Would like some new friends!

Hi everyone, my name is Lindsay and I'm a married mother of two beautiful kids. I have a few friends on MFP, but most of them are not everyday users like me, I would like to get some new friends, even if I dont know you, I'd love to add you! I just need the motivation of watching others succeed, to keep me on track :) So does anyone want to be my friend? Add me or send me a message and I wil add you!


linnyrhea <3


  • I dont have any friends on here besides my boyfriend since he is doing this with me. I also need the motivation from others because right now I am in a rut. ADD PLEASE
  • bamajes
    bamajes Posts: 24
    Feel free to add me. I try to get on here everyday. It helps me feel accountable even though I know other people aren't judging what I eat or how much I exercise. Sometimes just knowing others are watching and rooting for you to do well helps.
  • shandirae
    shandirae Posts: 15
    I am trying to make new friends too! I am on here almost everyday during the week, and so far I have noticed my pants fit better! I am also looking for friends who are trying to quit drinking soda!
  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    Added you both!
  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    I'm trying to kick my pop addiction too! One tip, every time you want a pop, say to yourself "I want to get fat"!
  • T0nie2
    T0nie2 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes to Friends! I want more to help motivate me too!
  • Its_My_Time
    Its_My_Time Posts: 156 Member
    Hi, nice to meet you! I can use the support too :) I'm still trying to get focused and my weekends are the biggest challenge for me!!
  • I think that is one thing that hurts me.... I stopped drinking regular Pepsi and started drinking Diet Pepsi but I heard that diet Pepsi is worse than Regular Pepsi..
  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    I lack heavily in the motivation department as well, and I'm soo bad on the weekends, I basically set myself back a whole week just in 2 days :( I added everyone and thanks to those who added me! We can do this together!
  • Its so hard too because i woek in a call center anywhere from 8 hours to 12 hours a day and I am sitting down, the only time I can walk is during my breaks and it deosnt give me much time.. I currently live 35-40 minutes away so it feels like all I am doing is working and sleeping. i bought a treadmill in November but I am not too motivated to push myself.
  • zylander
    zylander Posts: 11 Member
    Hey im kind of new to MFP and is looking for friends so we can support each other feel free to add me :)
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    Anyone who wants can add me.
  • On_time
    On_time Posts: 6
    Will do..
  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    I own a treadmill, elliptical, numerous ab machines and tons of videos, most of which I have used a handful of times, or never. I just struggle with the "keep going" part, if I miss one day of working out it seems like my whole week is shot. I look at my kids every day and I want to do this for them (my kids are 3 and 8 months old) and myself, Im hoping with my nice assortment of new friends we can all keep each other going :)
  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 160 Member

    My name is Cris and I'm on here every day. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I work out 6 times a week so maybe i can give you exercise support!
  • carrie0210
    carrie0210 Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me. The more support one has the better off they are!
  • bstoetzer
    bstoetzer Posts: 96
    Hi all!! I'm on here everyday, so anyone who wants to can add me!!
  • KeJo03
    KeJo03 Posts: 25 Member
    I'd like new friends too, I'm a full time wheelchair user so exercising is almost impossible but I'm trying to control what I eat! :smile:
  • jdevrich
    jdevrich Posts: 25
    I need to quit drinking soda too! All I drink is diet and I've committed that when the 12 packs in my fridge are gone, I'm not buying anymore. Feel free to add me anyone! I'm an everyday MFPer. 65 days in a row as of today!
  • Partyofpugs
    Partyofpugs Posts: 105
    I log on every day. I don't always have time to comment but I try hard. Feel free to add me.