

  • He folks P90x folks. So, I've been doing is for about 2 weeks. I see a difference in the way my clothes fit but not really dropping pounds. Anyone else?
    in P90x Comment by Blkroses55 February 2013
  • Love the thread... 1. I'm a Law & Order (all of them) fan. 2. Have road rage but love to drive. (Should have been a racecar driver years ago) 3. I learned how to make jewelry from my ex husband and now I have my own jewelry business.
  • I have been doing p90x for 1 week. I actually saw it throught. Normally I would give up. Very proud of self. Haven't been on the scale but my clothes are already fitting differently and I feel good!.
  • I was gonna switch to the Lean version as it is more cardio. The core synergistic (sp) is no joke. I only made it through half the video. But I like the idea of doing Cardio X instead. Thanks for the info.
    in p90x Comment by Blkroses55 January 2013
  • Day 1. Tried the Ab Ripper but too much tummy. So waiting till I lose some weight first.
  • Did you start? I official started today. Ab Ripper is a no no for me (right now). The chest/back wasn't too bad. I just did girl push ups until I can do the other fancy others and I dd the modied pull ups with a band.
    in p90x Comment by Blkroses55 January 2013
  • Hey I have a bootleg copy too. Here is the schedule:
    in p90x Comment by Blkroses55 January 2013
  • I've been natural since 2001. I'm on my my second set of locs. There are a few natural hair groups but they aren't active. I'm willing to start a new group if folks are interested. Send me a message and we can get it started in 2013.
  • Welcome. I'm a newbie too. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Ok, 5 miles in 24.24 minutes. Burned 152 calories. Resistance on the 3 level. I think I will try to beat my time on Saturday morning!
  • Please don't say that. I shall be visiting in May, hence why I'm trying to re-sexyfy (my own word) myself. I can't go there and gain everything I lost back. Aarrgghh!
  • I'm in too. I need a good sweat.
  • Start Weight: 203lbs Current Weight: 203lbs Goal Weight: 150lbs Height: 5' 2 Age: 35 Clothes Size: 16 Favourite Exercise: I'm not a fan but I do like to use my Wii (Just Dance, Zumba,Wii Fit) I also use my stationary bike, weights and booxing bag. I just want to be healthy and increase my stamina.
  • Greeting everyone! I'm anxious to be a part of this group. I'm in need of some motivation and accountability. I'm 35 years young. No children and going through a divorce. I'm trying to get myself together and enjoy life again. Focus on me! I'm 5'2 and 203lb (the heaviest I've ever been).I recent;y went to my doc and she…
  • Good Luck. let's motivate each other.
  • Hello Ladies! Greetings! Excited to be part of this groups. I've been natural for about 10 years. I've had locs for about 7 of those 10 years. I'm not really a product junkie. I use my own miz of shea butter and oils. I hate frizzies! Now that i'm working out more.. I'm gonna see what works best for my hair.
  • Greeting Jamaican Sistas! Hope all is well! I'm a newbie to the site and found this groups. I look forward to chatting and interacting with everyone!
  • Hello ladies! I'm a newbie here. Just joined the group. Look forward to chatting and interacting with everyone. I have four articles of clothes I've had for years and just refuse to throw them out: - A fabulous asemetrical gold skirt, - a pencil red skirt with ruffles at the bottom, - an orange coat I have not seen…