Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • Ok so, count me in too. I have a wedding tomorrow so I may start officially on Saturday if i can get away with that.
  • ammayse
    ammayse Posts: 15 Member
    I am in!!!!

    Starting Weight: 144lbs
    Goal Weight: 139lbs
  • ammayse
    ammayse Posts: 15 Member
    I am in!!!!

    Starting Weight: 144lbs
    Goal Weight: 139lbs
  • Jalah
    Jalah Posts: 14
    First two days have been difficult as I am getting sick with some form of a throat infection. I am happy to say that although I did very minimal exercise yesterday, I did manage to eat well. I went out to dinner with my husband and mother-in-law and bypassed the fried chicken and chicken fried steak and a myriad of fattening food and went for the veggie platter!

    I really hope I get to feeling better so I can workout more. I am going to try to jog after work tonight!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Holiday weekend coming up... I must remind myself to be aware of what and when I am eating.

    Planning to take lots of fruits and veggies along with water, water, water. I tend to always have something to drink in my hand on these weekends but it's usually soda or beer, gonna be water this year.

    Family Biggest Loser challenge ends on Friday. We started on Christmas (I weighed 220) the plan was; 2 weigh-ins, one on Friday of Memorial Day weekend and the other on Friday of Labor day weekend. I did crappy from Christmas to Memorial day, I lost a total of 11 lbs (209). My brother-in-law won the first phase (which by the way is $25 from each person to the winner, 7 contestants total= $150.00 to the winner of each phase). Looking forward to tomorrow... pretty sure I will take this phase, I am down a total of 32 lbs (15%) since Memorial day (14 weeks). YAHOOOOOO! Sure will be fun to have a $$$ reward to go with the reward of pride, accomplishment and feeling good about myself!!!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    OnMyWeigh....what a great idea. I am sure you will do great on your checkin tomorrow. Way to plan for your holiday weekend as well.

    I am planning to exercise alot this weekend as it will be just me and the kiddos. I see lots of bike rides, pool and walks in our future over the next four days. I am also going to watch really close what I eat to ensure I stay on track as I only have 3 weeks to hit a personal goal of 20 gone by the time BF gets home from military training. I am determined to make it!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Happy Labor Day weekend all!! Hubbys job close early and so we are on the road to the Ozarks til Monday. I have my scale so I can weigh in tomorrow and I have plenty of water. Enjoy your weekend and see ya briefly tomorrow and I'll be back in full force Monday.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well, kinda redeemed myself today with burning 1008 calories today....not quite the whole lunch calories yesturday but close.....Someone entered on my topic about the 400+ grams of fat in the italian nachos I had yesturday --they entered that it was really more like 40-45.....I sure hope so......but I won't be ordering those again any time soon.....but GOD ARE THEY GOOD!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well my day didn't go as planned.....yet.

    I am off work today, so I went out & finished C25K day 3/wk4 with ease! :bigsmile: So happy that I'll be moving on to week 5 now! Yay! I still need to start those torso twists, but I figured I can do them when I'm camping all weekend.

    Then my date with the hot cop was to go boating when he got off work today @ 2pm. However here it is almost 5pm & he's still @ work. He is caught waiting for the D.O.T. to relieve him from directing traffic from a major water main break on the highway. He called me awhile ago & apologized & felt really bad. But its not his fault...goes with the job. So I don't think we're going out on the river now. :cry: So we'll have to see what he comes up with when he gets here! I'm sure no matter when he gets here we will have a great time. Maybe next time he can take me boating. :ohwell:

    I'll check in with you all when I get back from my camping weekend. Here's to good choices for the holiday weekend! :drinker:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    good luck on your date kintegra

    well weighed in and still at 170 today still have not recovered the damage from TOM but we are getting there... played the wii for an hour last night and got a pretty good nights sleep : )
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    We're in the middle of a heat wave here, so I haven't exercised in the last 2 days. I heard sports practices being cancelled on the radio, so I figure I must be allowed to slack off too... However, the radio did not say I was allowed to eat a chocolate bar and party mix tonight! ACK! I have been craving junk all day, and managed to avoid the mid-afternoon binge by eating an orange and almonds, but this evening did not go so well...

    Off to bed! DH wants the 'puter...
  • blaqueamazon
    blaqueamazon Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. Starting 199.2
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Here's to another month! :drinker:

    I have family coming in this week. My daughter and family arrived Monday and have now moved over to her in-laws for the rest of the week. :ohwell: But our oldest son is coming in hopefully tomorrow night, late. :happy:

    My weight loss has slowed down a lot, but I think that's because I'm nearing my adjusted goal. I'll keep working at it.

    Randi, I like the familybiggestloser game you got going. What a great idea.

    Okay, gotta go and clean house for next kids to arrive. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and keep it safe.

  • My mini challenge this week was to workout 45 mins x 3 in addition to my regularly scheduled weekend workouts: 60 mins x 2 on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

    I've done 55 mins x 3.

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    didn't exercise today and had a kitkat bad day. tomorrow will be better! : ) sunday i want to start c25k if things work out well enough between hubby and my schedual
  • Swoopette
    Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
    missed the Weigh in. Hopefully will remember to do a weigh in for October and see you there :)
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    off to bed : ) ON TIME!!!! yay planning for a walk bright and early in the morning when i wake up since i went over my callories today haha
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Heading out for another hopefully great workout after I drop the kids off....starting to cool off here.....going to be in the low 70's on Sat but then back in the mid 80's for the week....Hopefully Labor Day will be nice since we are all off.....we are having a little cookout here at home.....have a great day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    My 1st 2 days werent too bad, got most of my exercising in and the eating was fine. Tonight Im going out for dinner to celebrate some birthdays and we're going to the Olive Garden. I did go on and check out the menu & nutritional info so I know what to order and still be ok. Holiday weekend coming up and that means bbq's! But I have decided that we'll be eating chicken or fish on the grill, no bbq sauce or that kind of thing. My DH is also tring to lose but hasn't joined this site, yet! Good luck to all of you!

    We can ALL do this!!!!! Have a great weekend :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    missed the Weigh in. Hopefully will remember to do a weigh in for October and see you there :)
    Never too late......weigh in and go from here!
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