sarat1987 Member


  • Thanks all! I went on a de-tagging mission and feel alot better. If I can't see them then they don't exist! And yeah, maybe I'll take a peek at them when i'm lacking motivation! :)
  • 25 - starting (again)! Could do with some encouragement myself!
  • Great goals. My goal is just to be more mindful of what i'm putting in my body - rather than just calorie counting. wish me luck!
  • Today is day 7. I'm finding it alot easier than day one! What weights are you using? I think I may need to up mine but the arm raises with side lunges kick my *kitten*! Keep struggling on and remember, you can stay on level one until you feel like you're ready to move up. Just take it at your own pace and don't get…
  • I usually go for a chicken breast burger and sweetcorn with no butter. I can't remember the exact calories but as someone has said, all the info is on their website. Just have a look and decide what your having before you go so that your not tempted :) enjoy!
  • go to food and then my diary. good luck :)
  • I've just started, today is day 3. There is a 30DS April 2012 group but for some reason i can't ever view it...!! Feel free to add me for some moral support! You'll be sore after your first day but its a good burn :) good luck!
  • Vanilla - You'll be sore after the first couple of days but I think walking to uni woudl be a good way to loosen up. Yesterday was day two for me and I went a short run at night - feel so much better today! Good luck, I'm gonna do my 3rd day tonight after work!
  • This is my first time trying - i'm only on day 2 but I'm gonna give it a good go. I hope I keep it up! I'm also training for a 10k so following a training programme for that. I've found I can't run in the morning so Im going to try to keep up the shred in the morning and running at night. Feel free to add me anyone that's…
  • Thanks guys, everything you say totally makes sense. It takes time and determination...I know there's no quick fixes. I'm just finding it hard to be motivated when I feel like nothigns happening, but I also know that nothngs going to change for me if I'm not motivated. I feel like today is the start of a new day and I'll…
  • I'm exactly the same, didn't think i'd need to do anything but download the app and the rest would happen. It's not happening! I know its me and the choices that I make, I record all day and then as soon as its after 5pm and I go all goes out the window! Good luck though, I'm sure we'll both get there in the…