Group LLC September Challenge!



  • profjan6
    Ooops, i didn't do too well yesterday. The first day of the month!! I went back to work and ran around after, and then made more excuses not to eat correctly. Ok, I confess. It was a delicious meal of Chinese food. So, I will get back to it today and I'm sure I'll do better.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Monday 60 minutes CrossFit
    Tuesday - DAY OF REST
    Wednesday - 75 minutes CrossFit
    Thursday - 60 minutes Personal Trainer
    I leave this afternoon for my weekend in Vermont with the in-laws. I'm going to be bringing my sneakers so I can (cross your fingers) go running. My ankle tendons, soleus and extensors have been aching for 2 weeks, so I haven't been able to run lately - hoping I can while I'm there.

    As for staying alcohol free - uhhhhhh:embarassed: I had a bottle of red last night!

    How is everyone doing?
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Ooops, i didn't do too well yesterday. The first day of the month!! I went back to work and ran around after, and then made more excuses not to eat correctly. Ok, I confess. It was a delicious meal of Chinese food. So, I will get back to it today and I'm sure I'll do better.

    Back on the wagon - you can do it! :happy:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Great job checking in guys! Don't make me round up those of you who haven't! :laugh:

    profjan- it's ok! Hop back on the wagon today!! We're all here for you!

    Yes, nuts are the :devil: :devil: :devil: ! I sat down and demolished a can earlier this week. :embarassed:
    As far as beans, I do think you start adding back in certain ones in Phase 2 but I'll have to check.

    Kick butt plan mojo!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    And hey, sometimes that bottle just calls your name!

    As I said in my post last night, I got myself all off track by eating pizza and ice cream. Now it was super good but god am I paying for it today-eating that crazy amount of carbs just tears my acid reflux to hell and back. Plus I am SO bloated; combo of carbs and TOM.

    For those new to Atkins..this is why I cheat so rarely. My body really likes eating how Atkins is set up and when I go off plan my body pays me back for it! So while I do FULLY support a cheat day or a cheat meal because they help keep us going, I think it's wise to expect repercussions! And trust me, the scale will NOT be your friend the next day. Mine has just done nothing but jump this week...:grumble:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    For those wanting to know about BEANS! :blushing:

    Taken directly from the Atkins website, here are the approved legumes starting in Phase 3:

    Legumes* Serving Size Net Carbs

    Black Beans ½ cup 12.9
    Chickpeas ½ cup 16.2
    Great Northern Beans ½ cup 12.5
    Kidney Beans ½ cup 11.6
    Lentils ½ cup 12.1
    Lima Beans ½ cup 14.2
    Navy Beans ½ cup 18.1
    Pinto Beans ½ cup 11.0
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    That sucks that you can't double major if it's something you want to do! Doesn't sound right at all to me. But that's so great that you want more knowledge under your belt!

    Great job on your food and doing some "shoppercizing!" :smile:


    Shoppercizing??? I love that!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    September 2,2010:heart::heart: :heart: CHALENGE

    :heart: eggs,cheese,veggie 2 glass of water

    :heart: lunch: Chili and 1 low carb tortilla cheese and onions2 glass of water

    :heart: Grilled salmon, steam brocolli, salad, Tea., SF jello

    :heart: snacks none carbs food or drinks

    :heart: :heart: Get some exerxise in.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    LOL @ Colette! Gotta love shoppercizing! I plan on doing that a few times this week! :laugh:

    Great plan Marie!! Foods all look yummy and great idea to get out there and walk it out!

    A word of caution though...beware the low carb wraps! I only say this because they are not approved for Induction, at least not on the old Atkins plan. I've not read the new Atkins book that you have, so that may have changed, but with the old plan grains were not added back until Phase 3. :drinker:
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey LLC ladies and gent.... I have been lurking and sort of keeping up with the thread.
    You are all doing great!!!!

    Another idea for your wraps..... try making the egg white crepes to wrap your filling in. You can add different spices to the egg whites for flavor.

    I still wrap alot of things in lettuce leafs... yep, I am a lazy girl
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    HAMMBONE!!!!!!!! How are ya girlie? Still goin strong, I see! I'm so glad you came over here and posted - it's good to "see" you!

    How are the girls over on the KK threads? Chris, Kim, Stacey?
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Last night I didn't get the total 60 workout in, but I did get 22 minutes. Tonight things will be better.

    Breakfast - Atkins Chocolate Shake and Caramel Chocolate Peanut Nougat Bar
    AM Snack - Atkins Caramel Chocolate Peanut Nougat Bar
    Lunch - Member's Mark Chicken Breast, Hawaiian Punch Polar Blast
    Dinner - Salmon and Salad

    Workout - Billy Blanks Boot Camp

    Does anyone have any ideas for alternative breakfast food - something easy. I don't like eggs. On a normal day I'll have a MIM with cream cheese and bacon. This morning got away from me and I only had the shake and bar. Any suggestions would be great.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Heu Hambonw how is the weather up there in North Texas So glad you drop in. hope you make a habbit of I am still going to too many doctors. i should have took my new atkins book this morning.I have never try atkins, you know who turned me off of it. But finding Resalyn gave me a whole new outlook on it.. Be looking for you again soon. Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Its has been a slow afternoon around here
    I have been reading my book this aftternoon. But still I lot I don't understand. Here is some question I have
    For phrase 1( inductions )
    MIlk.? couldn't fine anything on it.
    i read about the greek yogurt and looks like it is a NO NO
    NO BREAD OF ANY kind I read over some of the menu in the back of the book and will go by it. It is pretty simply So will make out a menu for a week and make my shopping list out from it. This is a challenge in itself for me.
    Do you guys eat Echard sausage. I remember my daughter eating it along with a salad. But awful greasy. I would love some sourkraft and sausage.

    I did not get around to making my chili but will in the morning..

    I bought some of those little peppers that comes in red orange and yellow, about 1 1/2 inch long. wash them and cut in half and stuff with Turkey sausage I was fair but needed something Baked for 25 minutes
    I have some left overs will have them with my eggs in the morning. I think I needed a sauce to dip them in. Any Ideal. maybe just taco sauce

    Savery_gal thanks for the tip on tortilla.See you all tomorrow.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Great job VJ150! As far as breakfast food going, I know caliecat suggested that we all try and add some new breakfast foods to the list because eggs get OLD! However, after really looking, eggs, MIMs and protein shakes/bars seem to be the breakfast option. However, remember, there's nothing that says you can't do steak and eggs or chicken or something different for breakfast. Hey, we eat breakfast for dinner sometimes! At least I do. :laugh:

    Marie- during're going to eat pretty much protein (chicken, seafood and beef), eggs, certain cheeses, and mostly veggies (the majority of which are GREEN!). No GRAINS at ALL-no bread, no potatoes, no starchy anything, no chocolate, no alcohol. Yogurt is out of the picture for a while too-it's high sugar, high carb.

    Milk- now, you can't use any of your normal milks like whole, 2% or skim because they are like yogurt-high carb and high sugar. However, if you like milk ( I DO!!!) try looking into alternatives such as unsweetened soy milk and unsweetened almond milk-carefully check the nutrition label for your sugar and carb count before trying it though! If you get out a lot and are willing to looking, there IS a low carb milk out there! It's called Hood Calorie Countdown Milk; they make a regular milk and a chocolate milk. Both taste phenomenal and are under 5 net carbs a cup!

    I hope this helps you out a bit Marie!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey, hey, hey LOSERS!!!! How is everyone this morning?
    I am liking your thread so if your thread is open to newcomers, I would like to come aboard. My starting weight is 205.5.

    I actually think I have the Atkins book stashed away somewhere at home. I cleaned out alot of stuff cause I think I own almost every diet plan ever written... LOL

    I think due to Atkins being based on net carbs, I bet I can do it. I can't do the low carb where actual is carb count is 20 or under. I tried again and my B/P dropped low again. Really frustrating!!!!

    I will have to read as I might have to skip the induction part of Atkins but WHOOP WHOOP I have a plan.
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Res, I have no idea where Chris and Kim went. They disappeared and have not responded to any emails. I have sent them personal emails and no response so not sure what is up. Stacey is still going strong. She is down to 209!!!! She has lost over 70 lbs. She posted Dr's have found a mass in her abdomen so waiting to hear the results of the tests. I pray it is a benign mass. Bless her heart, she is working so hard to get healthy and now being hit with health issues.
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Is most of the group following Atkins?
    Is most of the group in phase 2?

    Calie, I know you are starting phase 1.

    Breakfast ideas???? Wow, I eat running so I generally grab a protein shake... LOL, did I mention I am a bit lazy????
    I do agree with Savry's gal though, if I can eat it for supper, I can eat it for breakfast!!! So how about some fajita meat in lettuce wraps???

    I like to make those egg, sausage, cheese muffins and freeze. Grab in the morning, pop in microwave while I am getting ready for work and grab on the way out the door.

    Hmmm, I eat way tooo much in the car!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good morning all,

    Saverys_gal I am going to put Dancing to the olders on and have a dance with you. Congratulations on the size 8. I never will forget when i went to WW in 1969 and reach my goal i had spy a little white dress at Momtomery wards in size 10 . and I went back and tried it on and it fit.But I was a lot younger and the weight. i . came off quickly I average 10 lbs a month. Not the case now as I got older.

    Hammbone , so happy you are joing us. Nice and cool here in Texas this morning. Any one else from Texas? Yes lets do it this time. With the help of these girls.We can. I am having peoblems learning this plan but I think i Am getting the hange of it. I am not going to worry too much about the lbs. just conetrait on my foods

    Now to get to my daily Challenge:

    :heart: Yes terday I did get my exercise in.:heart:
    :heart: I did drink my 8 glasses of water:heart:
    :heart: now my eating Was mostly on track I had a low blood sugar of 57. Talk about being woozie I was. I had a cup of greek yogurt and it brought it up.. I think I took to much insulin. But I am proud od me for normaly I would hit the cookies,candy or some o fruit:heart: Today I am looking for a better day. I am learn something new every day.

    My plan of atack today is
    :heart: 8 glasses of water
    :heart: Breakfast mini stuff peppers
    :heart: lunch: cold plate !/2 c cucomers. some cream cheese some ham bell peppers
    :heart: Dinner grilled chicken with bell peppers, onions, Brocolli
    :heart: snacks will be all zero net carbs

    :heart: :heart: get my dvd out and have a dance for Saverys_gal

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hey hammbone!! I don't think I've extended my welcome yet! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    You are already in the challenge! Now we also have a separate thread going that's just a low carb group that you can hop on into as well!

    Those of us that are posting regularly are following Atkins; profjan and mojogurl I believe you two just follow a lower carb eating plan? The rest I'm not sure about. I think the majority are in Phase 1-like calie, resalyn, tammietifanie (I believe she is restarting induction to jump start weight loss again), ccduch are you still in induction? VJ150 I know you've been going at Atkins a while, are you still doing induction or have you transitioned over to OWL? I'm sure I've missed a few-sorry guys! Myself, I'm in Phase 3.

    I'm also lazy with breakfast and drink a protein shake almost every morning!! How do you make egg, sausage & cheese muffins?? That sounds like something
  • profjan6
    I follow a low carb eating plan. Seems to work best for me. I am really enjoying some of the ideas I read about here and appreciate all of you and your input! A wonderful weekend to all!