How do you stay motivated to work out alone?



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I prefer to work out alone, with no one it's not a problem!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I hate working out wtih people.

    I have found- ONE person I like working out with- and we kind of stumbled into a weird on and off again workout thing. we don't plan workouts together- if we happen to be going same day - we go same time. But it's not often.

    I like it.

    I don't understand how you would rather be at home than not lifting.

    I work 4 jobs. I leave at 7 am and get home often at 1130 PM.

    My bf lives 2 hours away- and his weekend is in the middle of my work work.. he also works 3 Pm - 11 PM.. so EVERTHING is backwards. I cook for myself. I clean my house- and when BF is here- WE take care of my 30 year old grown *kitten* child- who is an *kitten* and can't clean ANYTHING himself. (seriously- pretend living with a 15 year old- who refuses to accept ANY responsibilty for ANYTHING and doesn't even realize how much work you do- because- it just wouldn't get done either wya- perfectly happy living in his own dirty clothes and dirty dishs) it's overhwelming.

    it's my time to be extraordinary.

    it's my time to make the world disappear

    it's my time to be amazing- larger than life. I refuse to be the fat mom who sits at home and complains she has no time because of everything else (not saying you are- but I hear that a LOT).

    refuse to be ordinary. Refuse to let life make decision for you.

    I feel this way sometimes too...only because I tend to go in the evenings when all the "meat heads" go...then I feel kinda like a weak little girl in the weight room in front of all those guys embarassed

    I find this kind of offensive. I work out primarly in the free weight section- and while there are some epic douchcanoes there- most of them are really nice guys. If i need a spot- a lift- or some help getting a weight off my shoulders b/c I cna't get over head any more- I don't have to wander around aimlessly.

    Being strong or weak has nothing to do with it. plenty of girls lift in our free weight section- some suck. some are awesome. same with the guys. Some suck- some are awesome. but you cnt' just say- all the meat heads in there... my gym is a BIG box gym- and we have maybe 10-15% that are TRUE meat heads... everyone else is just there to lift.

    They look scary- sure- they are big- tattoed- and probably have Ironmaiden, or something raging in their ears (I'm partial to Five Finger Death Punch and Asking Alexandria right now myself) but really- they are nice people. Very helpful. they are just doing their own thing.

    How about you not be so quick to judge them and just show up and work out.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Go to the gym with a plan (write it out if you have to).
    i.e. 10 minute elliptical warm up
    3 sets 10 rep glutes, quads, shoulders,biceps, etc
    20 minute cardio
    10 minute stretch
    Go in, stick to the plan, crank up your iPod and pretend your the only one there. You are on a mission to complete that list and then you can return to your comfort zone. Eventually, the gym will become a comfort zone. No one is watching, no one is judging, and even if they were, repeat this: what others think about me is none of my business!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    It's the gym and a workout, not dinner and a movie...
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Look at old fat pics of myself.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I like my gym too and just started saying hi to everyone and started to make friends at the gym. Join a class and you start seeing the same people in class and just start talking to them, eventually you make plans to meet for a specific class or to try something new that the gym offers. Now I go with gym friends on different runs, - mud runs, spartan, 1/2 marathon all kinds of funs stuff I would have never done by myself. Hope this helps you!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I go by myself all the time. My husband quit going and I'm not a quitter. I feel strong and I don't care what anyone else thinks about me! You need to get that thought into your head! :flowerforyou:
  • DublinDanny
    Knowing how good I'm gonna feel afterwards is cause enough for me to go to the gym. Plus, given the choice I would rather be there alone, whether to focus on my own exercises, or more usually so I can fall in to a trance as I run. That's my favorite, feels like mediation, nice nice feeling.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Umm... a hell of a lot better than I do when I go with a buddy. No one to talk to, no one to bug me. All I have to do is ask for a spot here and there and we're good to go. Hate hate hate going to the gym with other people.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    How do I work out alone? I enjoy it. I love the time I get to work out because it's time for me. I devote my entire life to my husband and children. I crave those 30-60 minutes a day where I don't have to cook, clean or take care of somebody else. I get to clear my head.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I work out alone 95% of the time. It's me time. My time. Don't bother me time. The other 5% is with my trainer and my kaishido class. I'm also comfortable being alone (and I HATE workout with other people) but I understand that not everyone is. Try taking a few classes if they are offered by your gym.
  • Pretty_me321
    I don't want to be a hypocrite because I don't go to the gym. But When I used to go, what helped was music. I absolutely adored being in my own world and listening to my music. Also, aerobic classes because you are with other people and you really feel like you're part of a group.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I do feel better once I am there. It's just psyching myself up to go there. When I walk in the door is when I feel uncomfortable. And just thinking about that makes me cringe. So I often times (like now) procrastinate going by just trying to find someone to go with me.

    Get up off your chair and just go. You said you are fine once you arrive and get through the door. Nothing to be afraid of, seriously. I go to a small gym ... and went alone ... became gym friends with the people there and now I feel 'lost' when they are not around. That being said ... my gym is different...its not a big store (like 24-Hr Fitness or LA Fitness or the like) and I have gone to those place too. People are there for a person and sad to say, from my experience they don't even know you are there. Go, work out, be kind to yourself, and enjoy your workout. YOU CAN DO THIS! :wink:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    There are plenty of people at the gym, so you will not be alone. Take a fitness class (Pilates, aerobics, yoga, etc) and you will be around people that also want to exercise. That is what I do.

    I love to workout at the gym too because I am not shy at all, and I prefer to work out alone. I am my own motivation. People are too busy doing their own routine to stare at others. And if they do, just flip them with a dumbbell and continue with your workout.

    Oops, you beat me to it :drinker:

    Yes, I did! :laugh:
  • Happy_10yr
    Happy_10yr Posts: 287 Member
    I work out alone 95% of the time. It's me time. My time. Don't bother me time. The other 5% is with my trainer and my kaishido class. I'm also comfortable being alone (and I HATE workout with other people) but I understand that not everyone is. Try taking a few classes if they are offered by your gym.

    I agree.
    It's focused concentrated time with yourself.
    You're the only one that is going to do the work that improves your health.
    Team mates at the gym can help and offer support from time to time.
    For me, time is precious, get in......bang it out......impose my will.....unload some stress....see tangible accomplishments....("I moved that all by myself"...wtg me).

    But everyone is different.......gotta find what works for you.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Just do it... Like Nike....

    So what happens if you find a friend to go with you, and then they poop out on going with you???

    Does that mean you poop out too??? You abandon your whole working out plan?? Noooooo.

    If you go for a while, you may find some friends there that regularly go... And then you'd see them there everytime you go...

    Those are the kind of friends that help to motivate... The ones who are ALREADY there working out.... NOT ones you have to drag there.

    Think about it. The one person you can count on the most, to keep you motivated, is YOU. And the second, are the ones who are ALREADY at the gym working out. You could make friends with one of the teachers.. Thats a concept..
  • BurningAway
    I stand in front of my mirror completely naked, then i jump up and down three times, whatever parts are still jiggleing are my motivation too continue to workout. Simple but effective.
  • Ottawa_Randy
    Ottawa_Randy Posts: 42 Member
    Tried the gym twice and now do it at home ofr Sports in leagues as an extra player.
    In Canada there is lots of groups (CitynameSportsandSocialClub) that gets you motivated easily, you make new friends, you start in Rec and work up slowly. I've done Dodgeball, Sports of All Sorts, and Volleyball. I moved into INtermediate and do Dodgeball 3hrs/week now along with weights and some cardio at home.
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    If you can afford it get a personal trainer, they can show you around and you might feel more comfortable. Then you will know a name to a face when you go there more.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I do feel better once I am there. It's just psyching myself up to go there. When I walk in the door is when I feel uncomfortable. And just thinking about that makes me cringe. So I often times (like now) procrastinate going by just trying to find someone to go with me.

    Get up off your chair and just go. You said you are fine once you arrive and get through the door. Nothing to be afraid of, seriously. I go to a small gym ... and went alone ... became gym friends with the people there and now I feel 'lost' when they are not around. That being said ... my gym is different...its not a big store (like 24-Hr Fitness or LA Fitness or the like) and I have gone to those place too. People are there for a person and sad to say, from my experience they don't even know you are there. Go, work out, be kind to yourself, and enjoy your workout. YOU CAN DO THIS! :wink:

    I kind of agree- to a point about the big box gym. I got to a LAFIT and it has a community of people- you get used to seeing day in and day out- it's just bigger- so it takes longer- and you have to BE there in the moment. I have a lot of gym buddies- I say hi to- spot- get spots form hang out chat- see how they are doing. The community is there- it's just different-it's not 'quiet' as cozy- it's more like a small condo type place-still friendly- but not as unfriendly as say an apartment comlex vs than back woods neighborhood which is a lot more intimate.