imoquenn Member


  • I've never been a huge binger, but I have struggled with binging and a touch of bulimia, so yeah. I don't know about stopping it for good, but one thing that's really, really helped me is making a rule that I can't do anything while I'm eating. No watching tv, no reading, no texting - if I am eating, I have to be present…
  • Tonight's top news: CAN LIVING LIFE KILL YOU? Full story at ten!
  • I've noticed with your food diary that you often have things like "1/2 cup" or "10 grams." Are you actually measuring this, or just eyeballing it? People have a tendency to underestimate how much they've consumed - sometimes vastly! Try to go one day where you actually measure out your portion sizes. This is especially…
  • When I viewed exercise as a way of burning calories, I always felt like yoga was a waste of my time. Lately, though, I've sort of forgotten that I used to exercise so I could eat more... I do it because it feels good. And now yoga holds an appeal that wasn't there before. It's calming, it builds flexibility, and it helps…
  • I love to run. It makes me happy. It helps me sleep. I get to listen to my music and think out my problems. Maybe it's not the most effective tool for sculpting a super hot body, but... whatever. I don't see why I NEED to be cut like crazy anyways. I'd rather do healthy activities I enjoy and reap the benefits from that.…
  • 1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight? 5'3". 127 lbs, I think? My goal weight is 120, although my UGW is 115. I was 117 lbs when I broke up with my ex last year. A combination of unemployment, holidays from school and depression over the breakup lead to a gain of…
  • I wish I could give you some kind of award for this post.
  • Sorry, was camping and couldn't post! Back up to 128... damn s'mores!
  • Haha, your trigger foods are exactly the same as mine! I can't have peanut butter in the house any more... or if I do, I make sure it's not the devilish Kraft stuff! I have a tendency towards binging, but when I do, I try to practice mindfulness. First I ask: "Am I hungry?" If yes, I will eat a fairly small portion and…
  • 8/1 - 128 8/8 - 127 8/15 8/22 8/31 Total weight lost: 1 lb. Yay! :)
  • PrivateVenue: That's what I'm trying to do now, focus on exercise instead of eating! It's great to hear that you're having success with that... how do you maintain your motivation? optuntia: Wow, good for you. I'd actually never really though about how autism can impact one's physical health like that. Although I recently…
  • I don't have much to lose, but I gained 10 pounds last year and now I'm ready to lose it! SW: 128 CW: 128 GW: 124 UGW: 120 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/31 Total weight lost: And the one thing I want to do... I don't really know!
  • I was with a guy from the time I was 15 to the time I was 20, and he was always very supportive of my emotional needs. After a while, though, I got so that I couldn't be dependent on him any more (I just didn't want to be), and we couldn't work through that, so we split. Afterwards, I felt needed something else for…
  • Posting so I can check later. I'm just starting a sugar detox after recognizing its addictive properties/negative effect on my mood, so I'd like to know how it's worked out for others. :)
  • Those kind of statements like, "You'll never lose weight if..." are not encouraging. There's a difference between providing encouragement and saying things that are dismissive and hurtful. That kind of behaviour, I would argue, makes you MORE inclined to binge eat, because it triggers an emotional response. You get hurt,…
  • Yeah, emotional eater here. It's often an avoidance tactic - if I don't want to do something, I'll go eat instead, and it helps me procrastinate for at least a little while. And it's a comfort thing, too. XP
  • I just saw these in the market in Chinatown! I thought, "zero calories? That's impossible." and put them down! I guess I'll have to give 'em a shot now, though. :D
  • Tofu. Oh my god I love tofu so much. <3