Restarting for the umpteenth time.

KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
At the end of November I hit my heaviest weight at 250. I am only four foot eleven so that is twice what I should weigh. I am carrying around an extra person. I've been afraid to step on the scale for a while. I finally did Tuesday and I was down 8.4 lbs. WOOT. Yes, I've been trying to eat less but most importantly, drink less calories. My weakness is soda pop. Anyway, in just slightly over a month that is a good loss. So I'm determined to really keep it up. I forgot about this site and it worked years ago so I'm trying to use it again. I hope to do well again.


  • miclmiller
    miclmiller Posts: 14 Member
    I'm restarting too. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck with everything!
  • curlytoes79
    curlytoes79 Posts: 95 Member
    Well, I'm restarting too. And I'm addicted to soda as well - Coke Zero is my drug. Here's hoping the umpteenth time is the charm...
  • Cristlefir
    Cristlefir Posts: 67 Member
    Hi! I was in the "restarting" phase back in November. I guess I still am, because I struggle all the time to stay motivated. I've been on and off this weightloss journey for years. This is the most committed I've been on my own in my life. I understand how hard it can be! Feel free to add me as a friend, and I'd love to help support you through toward your goals! I need the support too! :) We can do it together!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi. I just restarted a few weeks ago too. Congrats on what you have accomplished this month. Keep it up.
    Im only 5' ( and thats with my shoes on haha) and I need to lose about 60 pounds. Feel free to add me :)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    What is umpteenth?
  • FeelGoodNow13
    FeelGoodNow13 Posts: 25 Member
    That's me, feel free to add me
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    What do you plan on doing differently this time? :smile:
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Request sent, lets support each other!
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Good luck! You are doing great!
  • BayBay1956
    BayBay1956 Posts: 37 Member
    I too am restarting, I lost 25 lbs using MFP before but I got derailed in Oct 2012. Since then I gained about 15 lbsof that back. I have decided to start juicing just to give me a jumpstart. Good Luck and together we can do this.
  • pinktara2013
    pinktara2013 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm restarting (again) too. Feel free to add me. I could use some support!
  • KHalseth
    KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks, and good luck to you too, Miclmiller.
  • KHalseth
    KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
    What is umpteenth?

    It means a large, but unspecific, number of times.
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    Congrats! I was doing really well in 2012 and then I got pregnant, so back to the drawing board. Baby is 7 months and all the pregnancy weight is gone, but I still have to bump off the weight I gained with the OTHER kids. lol

    I'd love to connect with you through this! We're going to crush it this year.
  • KHalseth
    KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
    What do you plan on doing differently this time? :smile:

    Well, I was more successful when I last used this long term, when I was losing weight with my then boyfriend. My current roommate is also trying to loose weight, but he will always by treats and then try to get me to eat them. I have diabetes now unlike last time and I can't have nearly as much carbs as he is allowed to eat (only half) but it almost seems as if he is trying to sabotage my weight loss attempts. Take today, I ate my lunch and put my dinner plans into MFP and said I was going to be 30g of carbs under what MFP wants me to eat but I would 20g of carbs over what the diabetes nutritionist said I could eat. As I was leaving to back to my dog-sitting, he wanted me to take the last of the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches to eat tonight. Now these are supposed to be for people losing weight but when you look at people with diabetes, it would put me way over what I'm supposed to have for carbs. And he knew it because we had just been talking about it. So I'm having to tell him no to a lot of food he keeps trying to get me to eat. "No. Not today, maybe tomorrow. I've already planned my dinner and I can't eat that today. Maybe I'll work it in for tomorrows snack."

    Part of my massive weight gains after I had gotten back to 120 lbs was breaking my ankle and severely injuring my other ankle. I was stuck in a chair for four weeks with little ability to cook much. I gained a lot of weight, partly from inactivity and partly from food. I lived on delivery. Which is why I'm not a huge fan of pizza anymore. I took up dance lessons and working out until I developed a pinched nerve in my left leg. It slowed me down but didn't stop me. The Plantar Fasciitis I developed in both feet did. I had a doctor who I guess didn't really know how to treat it. After two years I gained 100 lbs because I couldn't do much of anything without massive foot pain. So I finally found a new doctor and the foot problem is under control so long as I don't use a treadmill, which seems to trigger. I love treadmills. With a movie or good t.v. shows, I used to go for an entire hour, sometimes two,

    With the pain under control I started trying to work out more but it wasn't really helping by itself so I started trying to eat less. Somehow, over the years, I had started to eat a good 500 calories more a day than I used to. Some days more. The weird thing is that I didn't really change my eating habits. Not that I noticed. But the number were there to prove it. Since I know that soda is the sugar/carb that really triggers me to drinking more and more soda, I really have to control my soda intake, which my doctor wants me to get down to none. I'm not a huge bread eater, I'm not a big pasta eater, and I do love rice, I don't make the kind of rice I really like so I don't have it that often. (I can only find it at Indian restaurants). I don't care for sweet foods unless is the occasional dessert. My family didn't eat dessert so I don't think of it as a normal part of a meal. I crave sweet beverages. But I also drink a lot of water. when I slow down on the soda, the weight really drops.

    So I guess what I'll really be doing differently is realizing that with diabetes and high blood pressure, I really have to do something because I've got real health problems that can only,really, be controlled by losing the extra person I'm carrying around and I'm at risk for more problems if I don't get it under control this time. Outside things may happen to interfere with my weight-loss plans but I have to find ways of dealing with them so I don't let them slow me down or affect my weight.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It sounds like you will really benefit from logging and continuing to log even after you have lost the weight. That way that 'extra' 500 a day can't slip in unnoticed by you. There are plenty of folks here who are unable to exercise, or do very little at all, and are very successful, as the key to losing weight is a calorie deficit. Exercise is great if you are able, but not necessary.