Making Excercise a Habit



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tuesday 5/3

    TDEE: 3,610 cals
    Steps: 21,786
    Active Minutes: 99

    Did finish our mowing list by 5:30 pm, but didn't seem like that easy a day.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Wednesday 5/4

    TDEE: 3,614 cals
    Steps: 20,424
    Active Minutes: 132

    After seven and a half weeks, first flush of Spring growth is about done with no significant rains to sustain it. Numbers are showing it.

    Managed to deeply bruise my calf muscle yesterday. Did my guy a favor and picked up his full bag of grass and put it on the foot tray of my rider to take back to the truck to dump. As I awkwardly mounted the rider and fell into the seat, I caught the parking brake lever on the back of my calf, with foot wedge on grass bag. My full weight hammered that lever into the muscle. Limped through the rest of the day. When I got home and had been sitting for an hour or so, tried to get up... YOUCH! Managed to work out the locked up muscle by walking around on tiptoe. Same deal every time I sat for more than a few minutes and all night long every time I had to hit the head. Good news is that it does un-lock after a few minutes.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Thursday 5/5

    TDEE: 4,094 cals
    Steps 26,356
    Active Minutes: 184

    Made it through the day with no issues. Vitamin I during the day, alcohol (internal) and ice (external) during evening helps. Still locking up some last night but not as bad.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Friday 5/6

    TDEE: 3,770 cals
    Steps: 22,690
    Active Minutes: 156

    No issues from calf muscle, even overnight. Glad that's over.

    Mowing list completed for week. Odd jobs today (mulch and gravel). Shoveling a ton or two (literally) of gravel is good for the abs.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Saturday 5/7

    TDEE: 4,030 cals
    Steps: 23,984
    Active Minutes: 246

    Only one ton of gravel and 9 cuyds of mulch. Also mowed 4 yards that hadn't made it on the list during week. Back at shop by 1:30 pm (no lunch) and then mowed it's four acres. Home for lunch at 3:30 pm.

    Upcoming week looks like chances of rain everyday. In addition to normal mowing, step two and three of our fertilizer plan goes down (broad-leaf and grub control) and Spring shrub trimming starts. Going to be super busy next two or three weeks.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Sunday 5/8

    TDEE: 3,268 cals
    Steps: 15,629
    Active Minutes: 176

    Rest day.

    String trimmed my drive hedge. Quarter mile, from ground to as high as I could with a string trimmer held comfortably between waist and shoulders. Gives it a curved look but then trees overhang drive on one side anyway. Drive looks kinda like a Hobbit tunnel.

    Mowed my own place.

    Seeded that patch of dirt I shoveled over the rotting stump in my Mom's front yard, watered the seed in and then stacked the patch so the mowers (from our crew 2) would stay off it for the next few weeks.

    Used a spade to overturn a small kitchen garden along my garage concrete apron for the wife. Been neglected for a few years while she worked on her masters in education.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Monday 5/9

    TDEE: 3,735 cals
    Steps: 24,547
    Active Minutes: 179

    Little bit of rain resulted in an hour long lunch. However we were able to get all the yards on the list except one. Clear day today.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tuesday 5/10

    TDEE: 4,167 cals
    Steps: 26,846
    Active Minutes: 187

    Beautiful day yesterday. Mowing is back on schedule but looking at rain again today.

    NSV: Had a client ask me yesterday if I was OK. He had noticed how much weight I had dropped. Told him I was fine and had been trying to lose through healthy eating and exercise.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Thursday 5/12

    TDEE: 3,761 cals
    Steps: 22,038
    Active Minutes: 154

    Two hour late start but beautiful day. (So glad I'm not stuck in a laboratory anymore.) Finished my mowing list by 7:15 pm.

    Side Note: After trimming my country drive Sunday, the poison ivy rashes are starting to itch. Mainly around elbows. (And I washed off after finishing too! With soap!!) Just small spots here and there, but... [grrr]

    Not scratching is tough.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Friday 5/13

    TDEE: 4,344 cals
    Steps: 30,224
    Active Minutes: 307

    Spring shrub trimming has started. [groan] Where is my Aleve?

    Full day of trimming today.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Saturday 5/14

    TDEE: 3,645 cals
    Steps: 20,595
    Active Minutes: 71

    First full day shrub trimming was not near as bad as I was expecting. New guy on my crew was big help and used new (to me this year) bagging system on 60 inch rider to mulch and cleanup trimmings after blowing them out of landscaping beds. BIG difference over 48 inch walk-behind.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Sunday 5/15

    Left my FitBit on the charger all day [grr]

    Pretty normal Sunday. So averaged the last five Sunday's numbers to fill this hole in my data.

    TDEE: 3,249 cals (5 Sunday avg)
    Steps: 13,794 (5 Sunday avg)
    Active Minutes: 146 (5 Sunday avg)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Monday 5/16

    Rain out. Did some maintenance work at the shop. Mainly sharpening shrub trimmers. Numbers showing it.

    TDEE: 2,680 cals
    Steps: 6,061
    Active Minutes: 9

    Still ate like I was burning 4,000 cals. Over budget last two days. Time to rein it in and get back on the program. (Easier said than done. Looking at another rainy morning. Maybe some odd jobs this afternoon will save me. [crossing fingers])
  • Tripaway
    Tripaway Posts: 71 Member
    novio50 wrote: »
    I try to get my family involved, whether working out in the living room doing Zumba, or walking a few miles. I try my best to go something outside of my walking at work! Getting others involved!

    I actually do this while I'm cleaning house - my wife is a slob, and I'm an OCD neat-freak, so I engage my 2-year-old to help me with the dusting and tidying. I hadn't considered including him in my workouts - what a neat idea! One of these days I'll take him jogging with me, but the at-home exercising hadn't occurred to me. Nice work!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tuesday 5/17

    Another rain out. Again, numbers show it. Again, eating like there is no tomorrow. [sigh] Over my TDEE more than a 1,000 cals (total) for the last three days.

    TDEE: 2,590 cals
    Steps: 6,830
    Active Minutes: 25

    On the other hand, its been 12 hour days, six days a week for the last 9 weeks. Sometimes the body knows what's good for it. A couple of days off the wagon may be just what I needed to recharge the batteries.

    On the plus side, the only thing left on my maintenance list is replacing a leaking power-steering hose on my work truck, and that is going to be hairy (a 2001 Chevy 2500 HD with hydro-boost). I'll leave that for another rainy day (probably next week as its looking like chances of rain every day).
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Wednesday 5/18

    TDEE: 3,726 cals
    Steps: 24,377
    Active Minutes: 118

    Boss hired a couple of college kids for the next two week and a third that will work the whole summer. That puts four on my crew (including myself). Good for catching up after two days of rain. Bad for me making up for three days of being off my calorie budget.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Thursday 5/19

    TDEE: 3,288 cals
    Steps: 15,684
    Active Minutes: 40

    And that's what I was afraid of. College kids can't ride the mowers, so I ended up spending the entire day riding around yards. I've gotten better numbers on my rest days just puttering around the house.

    To top it off, I was also over budget on calories another 900 plus. [grr] Best I can hope for come check-in day is no a gain week.

    Silver lining is that we are now only half a day behind on the mowing list after two rain out days. We should catch up today and be ready for more shrub trimming on Saturday. [weakly cheers] ya-hoo.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Friday 5/20

    TDEE: 3,491 cals
    Steps: 18,267
    Active Minutes: 60

    Numbers are better but still not where I'd like them. Two rain days didn't help. College kids not being able to ride the mowers didn't help. Binge eating at home three... four... OK, [sigh], FIVE days in a row didn't help (at least I kept it in check last night by leaving 200 cals on the plate).

    More rain in the forecast for next week. Guess I'll need to blow the dust off the old treadmill.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Saturday 5/21

    TDEE: 3,893 cals
    Steps: 24,536
    Active Minutes: 168

    Much better numbers. Four hours of mowing (catches mowing list up despite two rain outs) followed by three hours of shrub trimming.

    Today I'll be mowing my own place and then a run out to the shop to take care of some maintenance items that popped up yesterday (amazing how fast that maintenance list grows!).

    30 to 40% chance of showers every day next week. Chances increasing as the week progresses.

    While I can't out run a bad diet (lol) I didn't retire from a cushy lab job, sitting in a desk chair or lab stool eight hours a day, to sit on a mower seat twelve hours a day. I've chosen to be more active in the latter half of my life, so new rule. Any less than active day (rain out or college kid influence) will include an hour or two on the treadmill. Nothing fancy, just walking while watching TV. Daily goal - 20K Steps six days out of seven. Sunday will still be my 'Rest Day'.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Sunday 5/22

    TDEE: 3,055 cals
    Steps: 12,694
    Active Minutes: 100

    Not bad for a "Rest Day".