

  • I count them all, just think. 1 cup of corn is 132 calories.. for 1 cup of brocolli w/ butter sauce is 84 calories... I <3 it.I eat my boyfriends veggi's all the time. I add brocolli and low fat cheese with eggs... little bit of salt and pepper and you have a 350 calorie breakfast. :)
  • The thing that you need to rememeber is... that muscle weighs more than fat... so if you are working out the same way every single day, you are gaining muscle... I agree with sugarbeans, take measurements. You will know for sure.
  • okay so I am the complete opposite, I LOVE VEGGIS and dont like certain fruits... BUT what I have done... WITH BROCOLLI... which i love plain anyway... add garlic butter to it or cheese sauce to it and then steam it.... it melts in your melt and you dont have to chew it.. I think it is amazing.. you can do this with any…
  • but junk food at times is good. as long as you dont do it everyday.. like me... i work in a call center.. i need to much on something.. cheerios are my best friend
  • Its so hard too because i woek in a call center anywhere from 8 hours to 12 hours a day and I am sitting down, the only time I can walk is during my breaks and it deosnt give me much time.. I currently live 35-40 minutes away so it feels like all I am doing is working and sleeping. i bought a treadmill in November but I am…
  • I think that is one thing that hurts me.... I stopped drinking regular Pepsi and started drinking Diet Pepsi but I heard that diet Pepsi is worse than Regular Pepsi..
  • I dont have any friends on here besides my boyfriend since he is doing this with me. I also need the motivation from others because right now I am in a rut. ADD PLEASE