miclmiller Member


  • I'm restarting too. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck with everything!
  • It happens to the best of us! Keep up the good work!
  • I hear that! I was at a steady weight then gained about 5 lbs, so that means I'm going to get back on here more. I know how a little slip can lead to a big fall off the wagon!
  • Try dancing/dance class, if you have cable and On Demand they have a fitness section. I know you said you hated machines but you can do HIIT on the eliptical by increasing and decreasing the resistance. I've done than and I pour sweat and get a major cardio workout in 20 minutes.
  • I love oatmeal, if you throw in a banana while it cooks that will naturally sweeten it. Add some nuts and spices and it will smell like banana nut bread. It's also delicious :)
  • The food companies really try to throw is all off don't they? I think I'm going to back to chewing sugar free gum at the end of my meals so I don't feel tempted to get junk out of the vending machine at work.
  • I have been on birth control for several years. Earlier this year I changed pills and gained 10 in a week and a half even though my eating habits didn't change. I also became incredibley moody. I may have been allergic or something because I also got a weird rash on my legs. I didn't give it 3 months, I told my Dr I had to…
  • I agree with post mentioning posture. I had 45 min commute and just worked on sitting up straight and not slouching (especially my neck). It does help your appearance and confidence. If you want a challenge keep your head on the headrest!
  • Hello! I'm new here too. The idea of logging everything seems better when there's a social part to it lol! I'll send you a friend request. Have a good one!
    in Hi (: Comment by miclmiller January 2012
  • Good luck! I love to eat too so I know how it is with the whole idea of diet. I like what your friend came up with instead lol! I'm new on here too so i'll friend you. Let us know how the cabbage thing works out!
  • Nice to meet you, I'm new too. I just started today. I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs. And thought this would be a good way too hat my eating under control. Happy to make a new friend on here.
  • Sometimes you just have those days. Hope tomorrow's better!