Group LLC September Challenge!



  • ColetteDuchnowski
    I use a big 32 oz jug I bought when I used to go to weight watchers a couple of years ago. Fill that up a couple times a day and I am good to go. I also fill up a 20 oz bottle or two that I take with me when I go away.


    Over 100 oz your going to float away lol... Do you have a big water bottle that you carry around? I need to get one i have one now that holds about 6 cups, I just need to remember to fill it a few times a day! Im going to push myself hard today to get all my water in plus some.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and finishing their goals
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    After reading this i will never touch anything that has Aspartame in it again!!!!! Im also trying to keep my children away from it also.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Man, a girl goes to eat her greens for lunch and y'all all come on here to talk! :smile:

    @ Marie: I'm SO glad you're doing well with the new kidney diet! I don't care at all if you're not eating LC-stay here with us so we can all support each other!! :flowerforyou: You've got great goals set for this week!!

    @ Colette: I forget what magazine I picked up last month that had Marissa Tomei in it demonstrating her hula hoop workout. It sounds like a lot of fun though and I bet when you work up to doing the one with the weights is even more kick butt!!

    @ tammietifanie: I had figured that was why you were giving up Crystal Light but I wanted to be sure! I've always hated the taste of aspartame, so Crystal Light is the only thing I ever use that has it in it...and I rarely use CL.

    As far as artificial sweeteners: there are a LOT of people out there that have headaches and migraines brought on by them so it's definitely worth cutting it out of your diet to see if it helps!
    As you guys may remember, I went Splenda (sucralose) free about 2 weeks ago. Now here's the kicker:

    I thought I was doing GREAT! I enjoy the taste of the Stevia. I stopped eating my Atkins bars and pretty much all bars with sugar alcohols. I gave up sugar free ice cream. In short, I gave up everything that I had been eating for the past year that was sugar free. Well, last weekend I got to looking at some of my foods a little more in depth...
    Mission Carb Balance Tortillas have sucralose
    Hood Calorie Coutndown uses sucralose
    Pop Secret Kettlecorn has sucralose
    The first 2 are things I use VERY frequently. Now the milk was a big DUH moment because it says Splenda right on the front. My dilemma with this is that real milk has got way too much real sugar and carbs. I hate almond milk. I started looking at soy milk over the weekend: 8th Continent has sucralose in it. The Silk Soy I've had before and didn't really like but it doesn't have sucralose. So now what?
    The tortillas shouldn't be a problem because I think the ones I was using before by Tumaro don't have it in them but still...a freaking tortilla has SPLENDA?!?! :noway:
    I get that popcorn might have some sweetener in it...but when you look at the nutrition and see "0 sugar" and "0 sugar alcohol" I just kind of assume I'm safe.
    Well not any more!!

    Sorry for the vent ladies...that just really peeved me. So since I discovered all this I said screw it, I'm finishing off my supply of Atkins bars and I'm eating my damn tortillas and drinking my milk since I've already paid for the crap. I'll be looking for alternatives when they're gone!

    It's just maddening to see how many products contain sucralose, but you'd never know unless you really scrutinize your food labels!! :grumble:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I think im going to float away :laugh: im already on my 15th cup of water and it's only 2pm !!!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    How is everyone doing with their challenges this week?

    @ tammie: Girl, you're going to float away with me!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: I feel like im about to float away!! I had so much water yesterday but wow did it feel great! It's so hard now with the weather cooling down i don't crave water as much so now i really have to push myself to drink more of it. I got in about 17 cups yesterday! My goal is to keep drinking around 15-17 cups a day :drinker:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I feel so much better when I drink all my water! How are you drinking it-cold, with ice, room temp? I drink mine at room temp all day long-that keeps me drinking it all day, plus I can't drink it ice cold with it getting cooler out! I only drink it cold when I'm parched or right after a workout! :drinker: :drinker:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I have one of those Brita's water Pitchers in my frig that i refill all day long so at first my water is ice cold but by the time i finish my water bottle it's at room temp. I love cold water first thing in the morning and then after working out but during the day i need it at room temp. Yesterday was my first day not adding crystal light to my water and boy was that hard! I added lime to it but it wasn't the same :frown:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I used Crystal Light at the beginning but after a month or two it just started to taste way too sweet to me, so now I drink it on occasion when I'm tired of plain water and tea. What about adding some fresh squeezed orange into your water to zest it up some??
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I haven't tried Orange yet! I'll have to remember that!!!

    Good morning ladies! I got all my water in yesterday and changed up my workouts which felt so good! This week is going to be tough since i have inlaws coming down and a wedding on saturday! My mini challenge for the weekend is to not go over board at the wedding!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I am back with you girls on this low carb diet. I just got back from my diabetic doctor and she put me on a low carb diet , She gave me a list of foods. lots of veggies and fruit but not much carb. well it was fun while it lasted.But my blood sugar went off the map.

    So here is my plan for supper

    2 oz of grilled chicken
    2 cups of brocolli
    1/2 c brown rice.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member

    So how are you supposed to keep both the kidney and blood sugar levels happy?? I hope you can find a good balance soon!
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    I feel so much better when I drink all my water! How are you drinking it-cold, with ice, room temp? I drink mine at room temp all day long-that keeps me drinking it all day, plus I can't drink it ice cold with it getting cooler out! I only drink it cold when I'm parched or right after a workout! :drinker: :drinker:

    I usually drink my water room temp. I did the drink mixes but I felt that was slowing down my weight loss (carbs from splenda). So, now I drink regular water and may put in some lemon at times.

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I feel so much better when I drink all my water! How are you drinking it-cold, with ice, room temp? I drink mine at room temp all day long-that keeps me drinking it all day, plus I can't drink it ice cold with it getting cooler out! I only drink it cold when I'm parched or right after a workout! :drinker: :drinker:

    I usually drink my water room temp. I did the drink mixes but I felt that was slowing down my weight loss (carbs from splenda). So, now I drink regular water and may put in some lemon at times.


    Glad to know I'm not the only one who drinks their water at room temp! It grosses my hubby out so much! :laugh:

    So let's see...we can put lemon and lime in our water...I think a squeeze of orange wouldn't hurt it. Maybe slicing up other fresh fruit and popping it in? I know some people do mint but that doesn't work for me.

    Ideas anyone?

    How is everyone doing on their goals??

    My exercise is going great! Trying to keep the pattern up! And I'm mixing it up more than I ever thought I could do! I upgraded my 2lb. handweights for 5lb. ones!! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi guys,
    we have a beautiful day here in Texas. Kinda of warm tho. but fall is just around the corner.

    My goal for today is to eat within my list doctor gave me yesterday. Keep a better record of my blood sugar and my insulin..

    Breakfast ---- 1 sl toast. 2 T. whipped cream cheese. 1 t of sugar free apricot jello. small dish of fresh fruit.

    Lunch 2 oz of tuna. 1 small tomatoe. 1 c of brocolli 10 cherries

    Dinner---- 2 oz of lean meat 1 c of veggies, 1.2 c brown rice., baked apples

    Snacks Rice cakes, tea,
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all good to see you all kickin butt on your challenges!!!!!!!!!!! I personally have been busy busy busy, but I have been eating well and doing my thing. 5 lbs lost this week!

    My goals now are to get my

    ~my water in
    ~workout everyday :)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Great goals Marie & sassie! :smile:

    What type of workouts are you going to do sass?

    Where are the rest of you ladies?? Don't make me hunt you down!! :laugh:

    September is already halfway over! Let's keep going strong! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    My challenge today is to do a good deed today to make someone else happy. Will list them in the morning. Marie

    Have a good day. BE jOLLY BY GOLLY.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    What a wonderful goal Marie!!! :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My goals from yesterday

    :heart: Called an old friend that I haven't talk to in a year. so nice to hear from her.

    :heart: cooked my husband chicken fry steak dinner ( his faverie)t:heart:

    My gradtitude for today

    :heart: For my preciouse family

    :heart: for Mfp friends.for being here when I need them

    :heart: For my health

    :heart: Have a wonderful day all.