rodrig462 Member


  • I am part of an active bicycling group. That doesn't mean that everyone is perfectly satisfied with their weight/fitness. However, exercise does give you an additional "lever" to manage things. A couple of the guys in the group are experimenting with intermittent fasting. Their interpretation of that is to eat whatever…
  • It's always best to confront. As bad as it looks, there may be a reasonable explanation. If someone misunderstood your motivation for doing something, I think you would want a chance to set the record straight.
  • It would be normal, in my experience. I think you are on the right track, as far as understanding the nature of the rapid weight loss. It is my understanding that carbs require allot more water for the body to process than protein & fat. So, if you reduce carbs, you should expect to drop some water weight along with it. I…
  • When I read some of these posts, I am reminded how complex a woman's relationship to her own body is. As a man it is difficult to relate because we keep it kind of basic: when we need our genitals, we start searching for them somewhere around that "body-thing." That about covers it for men. I see it in the women in my…
  • Turned fifty this year. My biggest challenge is that I have a sit down job and an active appetite. I love to eat, but I'm not nearly as active as I was years ago. Managing my eating is new for me, since I always used to burn it off. I had to quit running as my joints weren't going along quietly for the ride anymore. I made…
  • My favorite soup recipe would get me banned from a healthy living forum like this. It will put your nutrition plan in the ditch faster than a bacon & doughnut sandwich. :laugh:
  • Haha! I sometimes scold my anglo neighbors for using the term, "Hispanic Cuisine." I tell them that we are a people that can agree about a language, but have no common ground as they relate to beans. :laugh: I took an interest in cooking early on. I make no effort to spare calories because I prefer the authenticity. We…
  • It's hard to offer any solution without some generalization working its way in. In my case, I have been a decent runner, but was a more successful "generalist". That is, I never won my age group in a marathon, but I won my age group several times in half and full Ironman races. To your point, it all depends on your goals.…
  • We have the opposite problem in the south; we are driven indoors in trhe summer. You can acclimate to it, but it takes allot of focus and most of us have jobs and families to look after. I am 50 years old, but in a former life, I crosstrained allot. Do they even use that term anymore? It meant that I was always ready to…