When would you quit MFP?



  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    When they pry my device out of my cold, dead fingers :devil:

    Amen to that!! Me too!!! :)
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    When they pry my device out of my cold, dead fingers :devil:

    Amen to that!! Me too!!! :)

    Explain this to me. Why? Do you like it or do you just not trust yourself? Don't you think eventually you will develop a new healthy lifestyle that sticks and have the discernment to know when you've eaten too much?
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    When they pry my device out of my cold, dead fingers :devil:

    Amen to that!! Me too!!! :)

    Explain this to me. Why? Do you like it or do you just not trust yourself? Don't you think eventually you will develop a new healthy lifestyle that sticks and have the discernment to know when you've eaten too much?

    I know this isn't directed at me (obviously) but I feel the same as the above posters. I've personally been overweight way too much of my life (12 years out of 22, wtf?) and I have no intentions of going back there once I get this all off. This keeps me accountable.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    The day I OD on ****.....I mean coke.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I would have to have been at maintenance for a long time - longer than a couple of years. I would have to prove to myself that I could keep off the weight I have lost. It is a small miracle that I have kept 55 lbs. off for 3 years (37 of those with MFP). I've never kept that much weight off for that long. I've lost it before, but never kept it off.
  • dancingincircles84
    I've stopped logging my food but I like to log my exercise. I always found that I restricted calories too much when I tracked them and now I really want to work on overall strength and fitness. I love the community so I'm not leaving for a while!
  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member
    IDK!! Probably not for a long time. I still have a long ways to go before I reach my goal. Also, I like seeing new motivation, it helps me keep going.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    never i'll go up in weight

    I'll be on here forever. It is so helpful for me to log everything. It helps keep me accountable. Plus on days when I blow it, I am always shocked at how fast the calories add up. I'll be here for a long time. I am forever grateful for MFP.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    For me, I can see that counting calories is going to be a lifestyle thing. I suppose after, say, 5-7 years of doing this, with cycles of cutting and beefing and getting to a place I actually want to remain, there is a decent chance I'll hit a place where I'm truly "maintaining," but so far, every time I've gotten to where I thought I wanted to be, I just set my sights higher. At this point, I'll be a CK underwear model around the time I turn 40. ;)

    At any rate, I could probably keep track of calorie totals pretty easily without MFP, but not macros, and that's really where it's at IMO.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I stopped logging my food months ago, and I'm still losing weight. I think I learned a lot by logging, but it isn't something I want to do forever.

    I stick around MFP for the friends and to talk about my workouts, food, etc.

    I plan on quitting the site when the people aren't fun anymore.
  • rower75
    rower75 Posts: 90 Member
    I would bet that I personally will need to continue to log in - just to keep me honest. I am looking to maintain my weight after I reach my goal. Before MFP, I used to keep track of my calories on a sticky note on my desk each day. I found it hard to be consistent with my diet because I would quit using the sticky note periodically and gain weight.
  • ChristopherFiss
    ChristopherFiss Posts: 16 Member
    I'll probably keep logging long after my weight loss and maintaining periods for the simple fact that it makes counting Sodium and certain other parts of my diet easier. Reliably tracking it requires at least a bit of effort, especially with food companies coming up with creative ways to pretend their foods are healthier than they really are.

    (Seriously, a "serving size" is 1/10 of the small, single-serving package? So that's why it's not 1200 cal and 95% of my daily sodium? BS...)

    Considering I can throw in all my foods on my smartphone as I'm shopping (and heck, even use it as a grocery list if I want to) it's not much of an inconvenience.

    The moment they drop support for Android devices, or charge for the service, I'm leaving, though. Yeah, it's a great community and service, but if I have to put up with ads then they have to put up with me being picky...especially when there are other free food databases and trackers out there.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    When I meet my goal I logged for alittle while then I continued to eat like I have been just stopped logging to see if I could do it.. Guess what??? I can.. Ive been maintaining for 2 months now no logging and I love not having to put everything in. I exercise 4-5 days a week at least 30-45 min each time. I do log my exercising in to keep me motivated and support others and to get the support I still need to workout. I didnt think I could do it but I proved my self wrong all you can do it try it and see. I dont count any calories I do measure and watch the scale once a week just to make sure I stay in my 5 pound range. You can do it try it and see how you do.. good luck I know you can.. :)
  • upmihah
    upmihah Posts: 17 Member
    This is the first thing that I think has worked for me, it's made me change the way I think about what I eat and how I exercise. I used to think that when you were on a "diet" you ate less and exercised more. MFP has made me realize that I eat X amount of calories on a day without exercise. Then on days I exercise, I need to fill that calorie gap or my body starts to starve. I know a lot of people (and I was one) who say - but I exercise all the time and eat almost nothing - and they do for about a week or two until their body shuts down it's metabolism and they are starving and cranky and not losing weight.

    I will be here forever - or until someone starts charging for it. At least I have the framework for success in my head now.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I hope to never quit MFP ... I like it better than facebook. I can't wait to reach my goal so that the social aspect can become more important than the weight aspect ... but I never want to lose focus on staying healthy ... I don't ever want to go back to where I have been.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I haven't given that any thought...guess I should give that some thought!
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I have control of my foods and I know what needs to be done to be healthy, but honestly I log in each day to check on my friends and chat with them. Keeps everything in perspective.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    I think after I reach my goal I will continue for a little bit to make sure I maintain my weight, and then I would like to quit, because it is time consuming. But the previous several times that I lost weight, I did it very fast, and later indeed I got it all back, at first in two years, then withing a year, and last time, within 6 months. Now I hope that I will lose weight slowly on MFP, that I will learn to maintain my weight, and after that I could quit.
    But at this point, I am not sure how long it will take me, because I have a couple of trips planned to other counties, and of course it is difficult to stay within limits when you want to try all the new and different things. Also, it may be difficult to maintain my daily exercise level. Nevertheless, I have great hopes that MFP will help me with my weightloss goals.
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    My internal monitor just isn't good enough. I've been here six times before. I want this to be the last time. If I log I will know that I'm not overeating or undereating. I'm committed to tracking for the duration. I feel it actually gives me more freedom because I don't have to worry if on target. A few minutes of tracking and I have peace of mind.