Group LLC September Challenge!



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy September Colette! Great goals! What workout DVDs will you be using? I have a handful that I use, but I'm always searching for something new. :smile:
  • Hockey_Mom
    Happy September Colette! Great goals! What workout DVDs will you be using? I have a handful that I use, but I'm always searching for something new. :smile:

    I know this wasn't directed to me, but I am so thrilled with some of the resources I have found that I am going to put my 2 cents in! I get bored very easily with exercising, so I am always looking to change it. I use the 30 day shred on days that I am really motivated, but on other days I just want exercise that is fun. has a section of workout videos that I really like. Most of them are short (10 min), so I either fit in my workouts in 10 minute segments throughout my day or do a few different ones at a time. has a bunch of free full-length workout videos too. You can download them if you want to pay, but there are some really good ones to watch for free. In addition to this, I have Netflix, and there are a ton of workout videos that you can stream instantly to your computer. You can order them by mail, too, but I save my mail orders for movies that I want to watch. Between all these things, I could probably do a different workout every day for six months!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Thanks for sharing Hockey_Mom! You should always throw you 2 cents in! :bigsmile: You know, I have had Netflix for months and have never even looked at the workout DVDs! I need to do that this weekend and see what I can find! Great idea for sounds like a great way to break up a boring routine!
    I personally :heart: :heart: :heart: Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds series...I just can't say enough good about her DVDs!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    [/quote Oops another one. I am sorry I don't know what I am doing. Trying to rush things too much. OK I am going to go sit down and read my book and get my nerves settle down.
  • Hockey_Mom
    Thanks for sharing Hockey_Mom! You should always throw you 2 cents in! :bigsmile: You know, I have had Netflix for months and have never even looked at the workout DVDs! I need to do that this weekend and see what I can find! Great idea for sounds like a great way to break up a boring routine!
    I personally :heart: :heart: :heart: Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds series...I just can't say enough good about her DVDs!

    I've done some of Leslie Sansone's videos before, and I have always liked them too! I actually lost weight with them a few years back (before I really needed to lose the weight, if you know what I mean). Definitely check out what Netflix has, they might have some of hers that you can send for in the mail. Glad that I could try to help!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I just realized that I haven't posted my own goal for the month! Silly me! :blushing:

    So as my ticker shows, I'm pretty gosh darn close to my goal! Which puts me in Phase 3 of Atkins...which means I should be eating above 20 net carbs a day. Well, that doesn't happen most days...most days I average between 15-30 net carbs. While I'm still eating great for me foods, I want to continue to this the RIGHT way! So my goal is to add in a Phase 3 approved food at least once a week-most likely a fruit as this is an area I've avoided at all costs because of how badly they stall my weight loss. With introducing new foods I'm goaling myself to start eating about 40-50 net carbs a day and let the rest of this weight come off on its own time!

    So I already achieved my goal for this week by eating some greek yogurt today! :drinker: However, on the flip side, TOM is in town and I'm feeling super crummy and have a major case of the munchies so I had my first real "cheat" day in months and had pizza AND ice cream tonight...:noway: But no regrets! The scale will be UP tomorrow but it will go down by next week once the :devil: is gone!

    So how did everyone's first day of the month go??
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey post some soups recipes. and chile. Fall is justaround the corner. I' makigf chile tomorrow if I can find out about tomaoes going lookingnow Marie
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    :heart: ~ Get Sodium down under 1200
    :heart: ~ Keep carbs down to 20 and no more NUTS!
    :heart: ~ Get started on exercise 5 days a week
    :heart: ~ Lose 10 lbs this month MINIMUM
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sassy . Great plans. you can do it.

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Woot Woot! Let's go sass! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Great idea Marie! I make some killer chili myself but may not be Phase 1 friendly as it has BEANS!!! :devil:

    Oh but I think my cheddar and broccoli soup would be perfect for ALL phases of LC! I'll have to dig around and find that one...
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    I did really well on my food today and I got out and walked for a half hour at the store...just looking at stuff. I got my first course book from Ashworth College today...Medical Terminology. I have taken it for the associates I am currently working on. I just wanted more medical billing and coding classes, so I am taking an online course. I could take it where I attend right now, but I can't do that until after I graduate. They won't let you carry a double major which sucks.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    That sucks that you can't double major if it's something you want to do! Doesn't sound right at all to me. But that's so great that you want more knowledge under your belt!

    Great job on your food and doing some "shoppercizing!" :smile:
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453

    So how did everyone's first day of the month go??

    My first day was okay. I haven't planned meals yet, but I did get my veggies in today and stayed under 20 net carbs.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did pretty good. I did not get my exercise in. Too many things going on around here. I was going to take a short walk in between the rain.But my back said no after getting out to the street I have aa docor appt in the morning. so I wont be able to get my chilli made for tomorrow. I did find a low carb rcipes for chili Just about the way i usally make mine

    Savery_gal When are beans allow on this plan. I love my pinto beans in my chilli. and cornbread. I did read some of the book. I was checking out our oil. I have not been getting enough oil. A lot more things I have been doing wrong.I will get it all together in due time. I want to do it right as i can so this fat will melt off.

    Good luck to you all on your challenge,
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I did really well on my food today and I got out and walked for a half hour at the store...just looking at stuff. I got my first course book from Ashworth College today...Medical Terminology. I have taken it for the associates I am currently working on. I just wanted more medical billing and coding classes, so I am taking an online course. I could take it where I attend right now, but I can't do that until after I graduate. They won't let you carry a double major which sucks.

    Hey, Colette - did I tell you one of my degrees (my Associates) is in Health Information? I used to teach medical terminology, diseases, transcription, coding - a few years ago, things have really changed in coding since them - but wow, small world! I currently work in a hospital managing a medical record department and I'm a medical transcriptionist at home as a 2nd job....
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Savery_gal When are beans allow on this plan. I love my pinto beans in my chilli. and cornbread. I did read some of the book. I was checking out our oil. I have not been getting enough oil. A lot more things I have been doing wrong.I will get it all together in due time. I want to do it right as i can so this fat will melt off.

    Good luck to you all on your challenge,

    Marie - I think beans can be added in Phase 2 - Ongoing Weight Loss. Check that chapter for a page that appears to have a "ladder" on it - there is a kind of ladder of foods to add back slowly, I think beans and legumes are on there. I'll check my book and get back to you what page....
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member

    So how did everyone's first day of the month go??

    My first day was okay. I haven't planned meals yet, but I did get my veggies in today and stayed under 20 net carbs.

    WTG, VJ150? Have you decided how often you are going to weigh yourself? I am a scale addict, so I try to hold myself to one official weigh in a week - but I must admit I sometimes peak at the scale to see how things are going....
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    :heart: ~ Get Sodium down under 1200
    :heart: ~ Keep carbs down to 20 and no more NUTS!
    :heart: ~ Get started on exercise 5 days a week
    :heart: ~ Lose 10 lbs this month MINIMUM

    As Mama Bouchet would say (Waterboy) - NUTS ARE OF THE DEVIL!!! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: LOL
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    SAVERY: You are so close to your goal - I can't wait til I'm in your shoes - you are such an inspiration to us all! :flowerforyou: