

  • I might have missed it but what is the ChaLean Extreme? Is it a class or a DVD? Thanks for the encouragement about the doctors office. We will all get there!
  • Thanks! Unfortunally I am staying home...just not working! Kind of a mental vacation. I work from home and in desperate need of some "me" time. But the sun is shinning and the river looks wonderful so I cant complain! :happy:
  • Well is about time my sister in law showed up! Welcome back! I know you have had computer problems..just giving you a hard time because I can and we are family! :laugh: I am excited for next week...we are both on Vacation! Bring on the workouts! :laugh:
  • My dr appt went great! She was really impressed on my weight loss and progress so far. I for once walked out of the office with a smile instead of a frown! :smile: Woo Hoo!
  • Yep WA state. I am in center of the state. Where it is like a desert. Very hot,dry and really no trees. And lots of snakes. I have to be careful when I go walking in the evening. YIKES! I have those "errands" day too....Today is going to be one of them.... I know where Benton City is...nice area as well. It is about an 1…
  • It is very scary at first. Idid not know what to eat,drink or what....So I had to literely take my life in my own hands and fix it..or at least I am trying. No one else was going to do it for me! :laugh: I am learning what I can eat and what I cant in terms of raising my blood sugars too high. Sometimes I learn the hard…
  • Yep that is right....about a month into the diagnosis. Or learning new ways. :smile: they do have hope that it will "go away" or at least no insulin if I get my weight under control. It is a lifestyle change for me and my whole family. With those ideas that Jen gave me are wonderful and will sure help the learning process.
  • nl_lynx- I go later today....I sure do hope that is a good one. We have less than 50 in town more in the surrounding area. My area is mostly a "vacation" area. Lots of vacation homes. I have to travel about 1 hour to the nearest "big" town. And 30 min to a middle size town. I have a great veiw of the Columbia River and I…
  • Go to and register. Request Changing life with diabetes carb counting and meal planning book. Take out ALL proccessed foods from your diet, or as much as possible. Stay away from Whole Milk (hey skim milk has vitamin D in it now as well) white bread (yes, its just as healthy as wheat bread, I heard…
  • I have not gotten any books as of yet. Maybe tomorrow. I will ask for them. I live in a very small rural town and I sometimes wonder if they have all the recources that a big city would have.
  • The veggie challenge sounds great. I love veggies. So it will be super easy for me. Anyone want any recipes how you can sneak them in. Thant is if we decide on that one. I got kids I had to learn the tricks. Oh I would love to have some recipes that sneak in veggies. I really hate eating them plain. :smile:
  • So tomorrow morning I go to the doctor and have my first check up with being on insulin. Wish me luck. I do hope the doctor noticed that I have lost weight. Sometimes they can just get you in and out and really never praise you for doing good. So wish me luck! :smile:
  • I like that challenge! I do not get enough of them in. I really dont like them but will find a way to choke them down..:laugh:
  • Woo Hoo! That should be a ton of fun. I wish we had one around where I live. :flowerforyou:
  • Good morining Red Team!! Hope everyone has a healthy day...drink your water! Wont be a problem for me is really hot here and that always makes me drink more water. Ari- I know just how allergies are! I have them and some days I am down for the count. They can be the worst. Jess- Great job with the job…
  • I see....hmmmm I better go and try the measuring tape. Thanks for the idea! :bigsmile:
  • Thanks for the feedback. I have noticed that all my lower body muscles are on fire. But I also added more weight training this past week. So here is another question. I stayed the same weight this week,is it because I added strength straining? Not much of it but enough to make all my muscles feel the burn lol!
  • Very cool....nice to meet another Andrea....:flowerforyou: I do weigh more after a workout. I am not sure why that is. Maybe a retention in water?
  • Okay so I have a question about exercise for you all.... I am kinda new to exercise and just recently got a "used" elliptical from a friend. Do you get the same benefits doing 15 min in the morning and 15 min in the afternoon as doing all of the 30 min in one session. The reason I am asking is that I can only do 15 min at…
  • Mel~ My real starting weight with MFP was 267 if you want to change it....:wink:
  • Oh good I am glad I am not the only one who does this. Sometimes I am a real space cadet! :laugh:
  • I guess I did loose from week 5. You can leave it at 251 since that was my weight this morning. I weigh myself during the week to make sure I am on I must have gotten a bit confused....sorry. The spreadsheet is awesome!
  • My current weight is 251. No loss this week...maybe inches...:ohwell:
  • I have a body bugg and love it! I dont use the program as much as I should,because I found MFP. I use the body bugg every time I work out and sometimes throughout the day. It gives wonderful feedback.
  • Wow good morning Red Team! We have some new members! Welcome! Love the idea of a spreadsheet. I have not weighed in yet this morning but will shortly. Hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy day! :flowerforyou:
  • Well I managed to do 15 min on the elliptical...Boy that was really hard work. But you guys are right it burns more calories.... Mel sorry you are so sick....being sick is no sure to take good care of yourself. Awesome job on eating well when you went out on Friday. Sometimes going out to restaurants can be very…
  • Holy Cow! We got an elliptical trainer today from a friend that could not use it anymore. And I did 10 min on the thing and felt like I was going to die! What an awsome workout! Do any of you use the elliptical?
  • Did you stay away from the freezer?? I bet you did!