ONA79 Member


  • Great post and great attitude. I was talking to someone a few weeks ago about being happy has nothing to do with what you've been handed in life- it's how you accept and deal with what you've been handed. I sort of love the look on people's faces when I tell them I wasn't supposed to survive past the age 5 :)
  • I'm 5'2 and was 225 at my heaviest (after my first kid) and have been overweight since junior high. I have two kids, 5.5 and 2.5. I had been in the 180-185 range from high school until having kids so originally that was my only goal. Once I got there my goal was 150, cause that's what my Dr told me to aim for and I liked…
  • I eat 1200-1300 and try not to eat back too many exercise points. Mostly I eat 1200 M-Th and closer to 1400 F-Su cause we often go out and I'd rather lose slow then totally change my lifestyle. I think my thyroid went out slowly over many many years because when I first started on medication (after my first kid was born) I…
  • I'm wondering how strictly everyone keeps to 1200? I aim for 1200, but in reality it is often closer to 1300 because I can't go to bed hungry. My Dr is actually the one who told me to eat 1200 calories a day and the times when it's a big problem (other than temptations of eating out or being at a party) is when I don't…
  • My mother suspected I had hypothyroidism when I was in high school. She and I went on a diet together one summer, ate the same food, went walking together every morning for a few miles, etc. She lost 25lbs and I lost 3. Doctor just told her my levels were within the normal range and she didn't push to get the exact amount.…
  • Hi- I'm almost 34- mother of two. Been overweight since junior high but the added weight is catching up with my health and I need to get serious about it. Tried Weight Watchers after each of my kids- ate their recommended points and gained weight; and the response is generally that I must somehow be cheating. MFP tells me…
  • Hello! I'm almost 34, born with Pulmonary stenosis. Five surgeries before I was 8 years old. Started gaining weight during puberty, never able to lose it between not being able to fully work out at the level needed and not knowing how to eat properly. Valve replacement in '03 and suddenly I was able to do things I had…
    in Hi all Comment by ONA79 February 2013