upmihah Member


  • It's definitely all a balancing act. I have found that using preventatives is the only way to go. Usually if I have an attack now, it's because I had more than one trigger at the same time. So I decided to try a new wine a while ago, and all of a sudden I had problems doing cardio because that was too many triggers for the…
  • Worked extra day at work, ate doritos for dinner (only 490 calories for a whole bag!) and TRIED to get eight little boys to practice soccer. We're going to get our little butts kicked again at tomorrows game. :glasses: Tired, going to bed early to get up early and do it all over again. Oh and no tv, so Grey's Anatomy on…
  • 5'1" and started at 200. I set my goal at 60 lbs to lose. A few people noticed when I was down 10, but it's just lately that pretty much everyone is noticing the weight loss (now 25 lbs down).
  • pear shape with big thighs and calves. face and belly lost first - I used to look like E.T. - but I don't have the overhang anymore. wish my calves and arms would shed some fat.
  • 4 x 23 = 92 Hoping it'll be 100 when I weigh in on Sunday!
  • I've done the same thing. I think that's about what I've counted it at before if it was a lunch bag size bag. Don't worry too much about it, as long as it doesn't happen every day, you'll be fine. Sometimes I do a little extra exercise if I have time in my day, it helps me feel a little less guilty and more in control.…
  • Great Ideas! I also always have whole grain tortilla whole grain pasta low fat cheese (learning how to limit cheese has been instrumental in my weight loss, but I can't live without it) popcorn are these clean?
  • 140, I know it should be lower, but when I get there - I'll take a look in the mirror and see what it looks like.
  • No, I look bad enough covered up. Favorite book?
  • I also have an active job - and was eating 1300. Recently I switched to 1500 and continue to lose weight, while not feeling like I'm starving. Usually I eat 3 meals of around 400 calories each, and that leaves room for a snack or two. Apples, almonds, and popcorn are the snacks I fall back on the most. If you're hungry all…
  • Yes, I still eat junk food. Easter was the first holiday for me since I started. I couldn't do my normal workout, and I ate a lot of candy! But I did extra workouts for two days that week. So for two days I ate too much, and for two days I worked out more calories than I ate. It all evened out in the end. People will say…
  • I'm about to start running again, I usually start up again every spring when skiing is done. I live about a block from a beautiful cemetary with hills and ponds, ducks and geese, and the sound of the spring peepers right now makes me smile. So it's a very pleasant atmosphere, I go in the evenings when most people are…
  • Congrats!:smile:
  • I've been at it for 9 weeks now and it's amazing that the Zumba classes I thought were going to kill me are now like - oh is it over - I barely broke a sweat. Core stuff is still hard though, but Sunday I did my first plank hold, then lowered to the ground in control without dropping to my knees or belly first. Didn't even…
  • This is the first thing that I think has worked for me, it's made me change the way I think about what I eat and how I exercise. I used to think that when you were on a "diet" you ate less and exercised more. MFP has made me realize that I eat X amount of calories on a day without exercise. Then on days I exercise, I need…
  • depends on the day. pizza, burritos, every year on my birthday I buy myself a box of cheez-its. greasy cheeseburgers