Cardio Bunny? Stop It – Stop It Now!



  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    You know, plenty of men only engage in cardio-only exercise, too. I know guys who only exercise is running or racquetball or cycling.

    Just sayin'

    Never killed me. Never stopped my progress ;-) I don't really care what people like to do themselves, but they shouldn't tell me that doing only cardio is not the way to go :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Oh ffs.

    How many times... ?
  • bgraz1994
    bgraz1994 Posts: 56 Member
    I do cardio everytime I go to the gym, but I never do just cardio. I also incorporate weights, resistance band training, calisthenics, and stretching
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    I do cardio and just started doing a P90X-type program to get in strength training. I found this article interesting about the benefits of strength training (one of the reasons I started):

    However, I do agree that it's about doing what you enjoy doing first and foremost. I've also seen with a lot of people that they begin to incorporate strength training as they get more into their weight loss. Sometimes it takes seeing a loss of weight to get motivated.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    what an insulting load of rubbish that article is. why are we even debating something based on one person's unscientific thoughts. I am not arguing whether cardio or lifting is the b all and end all of weight loss, body shaping etc.. though I believe both serve a purpose and are not worth comparing like for like since they do different things. But to take one article that is actually highly insulting to anyone happening to follow a different method and then spread the news that it is the one and only way, is ridiculous.

    I also find the term cardio bunny highly insulting too since it suggests something weak and fluffy yet many runners/swimmers/cyclists are extremely hard working and very fit.

    I would add here that many professional runners/swimmers etc have training programmes that include the cardio they do for the sport and a mix of cardio and weights/strength training for peak performances (and they usually have great bodies too)
  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    I love cardio! Specifically HIIT cardio, I love how energized I feel after a good sweat fest and then refueling my body with good healthy fuel. I do a lot of weight training as well. I feel like doing both helps my body all around personally. I try not to do both heavy lifting and heavy HIIT on the same days but I like to get a good amount of both in during the week :) I can see and understand the points made about steady paced, low endurance cardio but HIIT cardio is wonderful! :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Why are we debating anything written by an OP who starts his post with the phrase "For my women"... ?

    Is that the sound of knuckles dragging that I hear?
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Article that talks about the benefits of strength training for arthritis patients.

    Another article about the benefits of strength training for women. What is recommended is not "extreme" but start out at what you can and increase wieght as you get stronger.

    This article is specific to older women and the benefits of strength training.

    I do both cardio and strength training. My cardio is usually some kind of HIIT. But, I thinkif you are a woman regardless of age, health, or fitness level strength training is a must. Do you have to bench press you body weight? No. But fighting the natural loss as you age of muscle tissue and bone density are imperative for a long, healthy life with the added benefit of a better quality of life.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    my gym is weird. there's also a bunch of emaciated looking men folk who live on cardio machines
    My gym is weird too. There are a bunch of men with pregnant bellies who live in the weight room.
  • cama78
    cama78 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm more into body weight exercises and some cardio...but yes, I have seen women hopping all around gyms I used to work out at-and they never lost a pound and their bodies didn't change. You need some resistance. Though-I don't really like weights body weight exercises work for me. I don't care about being ripped body builder style. I think it's gross on women to be honest.
  • cama78
    cama78 Posts: 9 Member
    Sat 11/24/12 09:47 AM
    Why are we debating anything written by an OP who starts his post with the phrase "For my women"... ?

    Is that the sound of knuckles dragging that I hear?
    Edited by meerkat70 on Sat 11/24/12 09:47 AM

  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Sat 11/24/12 09:47 AM
    Why are we debating anything written by an OP who starts his post with the phrase "For my women"... ?

    Is that the sound of knuckles dragging that I hear?
    Edited by meerkat70 on Sat 11/24/12 09:47 AM


  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Why are we debating anything written by an OP who starts his post with the phrase "For my women"... ?

    Is that the sound of knuckles dragging that I hear?

    Not sure I follow what point your are trying to make with this comment? :huh:
  • lizapettit
    lizapettit Posts: 166 Member

    Until the zombie apocalypse. :indifferent:

    This, haha!

    I don't agree with any information that bashes either cardio or resistance. I prefer to balance the two.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I'm sure 95% of the men out there would want to be ripped than run a mile. Running a mile is cool, but offers little real world benefits. Being ripped with muscles offers a TON of real world benefit as well as at least SOME of the cardiovascular and most if not all of the health effects.
    Really?? No "Real World Benifits"? Try telling that to the policeman who has to run down a criminal, or the military person who has to run for cover, or the firefighter running into a burning building to save a life. I'm sure those guys are more willing to be able to run that mile than to have a 6 pack anyday.

    Yeah, this.

    Being ripped has literally zero real world benefit. Being strong and being fit on the other hand...
    Why do so many body recomp enthusiasts believe that everyone has the same goals as them?

    I would like to have a visible six-pack, but I'm not going to pretend like it would benefit me in any real way.
    On the other hand, I recently learned that I can move my body over 20 miles in a morning.
  • imoquenn
    imoquenn Posts: 22 Member
    I love to run. It makes me happy. It helps me sleep. I get to listen to my music and think out my problems. Maybe it's not the most effective tool for sculpting a super hot body, but... whatever. I don't see why I NEED to be cut like crazy anyways. I'd rather do healthy activities I enjoy and reap the benefits from that. *shrug*
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Oh, this debate is getting old and silly. I want to lose weight, to be more fit, to be stronger, to have more endurance, so I can do all sorts of things.
    * I love lifting heavy because I do like getting stronger so I can do more and the way it is helping shape my body.
    * I also love riding my bike for a century (or 20, 40, 60 miles, whatever). Why? Because it's hella fun! And no one can convince me that going uphills isn't strengthening those muscles either. I think lifting weights compliments and improves my cycling.
    * I don't love running yet but I'm still out there doing it because I do want to be able to run if I need to in an emergency situation or just because it feels good. I would love to be walking on the beach and break out into a run because it feels joyous. I'm getting there. I do think lifting weights compliments and improves my running, too.
    * I love hiking for hours, up and down steep hills, carrying a pack without it hurting or feeling like it's weighing me down. And you need both strength and cardio fitness to do this so, yeah, cardio has some real world applications, OP. And, yeah, lifting helps with this, too.
    * I love HIIT. Sometimes I do a longer 30-minute session with HIIT on an elliptical or treadmill. Sometimes, I just do it a few times as part of a warm-up before lifting. Sometimes I do it in a planned/timed way at the track doing sprints and/or stairs on the bleachers. Sometimes I do it fartlek-style, just random, while out running. It's all good.
    * I also love to do an occasional cardio-kickboxing class, or zumba, or spinning, and you can't keep me away from my weekly bootcamp class.

    The point is, fitness is achieved a number of different ways. I get bored with too much routine so I am constantly doing different things. If I am doing a lot of cardio (running, cycling, hiking, HIIT), I might not make it to the gym for a week or two to do any heavy lifting. But then I might have a week or two where I do mostly heavy lifting with just a bit of cardio. I never lose any real strength and can usually jump right back into the weight/reps I was previously doing even after a couple weeks off from the gym. The same with jumping back into cardio.

    As long as you're doing something, it's all good. And I enjoy mixing it up because it's more fun that way. All this from a still overweight, but working on it, post-menopausal woman who was a couch potato for about 20 years until summer of 2011. Oh, each their own.

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Why are we debating anything written by an OP who starts his post with the phrase "For my women"... ?

    Is that the sound of knuckles dragging that I hear?

    Thank you! Thought I was the only one who caught that. As soon as someone on here refers to 'their women', they lose all credibility they might have had. They also seem to always be short, too. Whats up with that? Easier for the knuckles to reach the ground?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    my gym is weird. there's also a bunch of emaciated looking men folk who live on cardio machines
    My gym is weird too. There are a bunch of men with pregnant bellies who live in the weight room.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • oceangirl37
    oceangirl37 Posts: 37 Member
    I LOVE cardio. I do the hill intervals on the treadmill for an hour each day and lost 14 lbs. I managed to completely reshape my *kitten* and all the celluilite is gone from there (plus from my legs) I don't do it to punish myself, I do it b/c I love it. I also like snowshoeing, riding my bike, kayaking, and some hiking. I also do strength training about 3x/week but I would NEVER give up my cardio. I would be too bored with just weights and resistance bands. different strokes for different folks. weight loss is all about finding the activity you love and sticking with it.