When would you quit MFP?



  • TurnLeftNow
    I am planning on quitting once I have maintained for a few months and have a really good idea about the average amount I am eating. I think eventually it will become a habit and second nature to eat normally and healthy. (Isn't the the point of all of this? To reach that goal? A life without logging calories?)
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I can't sit in one place for an extended period of time - I'm that way on websites/locations/get bored with work, etc... it's only a matter of time before something shiny distracts me away from MFPland.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    never i'll go up in weight
  • grumpy2day
    When they pry my device out of my cold, dead fingers :devil:
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Never. Do you have any idea how long it took my to put in all my recipes? I'm going nowhere.
  • tgmshierry
    tgmshierry Posts: 83 Member
    When they start charging for it

    I second this.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    About the time I get a real scary stalker, I guess.

    I wasn't crazy about what you wore to work today.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Im still test-driving this place.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'd gladly pay for MFP. I'm glad it's free, otherwise I'd probably never have signed up in the first place, but it'd be great if there were a MFP-pro version with added extras (like saving messages and having a better friends database).

    I don't mind logging and it keeps me from going astray.

    I'm on maintenance for my goal weight, although I've still another 40lbs to lose to reach that goal, but I'm very calorie aware, although every now and then I get surprised by a calorie value, sometimes pleasantly, although mostly it's a shocker! :laugh:

    I really enjoy coming online and saying Hi and catching up with my MFPs :bigsmile:

    Maybe I've replaced my food addiction with my MFP fix :wink:
  • SiobhanDelaney
    SiobhanDelaney Posts: 32 Member
    I reached my goal and am on maintenance & am struggling with the 500 calorie increase that i'm expected to have on maintenance, so i'm so so nervous, I wanted to close off but i think this maintenance might not do me any favors as in i think i'm going to gain so am not confident enough to quit.

    Don't get me wrong i'm delighted to have reached my goal but after training my brain into eating, low fat this etc etc i am nervous of going even to maybe higher fats if you know what i mean. I hope to quit MFP after about six weeks as i also find logging daily tiring and unmotivating as i gasp toward the end of the evening saying I HAVE HOW MANY MORE CALORIES TO EAT?'.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I can't sit in one place for an extended period of time - I'm that way on websites/locations/get bored with work, etc... it's only a matter of time before something shiny distracts me away from MFPland.

  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    About the time I get a real scary stalker, I guess.

    I wasn't crazy about what you wore to work today.

    Lol! Made me smile!:happy:
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I think when I reach maintenance, I will still stick around for two reasons:
    1) I've grown to really like the community and met some cool people here.
    2) After having been eating for weight loss for quite a while, the 500 or more calorie increase is going to take some getting used to and I want to do it right. A lot of people seem to gain their weight back after they reach their goal because they think they can now eat whatever rubbish they like, but I want to do maintenance healthily. Although if someone offers me pizza and cake, I shan't be turning it down :P
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    I will probably reduce the days I log my food but will prob always stay here because of the wonderful friends I have found and all the wonderful things I learn here on a daily basis.

    You don't have to log every day....I have a friend who only logs Mon-Fri and takes weekends off. She still follows her diet just doesn't log. I'd say try that. If after a month or so you remain the same weight you could prob log just a few days just to make sure the choices you are making are in line with your allowed calories :)
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    just log in your workouts then.
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    When they pry my device out of my cold, dead fingers :devil:

    hahahaha :p
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    As much as I'd love to never leave this community, I know that there will be a time when I will probably stop using it, or at least only log in occasionally. (Not anytime soon, that's for sure!)

    For now I am far too addicted! I love the social aspect (I hardly ever go on fb, this is so much better!!) and I love the logging of my food and exercise so that I can track my progress at the gym easier. It's not as simple for me as just losing weight as I would like to do a few bulk / cut cycles in my life, and continually get stronger so MFP plays quite a significant role in that. Plus, nobody else in real life apart from my bf understands my love of the gym, quite like the people here :D
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I've reached goal and still log my eating and work outs...I think it's more than that for me being I have gained so many friends/pals and some I feel like family!!! It's an exciting place...Even if its to just encourage someone day or receive a kind word of support!! I hope to always be able to be here....
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    when I find out MFP is cheating on me..lol
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Yup, I'll quit logging food once I get to my goal. With a couple months of buffering. I'll need to figure out what maintenance means for me, so I can figure out those portion sizes. And then I'll quit logging! I might log workouts.

    I am not really an overeater. My metabolism is a little slower (I know I know, sounds like a cop out). But when I logged my food before paying attention to reducing calories, I was eating around 2000-2150 a day and maintaining and even ganiing. According to most calculators, my BMR should be 2300-2400. I don't really "eat too much" in a meal. I feel stuffed after ~500 calories.

    So for me, it seems like it is really important to get my metabolism up and higher. I can keep the portions in check! So I know the biggest part of the battle is cutting down on the "treats" to a few times a week instead of daily. My weight increases if I have daily "treats" even if they are still in range for my calories. And of course listen to hunger signals.