

  • So I just attemped my first day of week 4 on this program earlier this week and it literally kicked my tail! Tonight I am going to try again and I'm hoping that it won't be as difficult! When I first started, I was scared of week 2 but it seems like every time I get to my 3rd or 4th run on a week it is better. It is kinda…
  • I'm on week 3 of C25K! I should be on week 4 but changed things up last week and decided to do a few more days of week 3 before I moved to week 4! I'll start week 4 this weekend! I'm loving it so far. Last week I tested myself and was able to run .8 without having to walk. My goal is be able to run a mile without stopping…
  • I'm in again and hoping to stay plugged in this month! Last month I lost 3lbs, not altogether bad considering the bout of strep throat but didn't meet the challenge. SW: 201
  • I want in on this! Please add me as a friend if you'd like, I'm newer to the website and need the accountability/motiviation! I gained this weight myself, lost 65lbs two years ago, and am now determined to pick-up where I left off and win this battle once and for all!
  • I dropped off of this challenge for a while after I got strep throat! I have lost 3lbs (as of last Friday), so we'll see what my weight loss is this week! I'm hoping to participate in another challenge and hopefully staying motivated/healthy throughout the challenge time period!
  • I'm newer to this site as well but really excited about what it has to offer!
  • Girl, I feel ya! Way to stay motivated! I've been needing to get plugged in to this site too! I struggle to stay motivated especially with a husband who doesn't have the same motivation or desire to lose the extra lbs! Way to go!
  • I think you can definitely see some changes!!! Keeping going, you are doing so GREAT! Congrats on all you've accomplished so far!
  • Day 3: It's been a hectic one! I'm looking forward to a jog tonight! My husband and I are then heading to a high school football game tonight and then back to my college for some Fightin Texas Aggie Football tomorrow! It's going to be a great weekend with lots of eating and exercising challenges. We are prepping for the…
  • First two days have been difficult as I am getting sick with some form of a throat infection. I am happy to say that although I did very minimal exercise yesterday, I did manage to eat well. I went out to dinner with my husband and mother-in-law and bypassed the fried chicken and chicken fried steak and a myriad of…
  • Awesome! Way to go! I'm hoping to be doing that soon!
    in A mile! Comment by Jalah September 2010
  • I'm in! I'm new to the site but am trying to make good use of the resources and accountability available! September Starting Weight - 204 Goal Weight - 199