nursenicole Member


  • Way to go!!!!!
  • Hello, I have been on the journey to lose weight since Jan. of this year. I have been having so much fun with it and I am willing to share it with anyone who wants to have fun as well. I have lost about 35 lbs so far, and I am about to go below 180lbs which I saw briefly 3 years ago. Now my goal is to be under 170 in the…
  • Hi, what do you do for your workouts? I find that changing your workouts to keep things interesting as well as keeping your body confused so it is forced to change works. It also depends alot on your diet. So what is a days worth of calories like for you? I know it is frustrating to be stuck, but it is also good to set…
  • I have found that it is 50% mental. I read somewhere that food is meant to nourish your body, maintain all the proper functions of your important organs. It is not meant to be a reward or necessarily fun. We as a society have made food into social gatherings. TV advertisements are bad especially when you are on a diet. The…
  • This thread is a great idea. I once was a college student dealing with gaining weight too. What is everyone doing to help keep healthy or lose weight?
  • Hey, We all need motivation sometimes. What I have found is having someone to talk with that is also doing some kind of workout. You can hold each other accountable for the days exercise, and you can also push each other to do better. It has worked wonders for me.
  • I am actually doing TurboFire right now, but plan to do Insanity after that. I would love to follow you in your INSANE journey, and at least be a support system for you! If your interested, just add me as a friend. Hope to talk to you soon! Nicole
  • I am in my 6th week of TF. I use MFP more for recording and do not really follow the guidelines it set out. I do follow the suggestions from TF's diet plan loosely. I bought a Bodybugg, which is a device worn on your upper arm that calculates calories burned. During it's set up, it ask how much weight you want to loose in…
  • Wow what a wonderful and inspirational story. I hope to have as much success as you. I would like to add your as a friend! I think i can learn alot from you. Hope to talk to you soon. Nicole
  • Hi, My name is Nicole, and I live in Georgia. I would like to be your workout buddy if you don't mind it being a on the internet. I learned recently that a workout buddy to hold you accountable does push you especially when your not really feeling it. My workout program is TurboFire, but not matter what program or routine…
  • Hi Missdeehere, I totally agree that accomplishing small challenges make change. Most of us find it really hard to make goals big like losing 80lbs in six months. So making small goals like 1 lb a week, or eating better or drinking more water in 1 wk makes the challenge more reachable. It also gives us an accomplishment to…
  • Hi, My name is Nicole. I am currently doing Turbofire and would like to invite you to a thread that has quite a few people doing Turbofire. The thread is great for support and answering questions. It is actually through Team Beachbody, where Turbofire was created. The link to the thread is…