

  • Amazirng! Good for you. You have completely transformed your life and are an inspiration to us all! Keep up the good, healthy habits and keep moving forward!:flowerforyou:
  • You really need to know what kind of runner you are. Underpronator, overpronator, etc... i would suggest visiting www.runnersworld.com as they have great articles on shoes and shoe reviews http://www.runnersworld.com/channel/0,,s6-240-0-0-0,00.html. I had some trouble finding shoes and once I found what works for me, it…
  • Welcome! I am also a busy mom, wife, student, and employed so I can relate to you on just about every level. I am about 10 years older than you though...lol. Right off the bat, I will tell you that you absolutely must make yourself a priority. No one in your house is going to stop and say..."Gee, I wonder if Mom got a…
  • Absolutely - the proof will be good health. Sometimes you have to avoid toxic people too. They have no place in your life, especially when you need all the support you can get. I have had to walk away from those I "thought" were friendly (really wolves in sheep's clothing) and I will tell you I am 100% better off because…
  • Absolutely...women need to stick together and support one another. Could never understand that whole putting down thing. We have enough challenges in the world taking care of ourselves while juggling multiple priorities. Give your girlfriends a break!
  • Sounds like someone is jealous of your motivation and they are not in a good place right now. Skinny doesn't mean fit. We all have choices to make in this world and they are our personal choices to make. Seriously? She dare question what you are doing? You are taking good care of yourself and finding time (whenever it may…
  • So...your recommendation is to finish the race this first time, not how fast I do it. That is a reachable goal. Finish without passing out or throwing up, right?
  • Hi! I am a 42 year old Mom, Wife, Student and Business Owner (part-time) who has successfully juggled it all - but consistently put my body last on the list. Since August 1, 2011, I have been consistently working out at the YMCA 3-5 times per week. Have only lost 6 lbs. but I feel better and think I look better. I am…
  • The banner showing your weight loss is eyecatching. What a way to stay on track. Hoping to make the lbs. move. Good luck to you.
  • Thanks for the tips! I hate being tired or hungry. It makes me cranky for my husband and kids. I like to feel just about full and enjoy having energy to work out.
  • I saw her interview with Al Roker on the Today Show. I do think she is being somewhat disingenuous. She kept repeating how she has never said that she eats that way every day but I think to the average food show viewer, they probably read her cookbooks like the Bible, faithfully trying out each recipe. I think she is…