How do you stay motivated to work out alone?

I moved to a new city about a year ago and I am very busy between work school and my children. I don't have a lot of time to socialize, so I don't know hardly anyone here. Even after being here so long. Anyways, I have a gym membership and I don't like going alone. I just wonder if anyone else has this obstacle and how do you break through it? I want to work out but I am shy about going places alone. I feel like everyone stares at me if I am not with someone.


  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I gave up going to the gym, it was so boring and I hated it compared to the gym in my old city.

    I work out from home now and use the gym in my apartment. No excuses for me then heh.
  • ataraxial
    ataraxial Posts: 185 Member
    I really like my gym. I don't think it's boring, and I have an upgraded membership so I get free tanning (which is an awesome deal) I get a discount because I am a student. I like going, just not alone.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Maybe you can find someone there (at the gym) to meet up with.
  • jay10587
    jay10587 Posts: 57 Member
    I feel this way sometimes too...only because I tend to go in the evenings when all the "meat heads" go...then I feel kinda like a weak little girl in the weight room in front of all those guys :embarassed:
  • raisealittlehell
    raisealittlehell Posts: 341 Member
    Not to sound harsh- but learn to be comfortable going alone.

    The more you do, the better it gets. Go in there, music in your ears and focus on what you are there to do, and not the people around you. Only way to conquer a fear is to face it head on.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    There are plenty of people at the gym, so you will not be alone. Take a fitness class (Pilates, aerobics, yoga, etc) and you will be around people that also want to exercise. That is what I do.

    I love to workout at the gym too because I am not shy at all, and I prefer to work out alone. I am my own motivation. People are too busy doing their own routine to stare at others. And if they do, just flip them with a dumbbell and continue with your workout.
  • ataraxial
    ataraxial Posts: 185 Member
    I do feel better once I am there. It's just psyching myself up to go there. When I walk in the door is when I feel uncomfortable. And just thinking about that makes me cringe. So I often times (like now) procrastinate going by just trying to find someone to go with me.
  • If you really can't get the motivation to go alone why don't you look into joining a class at the gym - aerobics/calisthenics/tae bo - the list is endless
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I was working out at home until a couple of weeks ago, the first time I went for a workout I was so nervous it was quite ridiculous lol!

    But I'd paid my membership and I needed to go as I couldn't keep progressing with my lifting at home as I don't have a squat rack and bench. So off I went, funnily enough no once cared what I was doing!

    Just go :wink:
  • lfrazza
    lfrazza Posts: 14 Member
    At age 51 I joined a weight loss challenge at the local YMCA. I had never been in a fitness room in my life. I slowly got to know people, paid for some sessions with a trainer and keep rejoining the weight loss challenge. It gives me the motivation I need. I am hoping that this time I will have more success than I have had in the past. The best part of my story- I now have gym friends
  • There are plenty of people at the gym, so you will not be alone. Take a fitness class (Pilates, aerobics, yoga, etc) and you will be around people that also want to exercise. That is what I do.

    I love to workout at the gym too because I am not shy at all, and I prefer to work out alone. I am my own motivation. People are too busy doing their own routine to stare at others. And if they do, just flip them with a dumbbell and continue with your workout.

    Oops, you beat me to it :drinker:
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    Guilt...I guilt myself... I never want to go ( once I am there I love it and would stay longer)

    But If I'm going to be the person I want to be, I have to be in shape, I won't get the same workout just running around my neighborhood so I HAVE to go to the gym...sigh...
  • ataraxial
    ataraxial Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I won't be joining any groups due to my sporadic/hectic schedule, but I will be getting off my butt now and going-- alone. =]
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I prefer going to the gym alone. I am always up for going with a girlfriend if she asks me too, but the constant "wait until I am done until we move to the next machine" and wanting to ramble on when I want to listen to music or focus during my sets can sometimes get a bit irritating. I guess it really depends on the personality type of the person I go to the gym with.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    OK, I love my time alone in the gym. Maybe I am truly weird. For me, it is my time to calm down and breathe. So first of all, I have a great workout playlist to listen to on wireless headphones. That keeps me moving. I use that when I am doing strength training and cardio. The key to my long cardio time is my IPAD. When I am on the treadmill, I watch movies because it is too hard to read. When I am on the bike or elliptical, I read. I am able to do 60-75 minutes because I am wonderfully distracted.
  • _jordy_
    _jordy_ Posts: 26 Member
    I love working out alone. I work out from videos on the YouTube and I also jog, so there's no gym issue for me.
    I would hate if I always had to work out with people.

    I guess you'll just have to learn to be accountable to yourself, or make some friends to go with.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I personally prefer to work out alone, lol. The times that I've worked out with someone, the rest periods were too long, and we would spend more time chatting than working out.

    Just go in with an agenda, "I will do such, such, and such today and then leave." Knock those out, have your music, zone out, get in and get out. I don't find the gym to be a "social" place, maybe that's just me, but if I wanted to chat, we would go get coffee, that's just my personal experience, I know not everyone is a chatty Kathy.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I would suggest trying out a class or two. You might find someone in a similar situation. Even if it's just someone to say hi to when you go to the gym. Just like MFP, most things are easier with friends. :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I do all of mine alone!
    I LOVE IT!
  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    I love going alone. I can be more flexible with what I'm doing. If I am running late and a class has already started, I can just jump on the elliptical or do weights without having to accomodate anyone else. Plus it gives me some quiet time, which I LOVE. I usually try to go on the same days so the same instructor and members are there. I've already become friends with people there just from showing up at the same class. In Zumba or whatever, the music is too loud to talk during the class (which is good) and if I'm on the elliptical, I watch one of the tv's or listen to music so time seems to fly by. Just go. Once you go a couple of times, you'll feel more comfortable and it won't be so intimidating.