

  • You should be fine to keep going. I was extremely active before I had my son and exercised through my entire pregnancy. My doctor made me give up beach volleyball though as I got closer to my second trimester - obviously I couldn't dive for the ball anymore - LOL I highly recommend some lower intensity aerobics as you get…
  • I do everything barefoot, except for running outside of course. I find I have better control and stability in my bare feet.
  • When you feel like you rode a horse all morning...but you didn't
  • Hard to say. I liked playing outdoors and was a bit of a tomboy. I did a bit of volleyball and several years of figure skating but regret that I didn't have the confidence to try out for more school team sports. I loved soccer but never tried out. As an adult, I started playing intramurals. I was always a solo exerciser…
  • When putting on deodorant totally hurts. Common...I know you weight lifters know what I'm talkin' about.
  • Bump... Anyone?
  • SW: 151 GW: 130 Height: 5' 2" I'm doing a bit of a mixed plan. I'll be doing Slim in Six 4 days/ week and doing the C25K running program on alternate days + 20 mins Turbo Fire Hit workouts on those run days. I work long hours and have a little toddler at home to take care of in the evening, so I try to keep exercise to 60…
  • I don't drink shakes on a daily basis, but I will have a post workout protein drink on heavier lifting days. I tend to just mix up a scoop of 100% vanilla whey protein isolate with some water. On days when I have a more carb-heavy lunch of dinner, I'll drink a protein shake in the morning. water + ice + 1 scoop whey…
  • I'll join! I just started yesterday and am thrilled to see someone going through it at the same time. How will this work. Should be post start weight for this week and then post again in a week?
  • I'll join! I just did Week 1, Day 1. I have always wanted to be a runner but can never seem to commit. I'm trying C25K after my hubby, who was a total couch potato, successfully completed the program and now runs 5Ks regularly. My dream is to run my first 5 K at the end of October with him. My first run went well but I got…