lfrazza Member


  • There is no magic bullet- none of us taking it think it is. Know the possible side effects. Do you read and know the possible side effects of everything out there? This is worth the risk
  • At age 51 I joined a weight loss challenge at the local YMCA. I had never been in a fitness room in my life. I slowly got to know people, paid for some sessions with a trainer and keep rejoining the weight loss challenge. It gives me the motivation I need. I am hoping that this time I will have more success than I have had…
  • Thanks everyone
    in Protein Comment by lfrazza October 2013
  • I like the idea of this board. Going to try to post daily Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes-still a little under , need to work on that Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes-my goals are small workout and eat right What did I do today that I am proud of? Nothing What would I have done differently? No…
  • I had been so on track, not really loosing many pounds but working out so I was finally seeing a difference in my stomach (my problem area) tore my meniscus (in my knee) had surgery that did not help much and couldn't do my usual work routine and threw in the towel and drowned my sorrows in bagels and butter!
  • Hi I'm Liz. Have been dabbling with MFP for awhile now. I just joined a Biggest Winner Weight Loss challenge at my local Y again and am really hoping to succeed this time. I ultimately want to loose 50lbs - which can seem so overwhelming. Any support and encouragement I receive will certainly help me. Working hard to eat…
  • Just started back up again. I always battled weigh, not to the extreme I am now, but menopause has added to it. I take hormones and have for 2-3 years-didn't help my weight gain, sometimes wonder if it made it worse. Unfortunately my hot flashes were unbearable and I wouldn't consider going off of them. Hate to say it,…