Hannesfit Member


  • Too Funny. Although I must say you are only supposed to wear the Yoga pants when actually doing Yoga....You're sexy jeans should be letting you in on a clue if your expanding ;)
  • It all starts in the Kitchen! I Make a grocery list every time. Plan my HEALTHY meals ahead of time so that I'm not tempted to buy things that aren't good for us. I have made it a habit to check the nutrition facts on everything. After studying these overtime you will learn what is healthy and what isn't. It has to become…
  • I too had the app. My last run was three days before my first ever 5K. Just under 30 minutes and It was amazing. Then I got fell off the wagon a little bit. I have a very active job and I haven't taken time to run lately. Just sporadically here and there. Think I might have to download this app again. ENJOY!! And Don't…
  • thanks everyone....lot of great take aways. I did make the mistake of weighing myself about 30 mins after supper and i had at least a liter of water drank by then. And i did have a high sodium intake the day before. I didn't let it get to me at all. I got right up this morning and got to work :) your the best ladies thanks…
  • wow i did a little research then checked my measurments.....lost 1.5inches on waist and 2 inches on hips...OK I FEEL BETTER :)
  • ok so for breakfast today I had potato, onion and pepper egg scramble, a small glass of milk and a piece of wheat toast....total calories 292 and i feel much better than if i had only eaten the piece of fruit and the yogurt. I'm going to save those for my mid morning snack. Thanks again all.
  • same here, I'm always right at or even over on my protein most days.
  • I guess I'll have to become a morning eater and get that better breakfast in.........THANKS ALL FOR YOUR HELP HEATHER
  • Thanks all! I feel so alive this week. All the exercise and eating right feels great. I even fought through my first obstacle this morning when my son woke up in the middle of my work out. I got right back into it and finished all 45 minutes YEAH ME :)
  • Veggie straws. Baked potato, carrot and spinach sticks. very good.
  • i totally cried too. my son is only three and the other day he smacked me on the butt and said "i smacked your fat butt" and ran off laughing. at first i shrugged it off. until he later asked me if my belly was fat with a baby in it!!!!!!!!!! you go girl!!! here's to mommy's boys!!!!