

  • i also bought my own fat free ranch dressing and keep it in the reach in and use that on salads or to dip peppers in. i keep that at work and bought a fat free italian for home...the looks i get when i bring in my own stuff is funny at first then people start respecting it and not giving the looks. i've had co-workers…
  • I work at a steak house/mexican restaurant-weird combo, huh???? I've worked there for the past 5 years and i have gained 35 lbs within that time and hate it.... Now that I am trying to be more conscious about how many calories are in which types of foods, it helps. I started off really well and lost 10 lbs in the first…
  • I have to work tonight at a Mexican restaurant so i am bringing my own dinner and snacks. Lean cuisine grilled chicken with penne pasta, string cheese, and kashi crackers and laughing cow light garlic and herb cheese
  • im 25 and finished my masters in CJ in january. keep up the good work all
  • I guess I would say that I'm kind of cheap but I use a 1 liter FIGI water bottle and drink two of them a day. I have been reusing the same bottle now for almost 2 weeks. it's a cheaper way of doing the same thing
  • I felt guilty yesterday b/c i didn't walk tuesday or wednesday and i had some ie ream yesterday...oops! Today i went and joined the gym and now i don't have any excuses such as the weather to hold me ack. I haven't really gotten into the whole srength training routine but i sure did work that treadmill and elliptical. I…
  • ps we got 8 inches of snow and i couldn't go out and walk so i drove to my parents house and jumped on their treadmill and elliptical.
  • I started eating better and walking last Tuesday 2.24.09 and i looked at the scale today and it said i was down 4 lbs... can that be right??? I haven't measured myself yet and dont know if i am going to. I cut out soda, completely, from my diet and have been doing great with the water intake. I didn't walk on saturday or…
  • I've started eating healthier at the beginning of this week and find this site very helpful. I find that planning on what you are going to eat and sticking to it helps alot. I work at a Mexican restaurant and have for 5 years and it is difficult when serving food that looks so good and is so tasty when you are trying to…
  • I work at a Mexican restaurant and have for the past 5's some tips try and ask for grilled veggies instead of rice and beans on a fajita stay away from cheese or as for lite cheese b/c they overdue the cheese on most items corn tortillas are better than flour, of course guacamole is good for you but some…
  • I find this site extremely helpful and motivational. Do I have to meet all of the goals in numbers b/c i am a little under my calorie goal but went over a little on my proteins and fats (only by 5) and my carbs are under as well. Any advice would help? oh and my computers button are really touhy and stick so if some…