Losing weight too fast?

180lbs to 174lbs since Monday I weighed 175lbs yesterday I thought it was because of my low-carb day prior to that but I checked today and now I'm 174lbs I think I'm losing too much weight too fast... Gonna do some body measurements make sure I'm not losing muscle mass.

Changes I made starting Sunday I upped my cardio to 50min a day from 40min and I also cut out complex-carbs in my last two meals depending on my carb cycle day.

My question is am I losing too much weight in my time frame? I don't wanna lose any muscle mass on my cut if so what can I do to prevent this and any advice a link to your study would be preffered, thank you.


  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    You aren't losing that much weight. In the first few weeks, it's mostly water weight. I promise it'll settle down in the coming weeks, and then you'll wish it was faster, LOL

    Unless you continue at this rate for a few more weeks (and you probably won't), you'll be just fine :)
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    ive gone from 147.6 to 144 since monday too- Still dropping bdy fat though! Maybe its a lucky one for us! Been at ths for ages too, so its not just a water weight drop x
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    6lb a week is pretty fine for ages - if you're overweight by a fair bit.
    I second what happyfeetrebe said. It's likely just water weight by altering your workout/diet. It should settle down in another week or so.
  • rodrig462
    rodrig462 Posts: 10 Member
    It would be normal, in my experience. I think you are on the right track, as far as understanding the nature of the rapid weight loss.

    It is my understanding that carbs require allot more water for the body to process than protein & fat. So, if you reduce carbs, you should expect to drop some water weight along with it.

    I have trouble sustaining changes to diet over a long period, so I switch my focus between diet and exercise to keep th emomentum going.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    It may even go back up a couple of lbs. with all that working out you're doing.
    Don't stress. I lost 22 lbs(10 kilos) in 3 weeks then stuck at 111 to 112 ever since. I am frustrated but determined not to give in to the "desert times" this time around..

    My biggest problem now is not being able to exercise as hard as I would like because of hip joint issues - but tomorrow "My Keeper" will go to play tennis and I plan to escape to the gym while she is out. I tried cutting calories to below 1000 and, do you know something(?), I still didn't lose any weight!
  • nascarted10
    nascarted10 Posts: 300 Member
    Most of us saw the same thing. It will settle down to 1 - 2 pounds a week eventually. Get excited about it now however, you deserve it. Just don't expect it to continue like that.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Water. No worries as long as you're eating a good amount of quality food.
  • cmwhited6204
    cmwhited6204 Posts: 210 Member

    If the body in the profile is you then you need to stop worrying. Weight loss fluctuates day to day and week to week. Keep within your plan and you will be fine.