl of white toast, 1 T. of cream cheese

    Dinner, . salad with 2 oz. of chicken. 1/2 c corn 1/2 chopped tomatoes ( small ),avocado

    Snack---- apples, pretezel

    I am skipping lunch for we had breakfast late.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

    I have got to keep one eye open on my calories Snice i am increasing my carbs
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    My week challenge is

    1.) No more Crystal Light in my Water :cry:

    2.) Stick to Lc eating 100%

    3.) Change up my workouts
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Good morning LLCers! :smile:

    Sounds like things are moving in the right direction Marie! I'm so happy for you! :drinker:

    @ tammietifanie: great goals!! But why are you giving up Crystal Light? And I'm with you on changing up the workouts!

    Okay so my goals this week:

    :drinker: Cut my fruit and yogurt back to every other day

    :drinker: Continue with some kick butt workouts at least every other day!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Saverys_Gal: Im giving up Crystal Light cause it has aspartame in it and im starting to have headaches all the time and i think if i stop using it i'll be able to reduce my headaches. Also Aspartame causes weight gain which is the last thing i want right now
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    The hula hoop sounds like fun!! Did you get one of the new types that are weighted?

    Nope...just a cheap department store kind in the toy It will have to do until I get the one by Marissa Torme. She has a nice weighted hoop along with a DVD. The cheap one I can practice with to get my groove Just keeping it to rotate for more than 2 seconds is going to be a trick...:laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning challenger for me . A whole new ball game. for me. The reason I can't have whole wheat is the phosphorus, I have to watch that along with a couple of other things. Thanks for letting me post here with you girls. It help to have someone to take to. But I do not want to confused anyone with my diet. I am doing fine. My energy levels seems to be up some, Phosphoris Is what I need to watch

    My challenge today is to exercise more
    Stick to my plan as I understand it
    No diet colas
    No dairy products no milk or yogurt
    No wheat products
    Used white bread
    and the list goes on.

    What kind od teas do you drink Saverys_gal?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning challenger for me . A whole new ball game. for me. The reason I can't have whole wheat is the phosphorus, I have to watch that along with a couple of other things. Thanks for letting me post here with you girls. It help to have someone to take to. But I do not want to confused anyone with my diet. I am doing fine. My energy levels seems to be up some, Phosphoris Is what I need to watch

    My challenge today is to exercise more
    Stick to my plan as I understand it
    No diet colas
    No dairy products no milk or yogurt
    No wheat products
    Used white bread
    and the list goes on.

    What kind od teas do you drink Saverys_gal?
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Saverys_Gal: Im giving up Crystal Light cause it has aspartame in it and im starting to have headaches all the time and i think if i stop using it i'll be able to reduce my headaches. Also Aspartame causes weight gain which is the last thing i want right now

    There is a lot wrong with aspartame. Headaches are one of the symptoms of using it. I gave up drinking crystal light type drinks a few weeks ago. It can stall your loss. I am staying away from chemical type sweeteners and using the natural ones. Splenda is not a natural sweetener. I have stopped using that, because when its made, they use chlorine I think, besides it was not helping me in the weight loss area. I don't want anymore chemicals in my body that don't need to be there. For me, eating LC is a gift of health I am giving myself, and if I can make it as chemically (meaning additive) free as possible then that is what I am going to do. I have been reading lots on proper nutrition and the way the FDA has it is bullocks!! The FDA just wants us to get fatter so we get sick and big pharma can push its addictive drugs on us that don't heal, but instead hurt or kill. Proper holistic nutrition is the best!!!