Tripaway Member


  • It's either Monday Monday or California Dreamin'... And I look forward to Monday because I enjoy routine :smile: Starting my week off on Monday with maintaining my routine I find I can relax more on the weekend when there's a little less structure. Mondays rule!
  • WOW! I had no idea the recipe builder was a thing! Thank you for pointing that out :) Most of my smoothies tends to be quite similar in caloric value, so I think I'll just use that as a general goalpost. Fantastic advice, thank you!!!
  • see, I run into issues with eating the same thing all the time. I require a lot of variety or I get super bored. when I'm super bored I'm far more likely to go off the bandwagon. The trouble is that I also do all of the cooking for my family, and since I only use fresh ingredients I have to calculate each individual piece…
  • 190/180/160 I've maintained the 190 for almost ten years now (all time high of 250 - and I'm only 5'4"!) I'd love to lose this last 30 pounds so my BMI is less on the cusp of "morbidly obese" and more toward the "pretty healthy" aspect of things...
  • bonjour à tous (hello all!)
  • I actually find tracking what I eat to be insanely cumbersome and therefore it doesn't motivate me at all :( How does everyone handle the tracking?
  • Meh, I took a gamble and lost :smile:
  • OK, I'll take Friday if that's all right with everyone :smile:
  • @bwmalone those are all great ideas!! I do meal planning on Thursdays, so that's done... haha
  • awesome! thank you!
  • Madainn mhath, y'all. Boss is off today... how should I waste me time?? :smile:
  • where do you find these national day of blank items? I include these on my schedules at work, but I can't seem to find a website that has interesting ones - they're all kind of stupid, in my opinion... but yours are interesting, so where do you find them???
  • do we just pose a question, or are we supposed to give our own examples of how we combat the challenges of parties and BBQs?
  • While I can't say I've ever had any restrictions due to my weight, I have noticed that I am now able to shop at certain stores that never catered to my body shape. At my heaviest I wasn't able to find clothing that fit well at stores like H&M, Banana Republic, American Eagle, Hollister, etc. I always needed XL shirts (I'm…
  • bonjour, amis!
  • @minimyzeme - of course there's a back story :smile: When I was a teenager I became obsessed with Shakespeare's work. I've always liked my literature bit on the darker side, so the tragedies were my natural inclination; however, I stumbled across a copy of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at a garage sale in Georgia with my…
  • My wife and I have started walking around the neighbourhood after dinner both as a way to aid in digestion, but also to get ourselves and our kids outside! It's probably only a half-mile, but at least it's something!
  • @misterhub Oh sweet baby Jesus, no! "Stylish" doesn't necessarily mean "trendy" LOL :smiley:
  • When I was at my heaviest in college (Freshman 15? Yeah right, try Freshman 50!!), I hid behind a lot of baggy clothes and didn't really understand how colour and pattern affect the way you appear to others. I was uncomfortable in my own skin, so hoodies and baggy jeans were my jam - this was about 2000-2001, so I was…
  • hey fellas, just joined this group - good morning!
  • Yeah, I would be interested to hear of other people's plans as well. My wife and I are in a similar situation - two kids, and neither of us can find time to really commit to exercise. Eating healthier is not a problem, but we both need the physical exercise. We're going crazy trying to figure out when we'll be able to get…
  • Jared from Kalamazoo, MI here! I'm 5'4" (ridiculously short, in my opinion...) and weigh 175lbs - goal weight 140, I'd settle for 150! I've been working on weight loss for at least the last decade - heaviest on record: 253lbs - imagine that!
  • I love food too much to refrain from eating certain things - I have found great success by simply reducing portion size. I still use full-fat butter, heavy cream, and cheese is just about all of my cooking, but I make sure to have plenty of lightly salted vegetables (no butter here!) and smaller portion sizes of everything…
  • oh sweet Lord, Doritos and Cheetos together...
  • I'd thought about getting some weights from the house, but I'm not sure where to put them. I have this ridiculous need for everything to have a place to belong within the house, and nothing can look "cluttered." Consequently, I don't have a ton of stuff occupying space, and my closets are all full of what "belongs" in…
  • Exactly! My new goal is to not get discouraged by missing a day. I plan to go to the gym and do at least something every day of the week. I used to think "aww, crap, I missed Tuesday, may as well take the rest of the week off and try again next Monday." And that just wasn't a very good outlook, haha. My son had to stay…
  • I actually do this while I'm cleaning house - my wife is a slob, and I'm an OCD neat-freak, so I engage my 2-year-old to help me with the dusting and tidying. I hadn't considered including him in my workouts - what a neat idea! One of these days I'll take him jogging with me, but the at-home exercising hadn't occurred to…
  • I found a gym that's on $10/month, and that suits my budget just fine! Can't wait until my kids are old enough to play sports so I'll be forced to go outside and play/watch...
  • I like that idea, honestly, but in the dead of winter I find it even more difficult to spend time outdoors - I generally hate being outside, so I rely on the gym membership to get me moving. Obviously that doesn't always work haha