Newbie here

Hello everyone. I am 31 and heavier than I've ever been. I'm even heavier than I was the day I gave birth. Yikes! I work 40+ hours a week and go to school. I'm also a wife and mother so my schedule is always crammed full. I always find myslef making excuses for why I didn't work out or why I stopped for fast food. It's horrible, I know. I'm also very impatient and want to see changes right away. I get discouraged when it doesn't, even though I know it won't. Learning to cook healthy and get some motivation are my biggest goals besides the weight loss. So here I go....:bigsmile:


  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Welcome! You are one busy lady but you are important, so you need to take care of yourself. You found a good, supportive place and if you are looking for friends, feel free to add me!

    Also--as far as food is concerned, I am looking thru a Biggest Loser cookbook and finding LOTS of things that only require 3-4 ingredients--easy!

    Anyway--don't get discouraged--you will find your groove :)
  • itsmaymee
    Thanks! I am finally realizing that I have to take care of me as well. i always want to take care of everyone else and put myself last. No more of that!!!
  • MichelleUnger
    Welcome! I am also a busy mom, wife, student, and employed so I can relate to you on just about every level. I am about 10 years older than you Right off the bat, I will tell you that you absolutely must make yourself a priority. No one in your house is going to stop and say..."Gee, I wonder if Mom got a chance to workout today"? With that in mind, you need to get creative in finding time to exercise. Sometimes I get up at 5:00 am. or go to the gym at 9 p.m. but I find if I sit down on Sunday and put some workout appointments in my Outlook calendar, I tend to stick to them (I much prefer the 9 a.m. or even right after work over other times). Aim for 3 workouts a week at first and plan for the unexpected. If all else fails, take a walk or put in a video. It's better than nothing. As far as eating healthy, I have 4 children between the ages of 10-16 (last two are twins) who are always hungry. I literally keep a cooler in my car trunk filled with staples such as almonds, granola bars, apples, tangerines so there are no excuses to stop. I refill it each Sunday. Hope these tips help you reach your goals! You can do it....a day at a time. I have a long way to go but I am better off now than I was 6 months ago - triglycerides are down, clothes fit better and I can keep up with my kids.