Support from your family

Do your family members support you in reaching your goals or make it harder? I'm trying to convince my husband not to buy any fast food, crisps and not to eat them in front of me. There is a little progress so far but not as big as I would like.


  • My mum and brother are supportive and my dad isn't supportive at all.

    The house is full of chocolate, pringles, cakes, just everything I struggle to resist! Even the supportive members of my family still buy this stuff and it tempts me so much! x
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    My husband and lab, Sam (dog) eat fast food about 2 X a month. They eat it in front of me. They also eat cookies, ice cream and other assorted treats in front of me. But I am the one that has changed my eating habits. It is important to me that I get healthy. My husband is thin, has no issues with sugar. So, I am not going to make him change his whole life because I need to get healthy and lose weight. This is my thing and I don't see it as "not supporting me" if he eats things that I now choose not to eat. It was hard at first, but now? If I even smell a McDonald's cheese burger it makes me sick.

    Decide how badly you want to eat healthy and then you will do it. Good luck! :drinker:
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    My thing is that this your journey not there's. Why do they have to get rid of the junk because of your temptation. I eat gluten free but i'm not going to make my whole family eat gluten free. I have two lactose kids and I love dairy so i'm not going to not buy it.

    My family and husband fully supports me. I'm home with the kids during this Christmas vacation and my husband either goes to work later so I can take a early class at the gym or I leave as soon as he gets home so I can go to the gym. I'm starting a half marathon training program today and last night sat down with my husband and said that i'll need his support. My last 10K he broght me sneakers and workout clothes as a gift.

    On the other hand My husband also eatswhatever he wants: fast food, soda, candy bars. I don't mind that he brings in the house and sometimes we go to lunch and eat fast food and we split up. He gets his burger and fries and i'll get a salad and then we eat together. I have no desire to eat that stuff but if I wanted it i'll get it. Mcdonalds here have gluten free bread for burgers and every now and then i'll eat it.

    I hope they support you as far as encouraging you but when eating your always going to be faced with temptations. You have a choice and the choice is yours.
  • lirr10185
    lirr10185 Posts: 37 Member
    My husband has never had weight issues and can watch me work out and lose a couple pounds. With that said, he refuses to eat the same things as me. When he sees me eating something healthy, he is almost guaranteed to say it looks disgusting. I do all the cooking so I still have to make these delicious meals and cannot join him. I have to chew gum while I cook just so the smell won't do me in. Its hard but I just try to stay focused and allow myself a cheat day so I don't feel completely left out.
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    My husband is destructive to my progress. He constantly wants to go out and eat and it is typically fast food. I have gotten to the point where I refuse to go get it for him and I make sure I cook something for myself.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    kind of. My husband was semi on board and now hes not. Hes supportive but not on board. My parents, more my mom are not one way or the other. I brought my own food to their house for Christmas and she made a comment. Ya know what though? I look at it this way- when i go on vacation with them next summer and im rockin a string bikini and shes in a cover up- well its because i busted my *kitten*.
  • AtlantaWriter
    AtlantaWriter Posts: 91 Member
    This is a difficult one, Jurce. Since we're supposed to be eating healthier (not just be on some crash diet), it would seem logical to have our families eat healthier too. After all, we want them to be healthy as well, right? But it doesn't always work that way. Families (especially husbands) are going to pretty much eat as they want. So my suggestion is to have your own food on hand for when your husband is eating something that looks good. You don't have to eliminate all those foods like crisps, either. I eat what we call "chips" over here because I love them, but I only eat a small portion (10 at a time, usually with a sandwich). I also adapt recipes to make them less caloric. I make my own salad dressing using light mayonnaise and shave off about 100 calories a serving. I know it's hard to do this by yourself, but you can do it! And we're all behind you! Go to some of the blogs here and read what others are doing as well. Best of luck!
  • My husband does try to support me but only within his limits. What I mean is when I want to go on my elliptical he wants me to snuggle and watch tv. Stuff like that. But I see it as a challenge more then as a destructive force. Society will try to derail us. If we can resist the pressure from within our own families it makes us stronger to resist society.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    My husband and lab, Sam (dog) eat fast food about 2 X a month. They eat it in front of me. They also eat cookies, ice cream and other assorted treats in front of me. But I am the one that has changed my eating habits. It is important to me that I get healthy. My husband is thin, has no issues with sugar. So, I am not going to make him change his whole life because I need to get healthy and lose weight. This is my thing and I don't see it as "not supporting me" if he eats things that I now choose not to eat. It was hard at first, but now? If I even smell a McDonald's cheese burger it makes me sick.

    Decide how badly you want to eat healthy and then you will do it. Good luck! :drinker:

    Quoting for wisdom - this lady has a handle on it - listen to her!!

    I don't expect my family to accomodate me 100% of the time. If my husband wants McDonald's, then he can have it. If I go to my in-laws and they are serving something very high calorie, I don't eat too much of it. WE are the ones responsible for ourselves. Learning to work your intake level/diet around a variety of situations is part of making a lifestyle change.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    I get more verbal support than actual support; like so many others he doesn't think he needs "improvement" :laugh: But to get any support is helpful. You just have to realize you are doing this for your own physical well-being & to enjoy the moments of your life.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    My boyfriend has been supportive of my efforts, but has not changed his eating habits. In comes the soda and the candy every week. Sometimes bags of it. I've had to learn portion control and how to stay out of his side of the apartment where he stores it.

    I cannot demand that he not bring these items into the house. He is my boyfriend, not my child. And in the end, this is my decision, not his. It's hard at first, but after a few times of over-eating on junk food and realizing I've squandered my calories (and not wanting to be miserable with hunger later trying to keep at goal), it got easier to stay out of it all.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    My boyfriend eats entire pizzas in front of me. It doesn't bother me. I'm trying to change my habits, not his. The world is not going to change just because you are, so we have to learn to live with temptation. I think the amount of temptation around me(my boyfriends eating habits plus working in fast food) has actually helped me more than it has hurt me.

    With that being said, my boyfriend is very supportive of me. He never tries to talk me into eating things, and when I do eat junk he never questions or shames me. I doubt he would be as supportive if I told him not to bring chips into the house. He'd probably pack my suitcase :laugh:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    It's nice to know that the general consensus here is it is OUR journey, not theirs. I've had to say no while DH sits on the couch and eats cookies and ice cream and bags of potato chips, and crackers and cheese.

    And yes, I believe that my husband should adopt my healthy eating habits, but he'll only go so far. I am aiming at about 80% vegan. We both don't use olive oil or salt for "regular" cooking. He has agreed to eat lots more salads and veggie dishes with me in addition to his regular food and glasses of wine. Although he has noticed that he can't handle heavy Mexican food any more like he used to,or eat large amounts of meat anymore like his own 16 ounce T-bone or slab of baby back ribs. So yea!! But I buy him sugary treats now and then but he'll buy the bags of potato chips. I told him I will not buy him regular supplies of junk food or wine any more.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Your trying to force your husband to restrict what he eats? Good luck with that one.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    I don't care so much what food is in the house. Their food choices are theirs, and my food choices are mine. My mom does the food shopping, and if there's not enough healthy food in the house, I'll go out and buy salad or seafood and cook something healthy for myself to eat throughout the week.

    What gets me are negative comments. My mom is obese and I am a healthy weight. I work out and she doesn't. She's taken it upon herself to inform the rest of the family that I have an eating disorder and my gym time is ruining my body. She is hateful and nasty and mean when she says these things, and they come out of the blue. If she were worried about me and approached this like she loved me - by taking me aside and opening a one to one dialogue, I might feel differently. But her comments are downright rude. It's putting a big strain on our relationship.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My husband is really supportive most of the time. He eats the healthy meals I cook. If he wants to have a snack later I don't mind. We don't usually buy crisps/biscuits/cakes etc. If we want something like a cake then we make it ourselves. My husband makes pancakes sometimes and I just don't eat one. He's ordered pizza a couple of times over the past few months and I didn't eat any at all.

    When I visit my parents they always have healthy food. My mum always asks me what i want her to buy. She always makes healthy food anyway.
  • acpatts
    acpatts Posts: 6 Member
    My family is somewhat supportive. They don't change what they are eating but will make an effort to have something healthy available for me if I ask. My husband is good about either not bringing bad stuff home, or hiding it from me when he does. At the end of the day it is your own journey. Just because its there doesn't mean you have to eat it. The whole world is filled with food your shouldn't eat. You cant close down every fast food place just because you don't want some. With my husband I have found drawing a parallel to something he likes helps, i.e. I remind him that me taking the kids so he can work out or hang out with friends is on the same level as him not eating fast food in front of me all the time.
  • Jurce
    Jurce Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for sharing your thoughts with me!!!! :) I do agree this is my journey. However, I want my husband to be healthy and fit and in future when we have kids, I want them to have a good example from both parents. Sometimes when you don't know something, you don't realize how good or bad it is. So I learn myself and share new things with my hubby:) We are together in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.........:) Good luck everyone!!!!!!:)
  • dcerna62
    dcerna62 Posts: 45 Member
    My parents invite my husband, children and I out for dinner but they always choose the unhealthiest places. They know I'm dieting and It drives me nuts. I feel bad for declining all the time but I've mentioned so many times that I'm trying to lose weight. My husband is always snacking and eating whatever he wants. He tells me to try something and if I say no, he gets upset. I remind him that I'm dieting but it's like he doesnt care. It's hard to diet when you don't have the support of your family.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Do your family members support you in reaching your goals or make it harder? I'm trying to convince my husband not to buy any fast food, crisps and not to eat them in front of me. There is a little progress so far but not as big as I would like.

    they don't intend to, but they sabotage you the whole way. I think my husband would go into shock if he had anything but fast food and soda, even if I make a nice healthy dinner, he'll find some way. load up on ice cream after or something. and of course, hes tall and skinny. my in laws... they know i'm trying to lose weight, even showed them an eating schedule I was thinking of, but if I don't eat like two full dinner plates of something, which I don't, they get offended and god help me. so, they make it harder. me and people on here, and my baby, that's my support group.