pandakitti Member


  • I absolutely cannot believe how inconsiderate some people are!! I had a lady (very slim lady)tell me once that I was too fat...I promptly told her that I might be fat but she was ugly and at least I could change the way I look......might not have been very nice but sure felt good! You are a gorgeous young lady...and you…
  • I tried it and actually lost 50lbs. I still have more weight to loose so now I'm counting calories and fat...
  • My husband "helped" me de-flea a cat once she managed to get away and fly over shoulder onto my back, to almost make her great escape...only to be stopped in her tracks...on my him holdine her tail and saying to me "I've got her!!" I will take washing my three dogs any day of the week to that again!!!
  • I also measure/weigh pretty much everything, when I "eye" it it turns into a 16oz t-bone!!
  • My husband recently quit smoking, and gained 10 lbs, he now weighs 15 lbs more than me....been awhile since I could say that...
  • thank you!!
  • I joined this site almost a year ago and love it!! I finally decided to stop lurking:blushing: