Turbo Fire calories?

Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
I will be starting straight up Turbo Fire (instead of the CLX/TF hybrid I have done in the past) on August 8. For those who are doing TF, do you follow TF's calorie suggestions based on the book that came with the program OR are you doing MFP's calorie recommendations (which would including eating back your calories)?

What have your results been like?


  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i've only been following the program for 5 days now, but i have been using a HRM and eating my calories back. i haven't lost any weight yet, but i have had 2 bad days where i did eat way over my calories. i can definitely tell that my stomach is getting tighter and i'm getting in shape because the work outs are becoming easier. haven't seen any weight loss yet though, hoping one day it just starts falling off!
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    bump. I'd like to know too!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Theoretically I've been following MFP's guidelines for 0.5lbs per week. I don't really have the time to follow their plan and yeah, wouldn't go over well with the children and husband and I just can't get into making 2 separate dinners (I hate cooking as it is).

    But like I think I told you earlier, I haven't even really been doing that. I didn't count calories at all the first month (and I took a few extra "rest"days that month), and I go over my target calories often and by kind of a lot.

    I don't use a HRM. I select "kickboxing" from the database.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Thanks for the replies!

    bumping for more
  • nursenicole
    nursenicole Posts: 15 Member
    I am in my 6th week of TF. I use MFP more for recording and do not really follow the guidelines it set out. I do follow the suggestions from TF's diet plan loosely. I bought a Bodybugg, which is a device worn on your upper arm that calculates calories burned. During it's set up, it ask how much weight you want to loose in what time period and it sets a calorie defict based on that then tells you how many calories you should intake and how many calories you should burn in a 24 hr period. Now I have not lost many lbs as of yet, but I have lost inches and I know my muscles are firming up. Muscles way more than fat because they are more dense so that is why you do not expect to see a big loss until the end of the program. Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, I would be glad to answer them if I can!