

  • I would like to suggest to everyone that has posted a book called "Made to Crave" by Lisa Terkeurst. I went from a healthy, active person to a very unhappy overweight woman due to the fact that I'm an emotional eater just like all of you. But then a very good friend of mine invited me to attend a local churches Health…
  • I sought counseling during the 1st Challenge for personal issues that I knew were contributing to my emotional eating behavior. It was so liberating and healing. As I stated yesterday I can honestly say I no longer turn to food for emotional reasons. During the 2nd challenge we had a speaker who talked about food…
  • So sorry I am just now seeing this question. I am still learning my way around this site. I love it though. I'm weighing myself once a week and only once a week. I used to let the scale rule my life. I would weigh before I left work on friday, I work at a doctors office, then again first thing monday morning. It determined…
  • Happened to me way too often but I’ve reached a point in my life when I decided that I had to approach each day as a new one. If I didn’t I would continue to be a tired and frustrated person. I stress about everything and part of my spiritual growth has been about learning to give it over to God. That doesn’t just apply to…
  • Unfortunately I too have been down that route one too many times. Not just once but multiple times. And the diets were doomed to fail every time for several reasons, including but not limited to I started them for the wrong reason and they were diets that were unreasonable for long term. I tried and was successful on…
  • Cost and convenience. No matter how you look at it in order to eat organic and fresh it takes time and money. Once upon a time we were spending more time at home, especially Mom’s. Now we are working longer hours if not both parents are working outside of the home. And fast food restaurants are more available then grocery…