

  • Never heard of this before... More details please! Thanks
  • I too love turbo jam! Looking to get turbofire...heard it is a little more intense than the jam.
  • Yikes! That is a real eye opener!!
  • My WI is Tuesday mornings and whew.... I stayed the same!! Was expecting a slight gain because of the lack of exercise this weekend.
  • Morning Everyone! Sorry I have been absent for the past couple days. Been enjoying my 3 day weekend with my hubby! What a perfect weekend it was. I even did really good with food choices on Saturday! There was a lot of fruits and veggies so that helped out. Plus I was busy walking around talking with so many people that I…
  • Hello new peeps on here! Congrats Jen and Becky on your removals!! Feels so so good! Becky, your weekend sounds like a crazy busy one. Good luck with your food choices and don't beat yourself up if you slip a bit. You can get right back on track the next day. Jen, your gonna be burning a lot of calories. Hope it isn't too…
  • Morning Ladies! We are under severe storm warnings right now. They are advising people to not even take showers or baths because of the lighting being so bad. Hmmmm wonder if that means I don't have to go to work?? LOL! Speaking of work, we are going to be super busy today and it's Friday the 13th. Always brings out the…
  • Yeah, that is why I don't eat the ham or even eat there very often. Maybe once a month at the most. How is your day going everyone?? Keeping OP? Getting in your water?
  • Cindy, I love veggie subs from Subway, but I've also really been liking the Ham 6inch. Yum. I do know that the sodium @ subway always makes my scale go up. [/quote]
  • Had the bestest lunch today. Was looking on Subway website and I noticed the veggie delight sammy. Never had it so I gave it a whirl today. SO YUMMY! 6" honey oat, pepperjack, lettuce, banana peppers, cucumber, tomatoe, onion. Squirt of lite mayo and raspberry vingagrette (sp). Very filling!
  • Yikes! This is suppose to be the worst day of the summer. My DH works outside and I worry about him. The company he works for has been providing water and Gatorade for them. Was pretty close OP yesterday...went over my calories by 20. Sure I can sweat that off just walking outside...ugh! Becky...sorry to hear about the…
  • Hi Tezra! Where in Wisconsin are you from? Sounds good to me Becky! We'll stick with this thread! I'm so loving this site...... Glad your here with me! The recipe I used, you can just heat it on the stove top. Used whole grain pasta and it turned out pretty good. The pasta is a little drier than your regular stuff. Didn't…
  • Just got home from work. Been craving Tuna Casserole and I found a couple on the WW site. As of right now, you can't search other peoples recipes on here. That is one downfall I've found but I read on their FB page that they are working on this. Going to get it in the oven and then get in my Turbo Jam work out! Question:…
  • Hey Ladies! How goes it? I'm so loving this web site. Have been sticking to plan wonderfully! Hopefully it will pay off in the long run. It is super humid here again today. Tomorrow is suppose to be the worst of the week....ugh!! Has anyone heard from Patty?? Maybe we can get her over here too!
  • Good question! I read the posts and loved all the answers/advice. Even helped me out a bit. Thanks! Good luck!
  • Try getting in more protein for dinner. It stays in your stomach longer. Water would also help with the hunger pains.
  • Welcome! I'm new here to and love it so far!
    in new me Comment by Cindysturn August 2010
  • Hello Darling.... Glad I found you on here! I'm loving this site too!
  • Thanks everyone! I did see the Kickboxing (Turbo Jam) but wasn't sure if I should use that one. I'm looking into getting a HRM someday....