Runners where do you run in the winter?



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I am eagerly looking forward to some cold weather runs.
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    I dress for the Scandinavian winter and run outside. I usually go to a park nearby which has light posts, since it gets dark around 3-4 pm in the winter. My parents live in the countryside, and my dad has these "snow chains" he puts around his sneakers when running in the woods, so he doesn't slip on the icy patches. If it gets so cold that it hurts to breathe deeply I'll take a break from running, but otherwise I love the feel of the cold air :smile:
  • HI,
    I run outside unless there's ice, I don't mind snow and cold but icy slippery pavements no thanks! last year I couldn't run outside for a month or so during winter.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Outside unless there is lightning. I loooooove winter running!! It is so much nicer than 98 degrees and 80% humidity.

    Agreed, I really struggle in the heat and fall (here in Western PA) is my favorite time to run. The only problem I have for the very short days of winter is that I really don't have anywhere to run - my trail is too dark and I don't want to run on the roads. :cry:
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    If its warmer than -20 you can safely run outside if you dress for it. You just need a jacket and some gloves. Long pants if it's less than around 20 degrees. If its really cold mittens work better than gloves.


    Last year, I ran a total of 3 days on the treadmill. That was because of icy conditions. I run pretty much every day, only taking a few days off per month. If you have the right gear, you can comfortably run outside. And it makes a hot shower feel even better.
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    I live in Massachusetts and I try to run in all weather. It's really just a matter of dressing properly. has a guide for dressing for all types of weather. The general rule is you should dress for 10 degrees warmer than the current outside temp so that when your body warms up you don't overheat. You'll be cold when you start out but it'll movtivate you to keep going to warm up. It can be really refreshing to run in cold weather.

    That said, I also have a treadmill as a last resort if it's absolutely too cold/wet/icy to run.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Outdoors, all year 'round. You can run in any weather (I won't if it's freezing rain, but otherwise I'm out the door) if you dress properly for it (layers - for really cold weather I've been using a merino wool base layer, wicks away moisture, very light and toasty warm and it makes a good base layer for wearing under my drysuit when scuba diving) and it's not unusual for us to have temperatures of -20 to -30C in late January and early February.

    Running on slippery road in winter forced me to shorten my stride and adopt more of a mid-foot strike (the alternative would be landing on my butt).
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'll be moving inside to the treadmill here in a few weeks. Yes, it's safe to run to -20 (easy for the guy from Georgia to say), but for me, it's not comfortable. I'll play hockey until it gets to around 0 to -5, but that's where I call it. Between wind chill and stuff getting wet then freezing, I'll just go inside.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I am fortunate and live in the Seattle area, so I can run outside.. the cold rain can be really cold at times, but I am learning what clothes are better for the weather. I enjoy outside to the treadmill, but I also have that as an option!
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    I run year round outside in TN, yes there have been times I had to deal with snow and ice but I am just careful with my footing. My best half marathon to date was in 20 degree weather......I am from Florida however my body prefers weather 60 or less for running. Best advice is dress in layers and dont be afraid to be a little chily when you start....promise, you will warm up. I find keeping my hands warm is the most important.....though I have looked like a bank robber before with my face pretty much covered. Good luck and embrace the cooler weather, you will run faster :-)
  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    I run outside unless it's icy, down to about 25ish degrees (depending on wind chill, LOL). Agree with the others, if you dress for it, it's not too bad. 25 is my limit, though, and if it's really windy, even temps at 30 or above can feel pretty blustery. I have an elliptical in my basement or do a workout DVD whether the weather is just too inclement for me.
  • I run outside all year long. I live in Phoenix so the challenge isn't the winter but the summer. I've learned to embrace the heat and I've actually improved my pace this summer despite the heat. Winter is my favorite time to run in Phoenix! It's perfect!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Cold doesn't always keep me inside but the condition of the sidewalks will. In the dead of winter when there's that icy skim, I will NOT run outside. Almost 7 years ago I slipped on the ice breaking my leg and severely spraining my achilles so I don't risk it. I know I could get those crampon thingies but it still makes me nervous as hell. I'd rather play it safe and stay inside.
    I'll run outside until the snow flies and then stick to the treadmill until the sidewalks clear. Running on the treadmill is boring and physically punishing to me (I land too hard on it) so I stick to intervals and work on my strength training.
  • AllDayMzAmberJ
    AllDayMzAmberJ Posts: 46 Member
    I end up running in the gym on a treadmill. I have a hard time breathing in the cold - it burns my chest! LOL
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Outside unless it's really bad weather. OK, I won't run in 35 and rain - though I will in 30 and snow. Won't run on icy, uncleared roads. Otherwise it's outside.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    We have a community center (old high school) with an indoor track thats open until 9pm. I choose this over the dreadmill in the basement.. blah
  • I have 2 young kids so getting to the gym is almost impossible for me...I decided to invest in a treadmill ($400 off craigslist) and it has already paid for itself (cosidering what I was paying for a gym membership). Tradmills arnt for everybody but I like it because I can run 6-7 days a week regardless of weather...and it is easier to track my speed/distance. So if you dont like running in the cold (it seriously hurts my lungs) I would recommend getting a used one for days that are too cold/wet/hot to run outside.
  • bholmes21
    bholmes21 Posts: 59 Member
    I run outside or on the treadmill. If it's really cold and gross it's treadmill, but if there's still a little light i put on my reflective gear, layer up and run a few miles. I get my longer run in on the weekend so I can do it during the day since that's what works for my schedule. Do whatever works best, just keep moving so you don't lose your training in the off season. This year I'm doing a winter 1/2 so I will def. be running outside so i'm used to gloves, hats and other layers.
  • rodrig462
    rodrig462 Posts: 10 Member
    We have the opposite problem in the south; we are driven indoors in trhe summer. You can acclimate to it, but it takes allot of focus and most of us have jobs and families to look after.

    I am 50 years old, but in a former life, I crosstrained allot. Do they even use that term anymore? It meant that I was always ready to shift from one form of exercise to another.

    These days, I run fewer than three days per week, on average. The other three or four days are spent kickboxing at the gym. About 75% of the class is women, by the way - - but I refer to them as "fembots". The instructors are not very sympathetic people, which works in your favor if you have goals. :smile:

    Point is: Maybe running in winter needs to be the fallback plan for you when you can get to another resource like the gym, pool, etc. Find a gym that lets you sign up on a seasonal basis. Then, as weather permits go for a run.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Point is: Maybe running in winter needs to be the fallback plan for you when you can get to another resource like the gym, pool, etc. Find a gym that lets you sign up on a seasonal basis. Then, as weather permits go for a run.

    That's a great plan, unless your goal is to be the best runner you can be. :smile: