

  • Lots of good suggestions after you opened your diary. I agree with them. You have calories but not quality calories. Since it looks like you eat out, I suggest EAT THIS NOT THAT books for eating out. Also there are good books and articles on Clean Eating. Get some Protein in the AM breakfast - a hard boiled egg, scrambled…
  • Good tips ladies! I do have a HRM it is a Garmin which I use for pace running also. The only thing I don't like about it is the finger touch bezel. When I'm doing Push ups, the back of my hand can set it off or stop the timer/activity
  • The incredible shrinking woman!
  • I've switched from a handful (or sometimes more than a handful) of chocolate chips to chocolate casein protein powder. It is long term protein powder so it is good for building muscles while you are resting. This gives me my evening and chocolate fix. It is also very filling like pudding. Note: Casein protein is NOT for…
  • 2 a week sounds like a reasonable goal. I"m doing P90X workouts mixed with spinning, running and swimming. Just finished a 1/2 marathon on March 5 and will do my first triathlon April 10. I"m real fit but still need to lose quite a bit before I'm satisfied.
  • Congratulations! I finished my first 1/2 marathon on March 5th. Just about the same pace! Keep it up! Now that you've conquered this mountain....what next?
  • http://myp90xnutritionplan.com/ I'm doing the P90X exercise program and found the above site has some good info. Most of it is Vegan but you can sub in lean chicken and pork. Also, my wife and I are doing 'Clean Eating' Tosca Reno. Good stuff. Finally there is a magazine called Clean Eating with great recipes and even a…