kimmid70 Member


  • Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I can't wait to get started.
    in Yoga Comment by kimmid70 November 2014
  • . I personally find if I don't drink enough water that the next day I feel slightly stiff (mainly in my hands). I have also found that drinking enough water has cut down on crazy cravings for food. Same for me. I feel much better when I drink my water every day. I aim for 8 glasses. I don't always get that, but I only…
  • I buy salsa from Trader Joe's (it's more like a pico de gallo) or make my own and eat that w/ celery, radishes, cucumber, cauliflower, etc. You can add a little kick to it. Yum!
  • I usually have either a hard boiled egg (I make a few up every few days) and either a light english muffin or bagel thin. Or I have some egg whites w/ low fat cheese and turkey sausage mixed in and I microwave it at work. Or you can microwave an egg and have it on the bagel or english muffin.
  • Sometimes the box will say...."1/3 cup uncooked equals 1 cup cooked" or something like that. It's usually in smaller print down near the bottom. Same for popcorn. I usually just go by that.
  • This is exactly how I feel. I can't stick with it b/c I feel like I'm not eating enough to keep me satisfied. So I should eat the TDEE calories and not log my exercise calories?
  • Hi! I'm Kim. I too have PCOS and started gaining weight when I was 21 after my first miscarriage. Up until then I was always too skinny! Go figure, life has a way of smacking you upside the head. Now I'm 100 lbs overweight and am 44 yrs old, so I hope I can lose the weight I want. I've done WW before and also MFP. I've…
  • Thanks for the info. One question though. I tend to make alot of homemade soups on the weekend and bring to work for lunch during the week. How do I measure each bowl full of soup? I don't usually measure my vegetables, I just cut them and put them in until I think it's enough. So when I spoon it out in the mornings to…
  • Thank you all for your advice and encouragement. Sometimes that's all someone needs to give them a push in the right direction. I'm glad we have this outlet to support each other! ~Kim
  • I agree that you should be eating your TDEE calories. I too wasn't sure b/c my TDEE is 1980 and MFP had me eating 1200/day to lose 2 lbs. a week. I was STARVING. Then I read about TDEE, so I'm now eating 1500, which is still a little less than 25% of my TDEE. But I'm doing much better and lost 2 lbs. last week, and I…
  • Don't do it!! It's so bad for you. Get some flavored water!!
  • Add me. I'm 43 and it's always a struggle to lose. I need the motivation as well!!
  • Thank you for all the great advice and support!!!
  • But ifI let MFP figure out my calories based on my height/weight and my activity level (sedentary), then my calorie intake should be 1200 based on the fact that I want to lose 2 lbs. per week. If I eat more than that, I'll lose less each week, correct? Should I keep it at 1200 and eat back any exercise calories I burn? Or…
  • Also, does anyone have a suggestion of where I can find a good idea of how much protein/carbs/fat I should be consuming?
  • Thank you for the info!!
  • I did MFP for a little bit last year and I've decided to come back because I gained all my weight back. But I'm confused about what TDEE is. I haven't heard that before.
  • Bolthouse Olive Oil Vinaigrette - Classic Balsamic. Only 30 calories per 2 TBSP and no fat. All natural and organic. Yum! I heard the other Bolhouse dressings are delicious as well. Otherwise I just use sprayer to spray some olive oil on my salads with a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice and salt/pepper and garlic…
  • This is really great, thank you. I was having a bad day today and reading this helped. I'm going to print it out and read it often!!
  • I hear enough negative self-talk in my own head without adding someone else's voice to it! [/quote] I agree!!
  • We are all adults, let's have some fun, lose some weight, and enjoy the ride! These are great times, we are taking control of our bodies. We rule this day, no reason not to feel boss about that! I like it!! Great attitude. I agree. I've read some really nasty posts and I don't get why people feel they have to be sarcastic…
  • I just actually read the book from Jillian Michaels and she encourages eating calories by the week. For instance if you are supposed to have 1600/day, you can actually look at it as 11,200/wk. She said that you can eat more one day (not by alot.........maybe 100-200) and less the next. It keeps your body from getting used…
  • Great post. Thank you for the motivation. I'm a new memeber and I've already had a couple bad days. But I've pushed through and kept attitude and lost 5 lbs in this first week. I hope I can continue and will keep your thoughts in mind when I start to doubt myself!!
  • Thanks everyone! Great ideas:happy:
  • Lol. Good rule!! Thanks for the info
  • My name is Kim. I'm trying to upload a pic and it's not working.....Hopefully I'll have one soon. I just joined!! Nice to meet all of you!