New (ish) and in need of a severe kick up the backside.

So, I kinda thought that I could just write stuff in my food diary and that'd be all the motivation I's clearly not as nothings happening and I'm off the wagon more than I'm on it at the moment!

I'm looking to lose around 20lbs at the moment, which isn't anything like the amazing amount some others have lost but it just. wont,. shift. Having said that, i'm not trying hard enough and I think it's finally hit home that at 24, my metabolism isn't the same as it was when I was 18. Sadly.

So anyone in a similar situation feel free to add me, maybe with a little support we can do it. Here's hoping as I can't afford to buy all my clothes in a size bigger!


  • nvouvalis
    nvouvalis Posts: 21
    Hello! I'm in a similar boat. I'm 25 approaching 26, and I started here in October. I started Couch 2 5K shortly after joining this site, and I was religious about it until Christmas. I was also religious about logging my food until about the same time. After three months of working pretty hard at it, I had lost about two pounds. So I got disheartened, and I gave up on both.

    Now, I've lost almost 8 pounds since I decided to seriously lose weight. I didn't make any big changes to my daily routine or eating habits, it just started happening for me... half a pound this week, another half a pound that week... then I decided to start going back to the gym and it started happening for me faster.

    Anyway... just stick with it. I have no scientific explanation for why it took four months before I started to see actual weight loss, or why it really started after I gave up on my best cardio workout, but I'm glad it's happening, and the fact that it is is motivating me to work at it like I worked at it back in October. I still eat whatever I want, it's just that I find myself wanting slightly healthier things these days: salads instead of a burger, baked chicken instead of fried, etc. Hang in there, and put some effort in, and something will start to change.
  • ErinMarie000Ayainna
    ErinMarie000Ayainna Posts: 20 Member
    yes although this site is amazing I have come to find out the same thing! But all my wonderful MFP friends have hepled me move on so many time just beware of the fake people they can deter you from your goal but for the most part the support you can get on this site is so much help!!!!
  • sarat1987
    sarat1987 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks guys, everything you say totally makes sense. It takes time and determination...I know there's no quick fixes. I'm just finding it hard to be motivated when I feel like nothigns happening, but I also know that nothngs going to change for me if I'm not motivated.

    I feel like today is the start of a new day and I'll just take it from here and not worry about the fact that I've been half-commited for weeks.