

  • All this extra skin. I had surgery to help with weight loss and now I have skin everywhere! I want to lose another 40 pounds or so and then I will see the surgeon about skin removal!!
  • 5ft3 SW: 211 CW: 202 GW: 160 (for now) Side note: I consider this my second coming if you will... Had bariatric surgery 4 years ago. So...original SW: 370...got down to 192...starting gaining back up to 211. Starting over now! No one is gonna give it to me so I've got to put the work/time in. Feel free to add me!
  • I had weight loss surgery almost 4 years ago. I got really sick and had some severe complications resulting in a 3 week drug-induced coma. I had to have physical therapy when I woke up. I lost 170 pounds and most of my muscle mass. While I managed to keep most of the weight off...I did notice that I was starting to gain a…
  • My friend has been going with me to the gym most days but last week she hardly came at all. On Monday of this week, she met me there and was going to leave early. She ended up staying the whole time with me (about 2 hours total) and taking a spinning class with me. She texted me after we left and said "Thanks for inspiring…
  • I do that but on a larger scale. When I reached 10 pounds lost, I treated myself to a massage. The next 10 will be something else I want or want to do. I think it is a good way to reward yourself for sticking with your goals. As long as it is something like nail polish or clothes and not food!
  • I wash my hair daily and it gets frizzy too. I use a product called It's a 10 Miracle Leave-In Conditioner. I spray it on after my hair dries and finger comb it and it takes the frizz away! It also has tons of amino acids and other good stuff for you hair in it that keep it healthy. It is medium priced (about $30 for a…
  • I had roux-en-y in June of 2008. I lost 175 pounds. I have managed to keep most of it off. I had a terrible recovery. But please don't let that stop you. This was the BEST decision of my life. My husband had the same surgery twice and he is struggling. Put most of the weight back on. I say that the hard recovery and the…
  • Burpees were called squat thrusts when I was in school. Squat down, thrust feet out into plank (or pushup) position, back to squat then stand up, and repeat. They SUCK!