

  • Just don't drink the milk with aspartame in it if you don't want it? Is that not a solution? There's clearly a market for products sweetened with aspartame to lower calories. I don't think that there is a reason to disallow it - no one is going to force you to drink the artificially sweetened milk.
  • Definitely see your doctor or a physiotherapist. They will be able to help you plan a recovery strategy and provide you with safer exercises for your knee. I have had knee issues myself, and I cannot speak to yours specifically as I am not a PT or Dr - however foam rolling my IT band has helped as well as paying attention…
  • Last week it was that (above URL) chili, delicious, only 295 calories per serving (1.25 cups), 22 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber. Keeps me full. I would have an orange and a yogurt too, but if you're wanting to be under 400…
  • I'm 5'2" and started at 210 last February. I currently weigh 167 and would be happy to be friends with any of you - I know what it is like to be where you are at in your journey (and I'm still working hard, too!) Best of hard work (not luck - because it's not luck that gets you there) to all of you, you CAN and WILL do it!
  • Wow! What a difference - you look great! Now I wish I had taken some before pictures...
  • I don't have Crohn's Disease myself, but my Dad has had it since he was 23 (so 36 years) and there are a few things that trigger flare ups for him. Pork is a big one for him - just shows how different it is for everyone. He is also lactose intolerant, which quite a few people with CD are. Taking lactaid has still allowed…
  • Gotcha, makes sense now - sorry for the confusion. Originally MFP had set me at 1200 calories - my bmr is 1641 and with activity figured in I burn approximately 2250 per day. I didn't know this though at the beginning, and while eating 1200 calories allowed me to lose a few pounds my weight loss did end up stalling. Once I…
  • May I ask why you're upping your calories if you are still trying to lose? Sorry, I'm just a little bit confused.. :)
  • Tampon + Panty Liner I have tried those cup type things (not Diva Cup but Instead) and I can't seem to get them positioned right, they seem huge to me, lol. I think though that they would be great if I could figure it out. Alas, for now a tampon and panty liner work just fine!
  • This
    in Do you??? Comment by shirsch52 May 2012
  • I love the Oikos brand, fat free or not. I hate Liberte (it's almost gritty.. it's weird) and Krema (it looked like cottage cheese and wasn't spoiled.. gross). I always get plain and add my own honey. I think it's better to be in control of the sugar being added! Plus it tastes better!
  • I had thought I read somewhere that it was recommended to eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass... but I could be mistaken about that.. someone help me out! I try to eat 30% of my daily calories from protein. I don't eat tonnes of meat as it is just because I don't like it too much - but I'll eat it once…
  • I try to do 45C / 30P / 25F; that said I usually end up around 50C / 30P / 20F - and things still all work out. I just have a hard time getting those carbs down because I LOVE my fruit!
  • My mother in law does this all of the time - it totally works!!