acpatts Member


  • You need to be tracking your measurements as well. Muscle takes up less room than fat so you may get to a point where the amount of fat you are losing is about the amount of muscle you are gaining - which leads to no change on the scale but a smaller you if you are checking your measurements. You may also need to change…
  • You need to remember this is a journey. You can't expect people to do a 180 overnight and follow your rules. Many people find making the small changes first is a better way to stick to a plan long term. And either way you need to applaud the fact people are trying, not break them down for not doing it perfectly or doing it…
  • I try to log everything. Seeing it in black and white is a real wake up call.
  • My family is somewhat supportive. They don't change what they are eating but will make an effort to have something healthy available for me if I ask. My husband is good about either not bringing bad stuff home, or hiding it from me when he does. At the end of the day it is your own journey. Just because its there doesn't…
  • Sometimes they don't realize they are not helping. Most of my family members are overweight. As am I, but I am still smaller than a lot of them. So even though I am overweight they think I am too small and in an effort to "help" they try to feed me. Add to the fact a lot of the older members of the family refuse to see me…
  • They are part of being a new mom. I had some from excessive weight gain, got more from baby number 1, and I am getting even more from baby number 2. Although most of the ones I am getting with baby number 2 look like extensions of the ones I had from baby number 1. I found keeping your skin moisturized and not gaining baby…