
  • nl_lynx
    nl_lynx Posts: 12
    are you in WA state? i have a dear friend that lives in Benton City. your little community sounds neat! i have to travel about 30 minutes to get decent groceries. i call it my 'errands day'!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    andrea, i have to agree with mel....the more you learn about diabetes and the diet, the easier it will become. my hope is that with exercise and diet it will go away. my mom is 65 and has been type 2 diabetes since '02. she has done NOTHING to help herself. at first she was on medication, and ate like she always did, and her sugar was never controlled, always around 200, which is bad. last year she ended up in the hospital and they started her on insulin. i attended diabetic classes with her, and she understood it all, but is not living any of it. it is better controlled now, but she is still obese, does not exercise and eats awful. this is very painful for me to see, but i have now accepted that it is her choice. might i add that she also smokes. i think often, and it saddens me, what a waste. be glad that you are taking care of yourself. knowledge can be the best medicine! i truly hope that you can beat this disease! GOODLUCK!

    It is very scary at first. Idid not know what to eat,drink or what....So I had to literely take my life in my own hands and fix it..or at least I am trying. No one else was going to do it for me! :laugh: I am learning what I can eat and what I cant in terms of raising my blood sugars too high. Sometimes I learn the hard way. UGGG! Thanks for all the encouragement! :happy:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    are you in WA state? i have a dear friend that lives in Benton City. your little community sounds neat! i have to travel about 30 minutes to get decent groceries. i call it my 'errands day'!

    Yep WA state. I am in center of the state. Where it is like a desert. Very hot,dry and really no trees. And lots of snakes. I have to be careful when I go walking in the evening. YIKES! I have those "errands" day too....Today is going to be one of them....
    I know where Benton City is...nice area as well. It is about an 1 hour from where I live.
  • Lots and lots of posts to catch up on...
    Let's see...

    Jenn - I have lot of books. My mother bought them all when I was diagnosed with type1 when I was 10. But good recommendations for Andrea. And all your tips there... good for her too. Awesome. :smile: Oh and I like the icyhot recommendation to Jess. I might try that myself.

    Jess - Awesome job on the intense walk/jog! :flowerforyou: I'm hoping my workout today isn't as wimpy as yesterday, but it all depends on my ribs and how crowded the gym is (since it's going to be raining all day supposedly).

    lizagna (sorry, can't remember if you mentioned your name) - nice job on the water :flowerforyou: and I also wanted to get a HRM... eventually... when I have money. Just got a gym membership, soooo it's going to be a while before I build up enough.

    I think that's everything for now.

    Well, I'm off to wake up my brother, have breakfast, drive him to school and then I'm off to the gym. Hopefully it won't be crowded like yesterday. I don't like crowds. :ohwell:
    76 more days until school starts... YAY! :laugh:
    Oh! I bought new sneakers yesterday. Because I desperately needed them. And I'm making a monetary rewards system for me. I'm thinking $0.10 for going to the gym or doing a workout elsewhere, $0.50 for each pound lost. And I need to think of a small amount for days I don't go over my calories. I'll try it out. If I start it when i thought of it, I'm up to $0.90. haha.
    I'm still shooting for 175 by July 1st. If I make it, I'm buying myself a new book. I love books.
    Then I'm still shooting for 170 by August 1st. If I make that, well I might by myself new shoes. Because I love shoes. haha.

    I hope everyone was a wonderful wednesday!


    You should try diabetic shoes. I thought I'd never get them but omg, they're so much better than regular shoes. My doctor put arch supports in them so my back hasn't hurt in a long while, and the soles really support my feet. I haven't had blisters on tenderness on the bottom of my feet in a while. My feet also doesn't tingle and feel numb like it use to in regular sneakers.

    Most diabetic shoes cost the same amount as a good pair of sneakers too.

    that's a good website to check out for them.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Jenn - thanks for the info. My feet don't bother me (yet). I remember when I was diagnosed when I was 10 my doctors telling my parents and I that I was going to have foot problems.. not yet. :smile: I hope my feet stay ok. Because cute shoes = love. Shoes and books - that's all I need. :smile:


    Tomorrow = doctor day (well 1/2 day). More tests to make sure my liver isn't giving up with all these ridiculous drugs they've got me on. And more tests for other stuff. UGH! Why does my body and my genes suck so much? :explode: They should be pleased that I have successfully not gained 30 pounds like they told me I would when they started me on this regimen to salvage my failing kidneys temporarily. :smile: And they will be pleased (as am I) that my kidneys are holding steadily at about 65% of their functionality. YAY I'm not going to die before I go back to school! :smile: But I still need a transplant asap :ohwell: ... I just have a bit more time.
    They will not be pleased (nor am I) that I am starting with a cough. :grumble: OH NO! My ribs are going to KILL now.

    Anyway, off to go to some yardwork with my mom before it starts to rain AGAIN. I'm so sick of yucky weather. I haven't seen the sun SO LONG. :cry:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good morning red team!

    Mel - Good luck at the doctors. Hope those tests give you some good news.
    Oh, and you can send your yucky weather to me. I love the rain :laugh:
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    omg so many posts!!!
    lol well most were about diabetic stuff so i dont know anything about it lol
    well ive been doing h0rrible on my diet... yesterday my friends took me somewhere where they had apsolutely nothing healthy...
    it was a mexican taco place which only had tacos or burritos...
    so i only ate half of my burrito...
    but im paying for that right now so bad...
    well i was going to go to the gym today but i forgot my friends graduation... CRAP!
    and i got to go buy balloons and some stuff animal...
    omg am i tired...
    i think i have sleep anptia or how ever u spell it,...
    i went to bed at 4 cause i couldnt sleep double CRAP!!
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Hello Everyone.
    I was on the orginal Red team and then I have been so busy with life. Then just recently I haven't been able to get online because my computer passed away of 9 years. I just have to buy a new one. So I get on the computer when I can.

    So today I will tell you my weight is 205. I will try to keep posted and log in every day on here. Its just crazy and I am looking forward to be down with school in the next couple of days. Then I am out for the summer. So Andrea be prepared for some serious working out, SIS!!!!!
    I hope that everyone is having a good day... :smile:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Deb - Welcome back! Sorry to here about your computer! :ohwell: Oh and I added your weight in my ever-growing chart of everybody on the team. :smile: I just don't feel like posting an updated one right at this moment.

    Monique - tacos and burritos sound AMAZING right now. haha. good job on only eating half! That takes some serious will-power! :smile:

    Liz(agna) - thanks for the encouragement! :smile: It didn't end up raining so far today.... but it's just cloudy and super humid. I don't mind the rain... buuuut it's been at least 2 weeks since I've seen the sun... I miss it.
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    My dr appt went great! She was really impressed on my weight loss and progress so far. I for once walked out of the office with a smile instead of a frown! :smile: Woo Hoo!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hello Everyone.
    I was on the orginal Red team and then I have been so busy with life. Then just recently I haven't been able to get online because my computer passed away of 9 years. I just have to buy a new one. So I get on the computer when I can.

    So today I will tell you my weight is 205. I will try to keep posted and log in every day on here. Its just crazy and I am looking forward to be down with school in the next couple of days. Then I am out for the summer. So Andrea be prepared for some serious working out, SIS!!!!!
    I hope that everyone is having a good day... :smile:

    Well is about time my sister in law showed up! Welcome back! I know you have had computer problems..just giving you a hard time because I can and we are family! :laugh: I am excited for next week...we are both on Vacation!

    Bring on the workouts! :laugh:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    My dr appt went great! She was really impressed on my weight loss and progress so far. I for once walked out of the office with a smile instead of a frown! :smile: Woo Hoo!

    Yay congrats!

    Have fun on your vacation! Wanna take me with you? :laugh: I kid :tongue:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    My dr appt went great! She was really impressed on my weight loss and progress so far. I for once walked out of the office with a smile instead of a frown! :smile: Woo Hoo!

    Yay congrats!

    Have fun on your vacation! Wanna take me with you? :laugh: I kid :tongue:

    Unfortunally I am staying home...just not working! Kind of a mental vacation. I work from home and in desperate need of some "me" time. But the sun is shinning and the river looks wonderful so I cant complain! :happy:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    My dr appt went great! She was really impressed on my weight loss and progress so far. I for once walked out of the office with a smile instead of a frown! :smile: Woo Hoo!

    YAY! Congrats! That's fabulous. :smile:
  • Hello Wonderful Red Team!!
    Well, I am almost through week 1 of ChaLean Extreme. It is probably just my imagination, but I swear I am starting to see definition in my arms. :happy: After completing my 13 week running program, I have decided to take a week or so off before I incorporate it into my ChaLean Extreme routine. Then I will do the 13 week maintanence running program. Anyway, I have been very good with staying within my calorie limits and drinking my water. I was reading about the proposed challenge for the week (eating 3 servings of veggies a day) and unfortunately I will not be participating in that one! I know, I am 25 and still don't eat my veggies! I can have a salad every now and then, but that is it. Sorry gals, but I know you will all be able to do it!

    Andrea- That is awesome that you were able to leave your doctors appointment. One of these days you are going to walk into that office and they won't even recognize you! Keep up the good work!!:drinker:

    Monique- Girl your new pics are great. Nice job on only eating half of that buritto...Moderation is key! You can do this! :flowerforyou:

    Well, it looks like I am going to have to start checking this more often with all of these posts we have!! I hope everyone has/had a great workout today!!!

  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hello Wonderful Red Team!!
    Well, I am almost through week 1 of ChaLean Extreme. It is probably just my imagination, but I swear I am starting to see definition in my arms. :happy: After completing my 13 week running program, I have decided to take a week or so off before I incorporate it into my ChaLean Extreme routine. Then I will do the 13 week maintanence running program. Anyway, I have been very good with staying within my calorie limits and drinking my water. I was reading about the proposed challenge for the week (eating 3 servings of veggies a day) and unfortunately I will not be participating in that one! I know, I am 25 and still don't eat my veggies! I can have a salad every now and then, but that is it. Sorry gals, but I know you will all be able to do it!

    Andrea- That is awesome that you were able to leave your doctors appointment. One of these days you are going to walk into that office and they won't even recognize you! Keep up the good work!!:drinker:

    Monique- Girl your new pics are great. Nice job on only eating half of that buritto...Moderation is key! You can do this! :flowerforyou:

    Well, it looks like I am going to have to start checking this more often with all of these posts we have!! I hope everyone has/had a great workout today!!!


    I might have missed it but what is the ChaLean Extreme? Is it a class or a DVD?

    Thanks for the encouragement about the doctors office. We will all get there!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    is it too late to join?? this will be my week one :ohwell: My cw is 152 and gw is 125...
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    is it too late to join?? this will be my week one :ohwell: My cw is 152 and gw is 125...

    Vani, I'll stick you into my master list and on behalf on the Red Team, I welcome you.

    We weigh-in on Mondays.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    is it too late to join?? this will be my week one :ohwell: My cw is 152 and gw is 125...

    Vani, I'll stick you into my master list and on behalf on the Red Team, I welcome you.

    We weigh-in on Mondays.

    Yay, thanks! That'll give me some time to work off some of this weight. Now I feel more accountable to eat and workout this weekend so I don't have bad results :embarassed:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Updated spreadsheet due to new members & changed starting weights & stuff...

This discussion has been closed.